Student movement evoked freedom, revealed corruption By Jillana Enteen ■ Crimson White U. of Alabama Last year, 1 taught English in the People's Republic of China My students were an elite group, and I doubted they would join in the strike. Before the violence began, I received a letter from my favorite student, a 16 year-old freshman. What follows are his words, abridged but without corrections. My notes and explanations are in paren theses. Dear Jillana It seems a pity that you have not been staying in China for these days The stu dent’s demonstration and hunger strike have been so vigorous in China, especial ly in Beijing. Almost all ranges of people rose up to support students. I’ve taken a part in this movement First, I joined the parade in Tianjin with my classmates. We went to Beijing, and just caught the one-million people parade in Changan Avenue on 17 May After the parade, we settle down on Tiananmen Square and began our sit-in demonstration. At that night, the Square was full of people. When I pushed my way to the monument and looked down, I was dizzied to see so many “black heads." And I also saw some fastens In a short while, there were four students fainted and be carried out in front of my eyes! Their ded icating spirit were really moving. Now the demonstration inclines to lie subsided. 1 think the main reason is the ideology of freedom and democracy were still rather meager in the Chinese mind The populace pursuit could Ik- color TV set, electric refrigerator, more money, etc . but as to freedom, democracy, these are just, dispensable to them bo when they rose up, then' motive werejust to show sympathy for students, to express their resentment to the gov ernment, but few pursue the supreme destination — freedom and democracy So the students couldn't gang with them really and tightly. So when they rose up, their motive werejust to show sympathy forstudents, to express their resentment to the gov ernment, but few pursue the supreme destination — freedom and democracy After some time, when the government's principle became firm, and when they saw it would form a deterrent against their promotion, bonus, going abroad they hung back. Without the support of these populace, only students certainly couldn't main tain any longer to oppose the powerful government. However, 1 think this movement was successful. In some degree, it evoked the populace’s consciousness of freedom and democracy. It revealed and denounced the government’s corruption. After this movement, the conservative power will be enlarged. By its protection, the previous corruption, autocracy will continue. And the coming check in gov ernment and all religional mechanism will put an ominous atmosphere on everybody’s political life. Chinese will experience a long, dull, silent period.So 1 feel disappointed to the government 1 think, going abroad, making my career, and returning with honour may be the optimal way for me. Your genuine friend (Name withheld) wwl don’t want a lot of hype. I just want something I can count on.^* Greg Riley-l Jniversity of North Carolina- Class of 1989 Some long distance companies promise you the moon, but what you really want is dependable, high-quality service Thai s just what you'll get when you choose AT&T Long Distance Service, at a cost that's a lot less than you think. You can expect low long distance rates, 2a hour operator assistance, clear connections and immediate credit for wrong numbers And the assurance that virtually all of your calls will go through the first time. That’s the genius of the AT&T Worldwide Intelligent Network When it's time to choose, forget the gimmicks and make the intelligent choice AT&T. If you’d like to know more about our pioducts or sendees, like International Calling and the AT&T Card, call us at 1 800 222 0300. AT&T The right choice. CALL AND TELL US WHAT YOU THINK: STUDENT OPINION POLL 1 -800-662-5511 1. Do you think the U.S. government should support the actions of Chinese student protesters? 2. Do you think the following should be a requirement to receive financial aid for college? (a) military service (b) community service