Circulation • 1,425,000 LATEST IN FRESHMEN DECOR — 16 September 1989 • Volume 1 #1 COULD BE DECIDED EARLY — 22 THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER [ Bathroom sex Gay activists call for U. of Florida administrators to seek solutions to problems of sex in men’s bathrooms. — Page 2 OPINIONS Tiananmen massacre Differing viewpoints about China that students might not find in the mainstream media. — Page 8 LIFE AND ART Can't cut class A student at Indiana U , Bloomington, describes the subtleties that can affect minorities attending colleges and universities. DOLLARS AND SENSE Living on the edge A Smith College student has start ed a support group for low-income students who can t always enjoy a carefree college lifestyle — Page 16 STUDENT BODY No place to go Graduation often means the end of a career in sports for female athletes — Page 22 Grants tied to no-druas pledae By John McGauly ■ The Daily News Ball State U. Students now must say no to drugs if they wish to receive federal Pell Grants. Students who receive the grants must sign a form certifying they “will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, dispensa tion, possession or use of a controlled sub stance’ during the grant period. After signing the form, any student convicted of being involved with illegal drugs may have their eligibility for finan cial aid suspended. If convicted three or more times, the student may become per manently ineligible for aid “The Congress, in its infinite wisdom, decided that anyone who gets federal money has a certain responsibility to help maintain a drug free society," said Ball State U. Financial Aid Director ('tarence Casa/.za "'They see student aid as an easy way to net at at least the younger population." This is not the first time in recentyears the federal government has tied aid to unrelated stipulations Currently, stu dents seeking aid must sign a statement certifying they have registered with the Selective Service or that they are legally See STRINGS, Page 5 Military, community service linked to financial aid bill By Brian Dick ■ The Daily Iowan U. of Iowa Congress is considering legislation that would require stu dents to enlist in military or community service programs in order to receive federal aid a bill that opponents say would place an unfair burden on the poor The “Citizen Corps’ bill, introduced by Sen. Sam Nunn, I) Ga.. would allow young people between the ages of 17 and 25 to receive federal aid to be used for college, job training or a house down payment if they make a two-year commitment to community or military service. Under the bill, people who enlist in the Armed Services would receive two-thirds of the regular military service salary plus a $24,000 stipend for active duty or $12,000 for reserve duty upon completion of service. Community service volunteers would receive $100 a week and health insurance while enrolled in the program. After two years of service, they would receive a $10,000 voucher. See BILL. Page 5 Students volunteer to tutor inmates at county jail By Imelda Valenzuela ■ The Daily Northwestern Northwestern U. Northwestern U. students regularly enter Cook County Jail. But they have not been charged with a crime. Instead, they tutor those who have. About 13 NT! students tutor inmates each week at Cook County Jail in Chicago in a program called Programmed Activities for Correctional Education. The main goal of PACE us to teach the inmates, through education and counseling, how to be more pro ductive citizens when they get back into society, : Program Director Ben Grier said. Volunteers go to the jail each weeknight from 7 to 9 p.m. to help the inmates with their homework, PA( 'E volunteer Andre f'osey said. An inmate is matched witii a volunteer depending See TUTORS. Page 4 SCOTT NORRIS. THE DAIIY iOWAN U OF IOWA U. of Iowa student Allison Schultz slops chocolate pudding into fellow student Michael Bauer s mouth during an audition for the TV game show, College Mad House. Four Ul students were selected to compete against a U. of Illinois team for prizes and scholarships. Gambling addict overcomes tough odds on the road to recovery By Janet Naylor ■ The Diamondback U. of Maryland, College Park Early one September 1987 morning, Keith Kocarek drove to a scenic spot on the Ohio State U. campus secure in the knowledge that his most press ing affairs were in order. The former U. of Maryland Interfratemity Council officer sat down at the edge of the Olentangy River, aimed a loaded .33 caliber handgun at a person he had come to know and loathe. Keith Cameron Kocarek had come home to kill himself Tb the 24-year-old psychology major, the attempt was the last hope he had of destroying the compul sive gambler who had enslaved him and twice brought him in conflict with the law. “I felt completely out of control when I was at Maryland. Not only did I want to kill myself because I had an insurance policy that would pay all my debts, but I also thought I had been through treat ment and it didn’t help," said Kocarek, who survived the suicide attempt thanks to his ignorance of basic physics. Rather than ripping a fatal hole through his heart, the bullet, hit his sternum, swerved and tore out a section of his lung, and when he recovered, a Prince George’s County judge sentenced him to probation for purposes of restitution — 10 years to repay $30,000. But to Kocarek, now 25, a great deal of the price he must pay is exacted by telling his story — how gambling took over his life. “Within one year I had destroyed all that I had worked for, and the silent enemy that was inside of me was winning," he said in a flat, controlled monotone. “1 can remember the first bet I ever made," he said, See GAMBLER, Page 27