Forum Education a solution to abortion problems By Bert Tryba William Moore's essay "Abortion deprives children of life" (OOF.. Aug 1. UIH9). writ ten with a gilded pen. presents a view of abortion based on Christian religious doctrine On _Commentary ( ritical examination the brass, hidden beneath polished phrases and noble-sounding concerns for life, can he seen Abundant historical evidence attests murderous Christian bigotry modeled on "Cod's wrath wielded against old men. women and innocent < hildren described in scripture Rational people recognize unwanted pregnancies are trag edies that profoundly affei I the women concerned Humanists favor appropriate sex education stressing responsibility start ing in elementary sc bool years that promotes understanding contraceptive devices and prac Christian anti abortion ists could help reduce un wanted pregnant ies In sup porting sue h educ at ion The more* c ontrac eptive op tions .1 sue ietv has along with education to use them, the less mii ietv has to depend on abor tion Hie pill is the only widely available ettective I N birth control method besides slerili xutinn Research and develop ment of contraceptives has been hampered in the l oiled States In threats of bovcottx by religious groups A persistent myth propagated bv the anti-abortion minority is that abortions usually take place late m pregnane \ Actu ally 'i 1 pert cut of all abortions in the I S lake place in the tost trimester (at) pert cut occur m the first eight weeks) ()nly H peri cut of all abortions are per formed in the second trimester ((> 1 percent oc c or before the ttctfi week I Only a tun tion. one-one hundredth of one pen cut. are performed during the third trimester, and those exclusively for medical rea sons Moore willfully engages in emotional, dishonest exploita lion of language Imiau lavs at firms that human lile begins .it birth not before Bv railing a fetus a "r hild" and by cleverly using the term "human." gen erally ronnoting .1 person al ready Ixirn Moore seeks to load pro-choice advocates with guilt Moore refuses to retog nize the issue is a private mat ter of the woman concerned She alone must resolve the problem of an unwanted preg nancy with the aid of her part ner and medical and social counsel Only they know the particulars involved A less ('motional analogy that the ter minology used by Moore can clarify the real issues St riptural injunctions to "in crease and multiply" must be understood as the desire ot rul ers and i lergv seeking person al interests of power and wealth to dictate population growth Many leaders still bar bor ideas of "manifest destiny" and regard births as future war riors and missionaries Ibis ar gument whir h (.in be modeled on economii and politir al 1 rite na not recpiiring "(’.od is in terestingly presented bv 1 bom as \1\0n t iarvei in I he Keli gion Worth Having {Hough ton Milflin, 1B12) ( arver sug gests Mormans are an example Such views divide the world into "we" and "they The more "Wes ' the better Hu mans set vc the ends of religioit Human population is best considered from the perspet live a skilled on hard ist m ( on Is bis Iruit trees The flower buds of all apple tree are not 1 ailed 1 apples" though they have the potential to bei onie apples d properly fertilized and allowed to grow under favorable t until times A visit to an abandoned orchard gone wild will readily i onvinc e the reader that it is net essarv for the on hardist to prune and trim the brain lies, even some with fertilized bios sums, it the maximum i rop ol quality Iruit is to lie obtained We are dangerously misled il we believe that we are superior to Mature and not sublet t to its 1 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON laws Currently there are five bii linn people in the world In 40 years experts predlc t tliere u ill he more than It) billion I he evident.e provided by ecolo Hists and environmentalists shows the world cannot sup port present world population with ini rease < onsumer ex pec tations asso< iated with higher levels of education urbani/.a lion and ini re.ised materials c onsumption We must urgently stop popu lation growth and collectively work to resolve world sot lal economic and political prob lems through intelligent use of sc tent e and tec hnologv ent our aging people to seek satistac lion in ways that do not clash with Nature Nearly It) percent of the world's population (more than -Jt)t) million) are affec ted cur rently bv malnutrition Mreadv more than fll.OOO c hilclren cm der the age of one die every day from malnutrition and prevent able infec lions diseases In the l' S more than t-i not) c hildren wait to be adopted, ft.’ pen ent of them are olclet 01 lorn to Abortion, Page I 4 UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th ( OMh SH l S 17 Ol K \h \\ I (H \ TIOS! • l.< )VM SI \IKt \KI S \N\ \\ HI Kl • I’l KSOIS \l I/I D l’K< >1 I SS|( )\ VI si K\l< I • iss I \M I l k \ll I’ \ssi s • Sl l DIM \M> A . >1 I II I \kl s • INI I KN \ IIONM SI I D! \ I IA( II ASCII IIH MID t \KI) • AM I k \k • i \s i roMi’t 11 ki/i i) ki si k\ \ i k >\s • ( ()N\ I SUM ( \MIM S I CM AIIOS • I 1C M I D! 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