Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 26, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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    Cycling Club meets in EMU tonight
Mountain and road bike
riders are invited to an orga
ni/ational meeting of the l'.\
i ling (.lob. tonight at 7:.it) in
tfie I-Ml' Walnut Room \I1
_Et als_
are welcome For more infor
mation cont.ii t (.Ini) Sports
or (iuy (eftress at U87-7i.'»ftM
Incidental Fee Committee
is holding a hearing tonight
at 7 in KMC Cenlurv Room
The Navigators, a non do
nornination.il t Christian
group, meets tonight at
Strauli Room l"i4 for a (tihle
stiulx (Contact Marla
Alteberv at tiH7-M~7 tot
more information.
Survival (enter meets to
night at 7 )0 in KM I' Suite t
Returning members ami oth
ers re.ulv for environmental
ai lion are welcome Contact
ifriall Hoop at (jflti 4.t5ti toi
more information
Does your organi/ation
have a meeting, lecture or
something else going on? It
•in. take advantage of the free
Ort'gon Ihuli Enwntld Ft als
nilmmi Deadline for submit
ting Ft .il- to the Emerald
front desk KMt1 Suite UK) is
noon the din before puhlii.i
lion Ft ids ,ire run the dm ot
the event unless the event oi -
curs before noon
Fvents w itfi ,i donation or
admission charge will not be
considered. Campus events
and those m heduled nearest
the publication date will la
given prioritv i'he Fmenild
reserves the right to edit no
tii.es tor grammar and sts It*.
C ontiniu*d from Pam* I
Hunter's involvement in po
litii <i] and (<>inmiimt\ .it 11\ ities
have provided her with a
strong knowledge ol pot it u s
and group processes, which
will benefit her contribution to
the ASl'() she said
Along with her politic.d
background. Hunter has a
strong sense of the Kugene
communitv and the important
role of the I'mversitv in the
"The t 'niversitv is a big part
ol the i ommunitv image ol Ku
gene and Springfield and it's
also a i ommunit\ within it
self '' she said
As for her own personal
goals. Hunter said she hopes to
see a continuation of the pro
grams and activities provided
inr students She . 11 si i hopes
th.it students will work to mill
.lie nev\ programs th.it .ire not
i urrenth provided but would
benefit (lie universitv . she s.iid
I have sensed a re.il i inn
mitmenl from students to tr\ to
implement programs that are
important to them said Hunt
er I like that honest \ and
i oinnutment to ideals
Hunter said she would like to
see the i outinu.ition ot strong
support for student groups hv
the ASl'O. and she is positive
the ASl'O will continue to
work tor the benefit ol the slu
dent groups when setting their
Also, she said she hopes the
I ft I will i out nine to hand le
money responsibly u hen land
int; I In- important programs hu
students sill' s,li(l
Although vile is new In the
I im its it v .mil tiie AM '()
liuntlT s.llil sill' Is empT Id lie
i min' involved in the quills id
the t'\rt utivi' off it ers .mil the
l 'nivttrsil\ .is .1 u hull'
She is i eit.iiii the Irameyvork
nl the A St () .mil her personal
diverse h.ii kground in politics
u ill .t I low her to make a
smooth transit mu mtn the part
nt the university community
she said
'' It s nice tn lie li.n k nil a Mill
versity i ampiis said I liinler
I'm still learning all the I'm es
hut I'm mmiK In enjoy it here
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