N Presents: ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ TONIGHT! CLUB HOLLYWOOD LIVE CREW & M.C. BREEZE Tickets available at Record Garden, EMCI Ticket Office, G.l. Joes. Ticket price $ 18.00 Doors open 9pm ■ Show at 10 136 East 11th ■ 342-7551 X X X X I Want a great looking flyer for an upcoming event? Loiter Period Graphics can help 686-4381 —1 \ —i .Community Group organized to keep city gang-free B\ |anis |oseph Emerald Reporter___ I'hevTe know n as ( rips and Bloods Mobiles. .111(1 Ill'll s An yds However there is ,i new hugetie group that just (alls them gangs and the\ have formed to prevent hugene Irorti lid oming the next gang inlesl ed tow n The (dmmunitv (Inal it inn tor Hang Prevention was formed last I'ebruarv as a forum for mi nnrilN issues w lui b bane ( dim tv ( iti/ens felt were not being adequately addressed After several meetings, how ever, tile scope ot tile coalition broadened to deal with the gang problem in general said Ian ( hind. media liaison for the group Mthough gang at tivitv in Ku gene has shown only embryon k signs ol its existence, gangs have definitelv established then plesem e said Sgt Ki( k Gilliam, hugene police detei five It s just a matter of lime." Gilliam said 'They're here (doing liusinessl but they go bat k up to Portland." Kugenn is considered a prime taiget jot gang activity because of tin easy ai cess to the tow n via I i l‘he gangs in Portland ■i It you want to meet all your banking need run >11 at Weserve I lot >t Interstate 1 kink ot (tregon. We have a sjx'cial package designed to help students make it through those tryinyjcollegi wars the Student Line Account. It lias all the produets and survives you need. Checking Account with no minimum halance. Write up to 12 chocks a month tor one low can better manage / your expenses. Student Loans. It paying tor school is a con cern. we can help you with a indent loan. Student loans allow you to borrow'money for college and not liegin paying it hack until after you graduate. S i ti >r all your tianking needs from a checking ac count to a student loan graduate to First Interstate Rank. monthly tee, And cash your |xirsonai checks at over 1,100 First Interstate offices in 21 states and the 1 listrict of Columbia. First Interstate llancard. (let up to $200 cash every day at Day & Ni^ht Tellers* throughout First Interstate territory and at 125,000CIRRI S* auto mated tellers across the l S. and Canada. \ ISA* Fli^ibility. lien it you have no credit his tory, you may still qualify for a student VISA", so you First Interstate Bank We go the extra mile for you! Membef FDC ,m» growing hv >u mnnhrrs t month, (hind said. Pilgene is also K e y A d v a n t a g e Computers IBM compatibles ATARI Mega/ST Dealer 344-6124 On the corner ot 18th and Willamette Sales Service Support You can buy STAMPS at the UO Bookstore!