DIGITAL V XTC-Or*nge* And Lemon* n,nq Fc 4 Ditf Pink Thing **u; TjoMen .380-253/390.252 ► Jo* Jackson- Bln/n Of Glory The Best I Car< [>o Tomor'Ov* S *Vor/c/, Evil Emptre eft A&M) 381*699 CyndiLauper A Night To Remember My 1 'Sf Ntqhl A-thou! You L A Cst etc iEpic? 377.887 Fine Young Cannibals—The Raw A The Cooked ‘>he Drives Me Crazy pOs many more -RS 379-214 Jl Take Any 8 CDs or 12 Cassettes for H TANI TA T A ARAM im' > >8 ANCIENT HEART -— into ROW .179 602 JOURNtY* 3 7*>2 79 GREATEST HITS - — BfQ »tG it B 2SH BONK — HUMAN IIAGUt i ;s .<» GREATEST HITS CRUt'l STORY Of 3/9 J,K> YOUTH —— J« SPtCiAL 3 75 19 Hoc* A *o« SUGAR CUttfS i B£M Life » Too Good « CATIRWAUI <84 > * PIN A WEB FLIP FLOP WARRANT «**’ 3Bu 'J9B TALKING HEADS lf>d J9 7 NAKED - — JOHN HIATT SLOW TURNING THC AlAHM I f* Oi 'N» Hurrta 375 304 v SAMANTHA FOX < • DiRt STRAITS , •*, Ma"v«-y To* NolKirvg •—-« i PHOt 5 DO LITTLE RICHARD MARX W Offender — SOMIC vour* J^8 H.'H SHf£NA tASTON j ?(: . *• The Lovtr In M* BILLY IDOL i^O-107 VITAL IDOL w. IKX'IM 4MT> ’N| nAMUHi i n / n».-» DIPfCHE UODt runwooohue i • • -a,,* OREATFST HITS -— CROWD!O HOUti J 345 Of L cm ^» ROACHFORD in:’ CO IF YOU PREFER CASSETTES, SEE THE OTHER SIDE... SEND NO MONEY NOW JUST MAIL COUPON n CBS/Columbia House, 1400 N Fruitridge PO Box 1129. Terre Haute Indiana 47811 1129 n Please accept my application under tr»e terms outlined at the right and send me the 8 CDs indicated below to* which i wiH be billedonly >C plus shippirx;. handling I agree to buy six nx>re selections at 'egular Club prices n the coming three years—and may cance ! membership at any time alter doing so Sections mined with a • ire not i»i iWt on CO Send me these 8 CDs for 1C But l may dfwjys choose from ary cat&oory. I U modern rock 7 ha C»*0 F% i 0*0* tla'h'a Sl’aianc. HARO ROCK JtV’i p9lly . HEAVY METAL iiurtf N Roiat □ BLACK MUSIC L'S« (.l« A C+St J*rr> JcHfy . 1 EASY LISTEN.NG &sy Conmtl Johnny Kis' 1.1 I Q SOFT ROCS R>c hmra Kt*' i § JAZZ COUNTRY CLASSiCAC I Ptir>l Futl Vam# i stl Nan** a Mr* Mu* City *pI State_ztp_ Do you nave a credit card? (03) , - >*» D No Do you have a VCfP ;04) Yea L: No □ . •• Aiso send me one more CD ai the sopor low poce ol 0r \ %6 95 ve indicated my choree Iwc Please tail ’w an additional S6 95 KNZ.F6 KPA.F7 L’ *«*• «“<* nt*i» '•gp' tv ot#Ct a •» WPsIWf O' c*"«c« *f> 0»»*r» r** ■ ’ APQ f PC AJWI - sOGmi to *■ »Oen MttKi er-neri »"i rewna^tt '» ftSCiiK* Ow® _J Ht GOD9AlHt*S Jrt 4*> r RACY CM A f’MA'i 309 89 7 HUNTERS AND ccxiicTO*n iAit thi units ONLY lift CHARI it if M TON _< /g- 2 30 MfW ORDER SUBSTANCE • , • J9i 071 078 Nf * OHDtR TECHNlQlJI DC RAN DUHAN I1Q THING liOHtJY «RO*YN 7? DON T BE CRUEL Jt SPfCiAl 3S9 ELASHBACK I 2 73 oAWf "S ADC/CTM 37*,. No»h***g i Shocking __ Dytkn And rS« D«*d „ WHEN IN ROME 376 749 Du iuWO orN*w.'l 17? 6 72 T»gM*d Jp *»l M - IASTEHhOUSI 3 18 901 SAY ANYTHING iH 1 8 7' Ongmil Sou'«iiii<> •* Tom Petty-Full Moon FeverRunnm Down A Dream, free ftt-un etc MCA 5 382-184 Robyn Hitchcock And The Egyptians-Queen Elvis. One L ong Pair Of Eyes, freeze etc i.AAM) 380*212 TONELOC 3 79 B/5 Loc ed Afl«f 0#»k i— Jtn HtAiIT £UA»t) 37*3 673 SEE THELIGHT - THE POGUES 3tt8 001 WAS (NOT WASj I7V857 WHAT UP COO7 — TMt OUTf KID 3 79 IBB Voice* o» Babylon ■— DANIELLE DAX 3 78 851 Oar* Adapted Eye DEAD MIL A klES I 'ft 723 BEEL/EBUBBA — !NKS KICK ACCEPT EAT THE Ml AT DIMPLY RED 3 78 9-0 ANFWHAMf ...