Take Any 12 Cassettes V or 8 CDs for K MOSQUITOS OONNy CSMONO H.gJA DOCUMENT ELVIS COSTELLO SPIKE U2 WAR 4R« THA FRANKLIN Through Th« Storn\ THE CLASH lOMDOft CAlliM, — BIG BAM BOO Fur ► •Mh k F».'pUt 33 7 832 380 8 73 DEBBIE GIBSON 3/72/5 ELECTRIC YOUTM FISHBONE 3 7* He.5 TRUTH AND SOUL — »301 200 ■; 39) 201 HUGO LARGO METTLE GHA7EFUL DEAD IN THE DARK 180 238 35/ 087 THE JACKSONS 180 H 7 2 JOG Jwlton Vlr»«l **• TALKING HEADS Stop Uning Siam Worlci Beat Hf-ytfwr. Co«»« 328-617 !Hf OUIHN JQU 0>tgto«l Soundtrack , YOUSSOU N DOU« )/*) i'j IMMIGRES : kM*' .•4 322 THE BIG EASY OFRA MAZA 377 820 SHAOAY -*J LOS LOBOS 376 162 BOCKmrHtA: srotto j -4 TAKING IT HOME SIMONE 371 7 73 VICIO “ JIMMY CUFF 374 330 i84 1B4 374 ibJ Bob ft T h« 33 ; 8*) 1 Waiter* i eyend Journvy Of Dntamt . . '. ' 9C4 REBEL MUSIC StVH.il UKlTHtHS YEL LOW MOON UHDA WON5 fADI h .'19 BR9 I 640 OjAVAN Bird Of 7B1 UtCHAU DOUCl T A CJUUN HWf W 7IGGV MAH. |f i M • MELODY MAKERS 366 b\2 HfM GREEN }/•> 62 IHt SANOHIN J.-14 rt i4 WESTERN BLOOO — iHDtQO GIRLS )B1 Jrt'J HfJkRT 3 W06 7 BAD ANIMALS •>-« BEACHES 3 7 » oey Qnq-nmi Soundtrack • —• BEST Of JJ«j H46 tLVIS COSTELLO - TOM TOM CLUU ,f CMOWOtO Mouse .S4 '!* SOUL ASYIUM HANG TIME GIPSY KINGS j /7 BT 2 JULIA fORDMAM iH 3 T 7 JlUU r CL IF! HANGiNG FIRE JOOY AfATLEV JH ’ Ofil Larger Than Lit* — tDlt OPlCttLl 4 3/4 BJS HIW BOMMIAHS ..... i it *»>•> lei'* ELVIS COSTELLO MV AIM IS TRUE donna Summer RET EH OAHHifl IHH* IWtH-. HUUM\ MUNKPAPA C.REAT HHITI TWICE 5MY WINL.IH f U L1VIN l ARGt L la • Rich PiMjcam AEROSUlTH IVi"int"i Vacaltofi SHRIEK MCA GO BANG! MCAi '.c hun L ATE NIGHT 2 7 9 C9?> j ;j JOB 162 960 373 MB .145 7 7 7 I 79 760 301 ’70 .1 74 A5? 102 4 73 14 7 76*> 1*>9 075 J73 142 380 370 357 772 IOU REED NT W YORK 370 216 •a aacf ^ a !«<■* *ia toi To get 12 cassettes for a penny! ■ lust icm me Club now It's your best guide to today s Dest music - and a great deal too1 To get arTy 12 cassettes Irom your tavoote artists just till m and mail tbe application together with your check or money order tor $1 86 as payment uhat s to tor your test 12 selections plus $185 to cover shipping and handling; In exchange you smpiy agree to buy 8 more selections tat regular Club prices) m the next three years- and you may cancel membership anytime after doing so * Every tour weeks (13 times a yean you II receive the Club s muse maga;*ne which aescribes trie Selection ol the Month lor each musical interest plus hundreds ol alternates trom every lield ol music in addi lion up to six limes a year you may receive otters ot Special Selections, usuai'v at a discount oil regular Club pnces, lor a total ol up lo 19 buying opportunities :t you wish to receive the Selection ot the Month or It* Special Selection you eed do nothing .I will be shipped automatically II you preler an alternate selection, or none at all. smpiy till m the response card always provided and mail it by the date speo’ied Tbu will always nave al least 10 days to make your decision tt you ever receive any Selection without having had at least 10 days to decide you may return t al our expense The cassettes you order during your member sltp »« be Dr ied ai refju'ar Gob cxces which currently are $79810 $998 plus srvppng ar c! handing (Multi unit sets spe ual and i lavjcal selec tions may be ‘cmowridl higher And it you continue as a member afler ompieting your ervollrnenl agreement you It be eligible try our je'pious buy one ger one tree money saving bonus plan1 ■ . • ■ > ' < ' We II send details at trie Clubs opera ton with your introductory shipment It you ate not satislied tor any reason whatsoever ,ust return everything within 10 days lor a tun retund and you will have no turmei obligation So act now1 i.