Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 26, 1989, Page 7, Image 7

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    University appoints top officials
1 11.* t 'm\<>rsit\ tuts appointed
lop lt‘vi’1 otlit i.ils in the gradu
.tli' si hoot and provost's offii e
Kenneth Kamsing bet nmes
dt'.tn ol the graduate school tor
19811 ‘III. offer live immediately
lie tins been acting dean since
Jills 1«IH7
A professor ol dei ision si i
eni es in Itle (iollege ol Husi
ness Administration. Kamsing
joined that fa( tills in I'll.'. I le
holds a bar tielor s decree front
Oregon Slate t'niversilv and a
master ot business admiuistra
lion and doctoral degrees from
the 1 niversits
' ‘President Ms les brand and
I are grateful to ken for ltis
ss illingness In i onlimie pros id
illg tile pets pei live es peril1 nee
and judgment the l'niversils
needs as vve plan lor future
graduate and professional edu
i alion." said Norman Wessells
I biivorsitv provost and s i< e
president foi ai ademii affairs
Oerald kisslei assumes the
ness post ot senior vine provost
for planning and re sou n es on
Nos 1 Isissler currently is vice
8:00 P.M.
provost for planning and •<< a
demit program development .it
the I'niversils of ( .ilitorm.i
I .ns Angeles
"kisslei s selection resulted
from .1 national scan h that at
trat toil a large number of o\
trerneU talented i andidales
Wessells said "During his in
\ ears at I t I A lie w as e\i ep
tinnalk sui i essful in providing
IimcIimship th.tt I ■sultfd in the
ili-vt-lnpmi-nl nl n>-u intrrilisi i
plin.irv prognnm .mil in .it
tr.nting gritnl rtiom-v from
liiumi.itiims .mil ti-ili-i.il .igi-n
i ics
A native of tin- I’.n itii Ninth
west, Nissli-r i-.imi-il .1 ilin lin.il
degree in i-\|n-i itm-iit.il psv
( hnlogy trum Washington State
t iii\ i-iMh in PIT I
( ontinucri from Pagr 1
i I'cilcil I lie limit hhis method
n! proving the numlict of kills
.ilso is being questioned by
i onserv.itiomsls I'licir ( mu cm
tomes from the possibilit\ that
hunters will not claim the true
amimnt i>1 kills
The I 'mlfil Stales I Jepart
metil nt Agrit ulture loresl Ser
vit e nov\ will handle the ap
prill ll ll.is 1(1 <l,i\s In rrspimij
I he ili’p.irlmrnl h.is two
I linn rs It in.IS i Iiiiiisi' III tulllll
I l U s ill’siiv .mil in .ill liir
primil until imlhi’i ii’mmh h
i .111 In- i uniliit Ini .is in llu
ll ni< > ii 111 ill i oug.irs r\ist in tIn
lori'sts in it m.is (.hiHisr lii ig
nun' tin’ .ippi-.il ss ltii h will mi
(Ii)iiliti’ills prompt lurtht’i li’g.il
.ii tii>it mi thr p.irt ut ( i W
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