>*• CHOMtiOrS J7B 307 BiG BAD NOISE *-*«» * **••*«'*v» i \ • j ) j4 Uodar The Sun ... 381-519 *7“' 3 79 4 38 THE CHURCH 36 7 235 STARFISH —w] IU if Of fAHT* mM) I • mt » . qq . LOVE JUNK 367-755 THE STORY OF CLASH VOL I t368 597 ~j 398 594 THE WATERBOYS 378 083 Fith«rm»n'» Q uct *j GUNS N' ROSES »»*•"»« '• MmimiIm 359 984 Classics from the 50s, 60s, 70s JIMI HtNOKlX Ktm t ■ »t*1 TWf JACK50H 5 GREATEST HITS o*msoH ALL TiUE HITS ELTON JONH'S Gmatetl Mil* \A>> 363 102 32 7 MB 37 7^946 »37l> ftfc7 3396 666 EAGLES Gr«aic»i Hilt voi : •ocojroc* ■< •ae: ui ' 9 2 ' 4 2 HAD COMPANY 10 FROM 6 t RAMPTON COMES ALIVE »262 311 • I - SANTANA’S GREAT EST HITS 244-459 JAMES TAYLOR S GREATEST HITS ifD ZEPPELIN L9P Zappeltn IV ELVIS COSTELLO AHMED FORCES 291-302 291 4 35 10 ZEPPELIN •291 690 = 391 698 rue hand Rock Ol Ag«» Vtol BEST OF THE DOORS '—•*•■ JETHRO TULL AQUALUNG GRATEFUL DEAD American Beauty 357 c' i 397-612 STEELY DAN AUA 345 15 7 368-095 277 954 ELTON JOHN GREATEST HITS THE WHO • i4V?23 TOMMY —; 395-228 JONIWTCHm 376 ifi? ' Court And Spark GRATEFUL 1291 633 DEAD S BIST ~ 19’ 63^ CHICAGO■ 312 314 Graaiav Hii» Vol II CANNED HEAT 380 8 32 r (i*»l Or C*rw'*c r< Traffic Low Spark 351-924 Of ►««'- ttoy» JACKSON BROWNE THE PRETENDER GRATEFUL DEAD 378 406 292 243 ROLLING STONES STICKY FINGERS ..CSV BOB DYLANS 138 S8h GREATEST HITS ~ CREEDENCE CLEARWATER • .0 kUU A’tit H T1 •308 04 9 I . 398 040 IF YOU PREFER CDs, JOIN THE CLUB NOW AND TAKE ANY 8 COMPACT DISCS FOR l< If you non have a CD Player Of are planning to get one. you may prefer to take CDs from the Club As an introduction, you are entitled to any 8 CDs tor only one penny, plus shipping and handling And you have scores to choose from, since most of the selections offered here are now available on Compact Discs lo 9n your & CDs. simply fill in and mail this application, and we'll bill you only 1C plus shipping and handling In exchange, you agree to buy |ust six CDs within the next three years, a! regular Club prices (which currently are $12 98 $1598, plus shipping and handling) and you may cancel your membership any time after buying six CDs Hall Prior Sonus Plan it you decide to continue as a member after fulfilling your membership obligation, you'll be eligible for our money saving bonus plan It lets you buy one CD at half price tor each CD you buy at regular CIud prices And you'll en|oy this 50% off saving tor as long as you remain a member Hc» the club operates please be sure to read the "How the Club operates" and "10 Day Free mai information on the other side Remem ber-you risk absolutely nothing by mailing this application today' Advance Bonus Offer as a special otter to new members, take one additional Compact Disc right now and we'll bill you an additional $6 95 It s a chance to get a ninth selection at a super low price1 CBS/Cohmibia House4 '400 North Fruitridge Avenue Terre Hade Indiana 47811 'SMctsm w%h hmo 'v'tw't count «t fuwc uMwcbcvn c 1989 CBS Records. Inc