< •' -rh ybu may aisochoose yoix lust selection • grit now well give it to you tor up to 60% oil tegular Cub prces —only $3 98 Enclose payment now and you l receive it with your 12 introductory cassettes Thus dis count purchase immediately reduces your membership oblrgatron-you then need buy |ust 7 more selections (instead ol 8) in the next three years 'What s ’nore. this discount purchase also entitles you lo still 2 more fas seltes as a bonus FREE Just check the box in the application and till in the numbers ol your lust selection and the 2 free bonus cassettes you want now The Replacements Don't Tell A Soul Taipnt Shoo. We n mhvi i lht* Earth **tf ‘^ie/«eivisei 378*927 I U2 'J.'40 \r *AI 'l f A»*tl >*> INSTINCT iwa» w«u#*«isre*w \fy() j TUNNEL OF LOVE ERASURE 181 fl’4 v >Mk«r« >rl«irational -*» WORLD PARTY »•. * ISO PMvala Revolution ■-**-* AM« 4o*f«. ) ; 1-837 Tha S/vouling Stage ... SQUEEZE 317 974 RANKING ROGER 1 7 ! l OO Radical Departure JOY DtVIZION fn. Un*nown P‘«e*ute« MIOGf um J ,’IJ 86 AoiM'l To Nolhuiq — U.« Del La Soul 3 f-eet Hiqh And Rising ' ’’»> KI.ujh Nut”(etc • '« .«• » y Boy) JBU60 Temple Vew Ytv* City SunKirnj o!C (!’*'*» 381*798 RANGLl S ) / ) 8.*9 fcVFRV THING IHIPOUCI »4H TH tttl 442 “3 319 822 184 H’b ^ J 14 24J .41818 ANI1A ItAAtR \ f4 ()*>8 STW4V CATH »l AST OFF 04V/O Homi It T S OANCF '>am an own M( (> ST4V AWAhl LJVING C.01QUH i/ 81.1 VIVIO «*4 srrvf winwooo sr . i ROLL WITH IT — ROXY MUSIC J1S ’ \ AVAL ON —*•— THf RCUCf \j0 4 99 SVMCMRONICITV fRASURt ) ; J 09 2 IMP INROCI NTS — PROCLAIM" 5 On L#t«h —w fORHGNLR Ml CORDS OH \MlTHS I -4 19 / fXlHtMt 18? ?4? PtRf URU 1/1449 Th« T*rt*in«n) Yf>m’ . 1H( CJkRS HO !K)3 CiRPATPSI HITS - ttlACA SAtIHAIH }H I 10 t MpADlfSSCROSS CHRIS fit A i Hi J46 HASIA J68 *1 J 'IMP A90 HOPS If YOU PREFER COMPACT DISCS, PHASE SEE THE OTHER SIDE.. CBS/Columbia House. 1400 N Fruitridge PO Bo* 1130, Terre Haute, Indiana 4 811 1130 l am enclosing check or money order for $1 86 (that s 1C f< ,i my 1? 'f'tr.xlui *>>ry cassettes plus S1 8*> for sh-jjping ana haiXl'ing) P'ease a ept ,ry appfccation , k!er the terms outlined *n this advertisement i agree to boy 8 more selections tat regular Club prices) « the '**»t thfee yea’ . and may arx e. mcmoersfup anytime after doaxj so My r i But I may atways choosti from any category) □ MODI HN ROCK ThmCu'0 f>0P ‘Itroittruj fi*r’ f Mantm* 'jHAND ROCK : ‘tingCok3ut Tom Pntty HEAVY METAl Gu"S V Rot*i [J BLACK MUSIC L'J«L */»4 Cu/f lam jcxfy Wat ivy □ EASY LISTENING Pay Conrutl Johnny Ktmr.it □ SOf THOCK H'C hard M<'i Madonna § JAZZ COUNTRY CVASSICAP Send my 'f, CASSETTES lo the following address RMr Ma. _ QMih (PicastP'-nt) l *\t Name Address_Apt_ ■. State—_Zip_ Do you have a telephone? (d) QYe* D No 2? 4/f89 Doyouhaveacred-tcard^ , ' '] Yes No tot which I am also enclosing additional payment of $.j 96 I then need Duy only 7 more (instead of 8) 31 'egutar Oub prices m three years KNX/WS also entitles me to these KNY/EW ’* «o any «.<*• juvn .. arx #< a*»r n#rnfi*.jr*p 'r»^a < *'er* n« « A^O IPO fciui (Wo tWo «»*• *or a*i»n