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TIk- Universirv of Gcoqpa Circle No 01 ENTRY LEVEL POSITIONS ACTUARY SCIENCE The Ameican Society ol Student Actuanes has the |ODS We are a reler-a service that specialises it the recruit-ent ol ndvduas tor nsurance related corporations Ah actuary is a problem solver who eva.jales the 'inanoa , economic and ott er business implications ol tutu'e events Desgn hran: a security and other types ot pro grams which locus or Me health property, casualty retirement, demographic economic and rves: men possibilities Quaiihca&ons Receiving a oegiee m Actuana Science Mathematics Statistics or Computer Science has sat or wtl be stung tor one or mo'e Society ot Actuaries exam REGISTER NOW" Send a lew with a one! descnpocn ol your bard ground arid or a current resume We will send you a registration lorm and additional information NO phone calls please American Society ot Student Actuaries 1400 Opus Place, Suite 960 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Circle No 02 U otters 5 editorial fellowships U The National Cotege Newspaper seeks guatihec appfcants 'or the 1990 91 Edrtona Feiowship Program The rune month 'elowshp s scheduled to’ Juty 2 199C to mid March 1991 U showcases cor'ege jouma sm and talks students nationwide by pjo kshmg a monthly 4-coioi '.abioid ’he newspaper cunenfy has an audweo c* cutation ot 1 43 million and approxi mately 3 mtaior -eadeis on more tnar 400 cbiege campuses They wil work a' tne newspape- s neaaajane's n Santa Morca CaM and U wifi provide a S2CC weekly stipend tree nojsrng and round trip Iranspofiabor Apokcanoh-j are ava aple horn eo> tors or adv se's ot ACN member news capers or George F Tay or edncna director. 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Return immediately to U The National College Newspaper, 3110 mam Street, 3rd Floor, Santa Monica, CA 90405 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Your name___ Address ___ City__State__ Zip_ Your _1 current college/university J alma mater Year in school □ Fr QSo □Jr. □ Sr STUDY / V .V/M/.N \ im a:\rm h»k ( R()VS-( i [ it KM srt id* SKVIl.l I . S I* \ I N V API MIC N I \R SI MISTI I IANI MO Tl KM AND SI M Ml K PROGRAM* > » \KN »* I Mil l I SO IS vanish STD Dll I **tt Animfit BUSINESS STUDENTS The spring taka aceredaed badness and economics aasses r h jroo* ga n a language internal*} lai axpe nanca and porspect've Contact L'vve'srty Studies Abroad Consort jm UmvefsHy ^ Nevada Mono lirwe'sity lAvary Reoc NV 89557 STUDIES ABROAD Semester at Sea iltkbtlf ! S«*a cp«r<1 m \i» im •*. v W b riun J atxiird llu \ • ctuan ‘hji « SS IttCTAliy ullrc* vuu the work! 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Circle No 09 i 1 SCHILLER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY 2 5 I h Anniversary^ ’cmester, iH.idemk vt\u and summer s programs :n / O.VDO.V, MADRID, UIIDIIHIRG PARIS, STRASBOURG and ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND • • irses in Bu .1 • • Adn imsti iu >n 11 Man auement International Relation-. and 11 bora I Arts • Al • t . • West Germany anti bpam In? students !<• and older • • .>\erSU ountries O • - * n*> Schiller International University s l*uv Ik^ \( lil iNhNnvr \ t\ kS.t>hm>;l«‘n DC AO*' >i; ;i u, * • Study Sparesh Or y — J Hou", a Day lor 4 Men-. • EaT Op lo 16 Credts Per Semester • Fully Accredtedttiroj;’ ' »■ . i .. ege Batos Hagnts Bnui • Beginner through Advanced Courses Ofered • Government ^oansa-r; ■ M 9gH • Toy Cost ol $4,950 Pe’ Semes!e' Inctudcs • Sound Mp '-an-,:/. M I NM Yoft lo Spam Clrel* Mo 04 • Room & Board *iln a Sparesn FamPy • Tumor e Ter Year h story e Two Wee»s Aiiowea lor Pe’sonai Travel Coriac* SEMES’EH IN SPA N 2065 Laraway Lake Dr SE U 20 Grand SapeJs M 49546