Bathroom Sex Continued from page 2 waiting my turn — and there were eight stalls.” What happens in these bathrooms9 Everything from voyeurism to anal sex Sometimes men will have sex in a stall together, but Dave said, “That's danger ous " There are less risky and more subtle ways to have sex, he said First, there are “glory holes” drilled through stall walls. These are big enough for voyeurs to watch someone masturbat mg in the next stall while they them selves masturbate. The holes also are big enough for a man to insert his penis for anonymous oral or anal sex Smaller holes are drilled solely for voyeurs and men who want to pass notes to set up future dates. Sometimes no holes are necessary, the walls of the stall are high enough off the ground that two r 'I 1990. Your year in Europe. Complete your education with a semester or a year in Europe while fulfilling university requirements Live in a dynamic seaside or mountain setting in Spain or France, or in one of Italy s most exciting economic centers Fully accredited courses transfer to your university international business and economics program — Italy Intensive language courses — Spanish. French. Italian. Basque Anthropology, history, political science, education, economics, art and more Expenenced Amencan and European faculty Financial aid and scholarships Spnng. summer, or fall semesters Make 1990 your y«ar in Europe. Write or call now for your information packet Dr Carmelo Urza University of Nevada Reno Reno. Nevada 89557 0012 (702) 784-6569 USBC Coosortram A project of seven universities men can have sex right underneath them This is common in the first floor bathroom of UFs Music Building. Although Dave speaks matter of factly about his past, he isn't proud of it “I don't know anyone who finds it tasteful or aes thetically pleasing," he said "1 was just really screwed up at the time." Being gay in this society is tough enough, Dave said. Being a freshman on a new campus is even tougher Secret bathroom sex is easy compared to coming out of the closet and trying to establish a gay relationship in a not-verv-tolerant straight world “A lot of it is freshmen — a lot of them think that's all there is, "Dave said “They want to have gay sex and then hang out with their straight friends " That attitude makes many mature gays mad, said Jason, a bisexual who once worked for UF. Jason, m his early 30s, said he has never and never will engage in bathroom sex “That slutting out does no good at all for the gay community," he said. “No mat ter how lacking in outlets a small town is for gays, you've got to have your bottom line that you won't go below." Jason has a personal crusade of sorts against bathroom sex Last year, he tried to talk with some of the regulars he saw “I’m waiting for someone to step forward with data and say this (bathroom sex) is w hat exists. I don’t even know if anyone has that information.” — Robert Gutekunst, UF Task Force on AIDS walking around campus It’s easy for Jason to spot the regulars, and it’s not just because he’s gay All it takes is some attention to detail Why is a student read ing the bulletin board outside the bath If you have anorexia or bulimia, you’ve got our respect We know that sounds strange But over and over again, we hear about other pro grams that treat individuals with anorexia and bulimia, as though they were children Forcing them to eat Taking away personal possessions Deriving them freedom At The Renfrew Center, we respect the people who stay here And that respect is ► the basis for one of the -0. 4| programs in the country Where people actively participate everyday in their treatment Planning menus. Setting goals And working with an expert medical and psychological staff to help gain back their self res pcct The Renfrew Center, the first residential treatment facili ty exclusively for women with anorexia and bulimia, is located on 27 most innovative, progressive and comprehensive eating disorder THE*** RENFREW CENTER s secluded acres and accepts most major insurance policies JCA1 lO approved ► 475 Spring Lane, Philadelphia, I’A 19128 • 1-800-334-8415 SMITH CORONA “Crossword Challenge” ACROSS 1 Draft-beer component ft Computer ter nunal. for »hort H ]iu»hfol 11 Feed the kitty 12 “Stop, w, t(. 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How long does it Lake someone to wash his hands? What is someone doing strolling into Peabody Hall on a Saturday or Sunday? Jason believes some of the sexually confused students who have bathroom sex would stop if they knew about the options. The problem, he said, is convinc ing them to forgo immediate gratification for the slower process of making gay friends. What makes bathroom sex even more peculiar to the straight population is the age of the participants. Many times, a 17 year-old freshman will have anonymous ' sex with a 40- or 50-vear-old man. Older men were a large part of Dave’s bath room-sex experiences. Younger gays sneer at these older men. Dave calls them “toads.’’Jason calls them “trolls.” Jason sees the trolls taking advantage of the confused freshmen who don’t realize what they are getting them selves into. Then, there are students who know what they are into but don’t know how to stop Some are fraternity mem bers. At the Northern university where Dave attended classes. Greeks made up a large part of the bathroom-sex circuit. “Most of the people had Greek letters on," he said Jason has seen many fraternity mem hers cruise Peabody and Library East. He said they are terrorized of being discov ered “You’d be amazed at the number of fraternity brothers who do it and then go back to the house and ride around in a van screaming ‘Fags' on the streets,” Jason said. “It’s very hypocritical" One 34-year-old Gainesville man who cruises campus said not much can be done to stop bathroom sex — and he’s not sure much should “There’s a lot of horny 17- and 18-year olds,” he said “And it’s possible to be safe You know, not exchanging bodily fluids.” But Dave and Jason believe many gay students would avoid bathroom sex if they knew the options and if UF admin istrators were sensitive enough to pro vide even more options. Both Dave and Jason said counseling and gay discussion groups can help sex ually confused students The problem is such groups are scarce. The most aggressive solution would be for administrators to plug up the glory holes to discourage bathroom sex, Dave and Jason said. Where Dave went to school, the most popular bathroom fell out of favor among gays when administrators “eventually took the doors ofT the stalls.’’ “There have been some problems on our campus in the past, but there have been problems on every campus I’ve been to,” said Student Affairs Vice President Art Sandeen. “I'm not aware of anything recently” Robert Gutekunst, chairman of UF’s Task Force on AIDS, said his committee would deal with the problem of bathroom sex — if it could be proven it exists. “I’ve been hearing these rumors, but no one has ever come forward to the com mittee," he said “I’m waiting for someone to step forward with data and say this is what exists. 1 don’t even know if anyone has that information.” But two UF employees with access to the Task Force’s records said a list of pop ular gay bathrooms is on file. They said the Task Force has yet to approach the issue, possibly because of the sensitivity about AIDS. Jason is convinced someone ir. the administration knows. Glory holes, he said, are hard to miss, especially to main tenance crews Dave agrees “They know,” he said. “They can’t possibly not know.”