I l l IM*CN«M Ml/ Vintage CL'lbiny Jn<' Collectibles 420 Pearl Si Eugene, OR 9/401 6B6 9240 Bakker trial unveils more scandal (HARinrri \< i.M’i I■'rt v I .dwell <>if<-11■ million in fines d i on vh ted on all 2-t counts of fraud and conspiracy I a!well, founder of the now defunct Moral Majority, took over I’l l, in l‘)H7 after Bakker resigned in the scandal involv ing I fahn. Messner testified that the oi ler to Bakker from I'alrvell in r hided a maid, a security guard and telephone expenses if Bak her "kepi his mouth shut Messner said Bakker wrote at the bottom of the piece of pa pier "I'm not making any de mands on I’ll, I m not asking for any thing It yvus not immediately ( lear whether Bakker turned down the alleged offer Messner yyas not questioned further about the matter Mark DeMoss. a I'ahvell spokesman, said in a telephone interview that Messner was mistaken file offer at tually yy.is a demand front Bakker i)e Moss said Indwell dispatched Messner to Balm Springs. Halit to talk to Bakker. but he carried no of for DeMoss said Messner re turned with a handwritten list of demands on the pink station erv of Bakker s yy ife Tammy . I H’Moss said DeMoss said Bakkei s de mauds included hospital instil ant e. Bakker's S.:t00.000 annua salary for lift-. Tammy Hakker SI00.000 annual salary for life royalties on inspirational hook and recordings made by the Bakkers. secretary and maid snrviic for .t year, use of a South Carolina lakefront housi and furniture and attorneys fees 'Simply put. the items Roe Messner testified that Ke\ |-'aI well sent him out to offer link ker were items that Bakker re quested and Messner presented to Rev Indwell.” DeMoss said "I would like to think Roe just forgot the sequence of events Messner testified that he ban died the $21)5.000 payment to Ms Hahn. He said he was called by Richard Dortc h. PTI.'s executive vice president on fell 2 1. 1085. Dortch told Messner that it he didn't pay a woman from New York $265,000 then she would go to The Charlotte Oh server with allegations that Bakker raped her five days lat er. Messner said, he wired the $265,000 to an account number in California that was given to him by Dortch Messner said he asked Dorti h it Bakker knew about the pay men! He said Dortch replied "No. fin acting on my own Messner said he agreed to make the payment in part he cause the Assemblies of Cod was named as the potential pat tv in a lawsuit threatened In Ms Hahn "I didn't think the church ought to he dragged into this im idenl Messnei said. HlllllllllllllllltllllllllHIIIimilllllllllllltllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIII Stretch your dollars bv using coupons from IIMIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIII —UO-Bookstore— ISHARP CALCULATORS SHARP EL-520 Scientific Calculator LIST 29 95 21.95 • No battery needed SHARP Scientific Calculator EL-509A List 24 95 16.95 • Std deviation • Summation • Stat functions • Calculus * Trig functions SHARP Scientific Calculator EL-531 List 1995 14.95 • 4 Key memory • Statistics and trigonometry • Calculus. 8 digit display • Textbook included SHARP Financial Calculator EL-733 List 49 99 ssl 34.95 * Computes amortization, interest ► 20 memories ► Serves 2 variable statistics ► Linear regression * Bond yield analysis ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT