Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. CLASSIFIEDS m HELP WANTED DOMINOS PIZZA no a hiring del've-y drivers earn $6 Sfl per hour Adh *ages tip* and mileage reimbursement Great part time |Ob fie*ibie hours week .jays or weekends Employee discounts anti a great work environment Must be at least 18 years old and have a safe dr.v mg record Apply after 4 pm at our campus store 1856 E 13th TRACK TOWN PIZZA Kitchen help $4 25 per hour fast paced work part time. flexible hours Apply in person 1809 Franklin BLVD NATIONAL COMPANY seeks part time merchandiser 20 25 hours per wee* Must be able to lift 60 lbs Musi pass drug screening and police check Man power Temporary Services 484 1566 NIGHT MANAGER POSITIONS Two GTF positions are open in E MU for Night Manager Applications and job descriptions are available in M101 EMU Application deadline 'S 4 00 pm Wednesday. October 4 1989 AA 1 EO NOW INTERVII WING! Fun. hard working and reliable people to work full time or part time at one of Eugene s busiest comers Times avail able for day or mghf shifts Please ap ply from 2 5 pm Campus Dairy Queen 13th i. Hilyard PEGASUS SMOKEHOUSE PIZZA 790 E. 14lh On campus day and evening shifts Full or part lime Now hiring tor all po sitions Flexible schedules, good working environment GREAT PIZZA' Cooks cashiers, bussers. bar lenders Apply in person only 9am 7pm Mon thru Thursday RHODUf ' PH M< • ■ * •’ part time work $5 00/hr Call Jackie at 683 8695 REFRESHMENT ENGINEERS Are you likely to laugh ai almost any thing7 Do your friends always give you lavish compliments? Are your professors amazed af you' mental dexterity? It so you have what d take to sen soda pretzels and pop , orn at UO Duck Football games 25 vendor positions are available for the remaining home schedule Walk amount the fans carrying trays of de hcious snacks for sate Commission wage averages $9 00/hr Those inter esfed should meet inside McArthu' Court on Thursday 9/28 at 7 30pm RIM IS now hir , ■ lowing intramural sports activities hag football volleyball and indoor soccer Paid training Pay scale $4 50 S6 00/hr Contact RIM office Gerhnger 103__ 1udent want for 2 1/2 yr old girl and 5 month old boy m my Ferry St home MUST HAVE own transportation Positive energet ic non smoker t5hrs/WK 485 5235 THE HIGH SCHOo y Pro gram is now accepting applications for a female Resident Assistant tor Ihe 89-90 school year The position pro vides room and board in a single dor mdory room and a $150 a month sli pend Applications w>ii be working with a predominantly Laimo-a (Mispan ) population An appr**< abon a diver sily in language culture and liteslyie m necessary A bilingual Eng hsh/Spamsh person is preferable For further information inquire at tne Stu dent Employment Division Office at Room 12 Hendricks Hall Closing date September 28 _ 215 HELP WANTED THE OREGON Daily Emtxld be reliable Application* n p.cked up at the ODE huvnes Suite TOO EMU '• M. Han' ‘ ; muit he returned by Monday 19H9 EEOC W 'tier, , > * m TRACK TOWN PIZZA Pin* delivery driver earn 15 8 00 per hours part time flexible hours No experience necessary Must have own care and insurance Apply in person 1009 Franklin BLVD LOOKING FOR SOMF WRITING EXPERIENCE Freelance lor the OREGON DAILY EMERALD Gam valuable experience while making contacts and a little extra money ('-all Alice Wheeler 686 5511 or > om# to the Freelancers information meeting on Thursday Oct 5 at 2 P M in the FMU Board Room third floor EEOE Nannies Needed Boston New » New Jersey Washington DC The Nanny Connection 344 4156 YMCA AFTER School Pro gram Taking applications '<*' oordi nator 4 assistant positions due to pm gram expansion Applicants must have 2 6 pm available each week day Other requirements are first aide CPR food handlers and successful pasl expen ence with ages 5 lo 10 m an education af setting Life saving a plus Must be able to handle added responsibilities at various schools away from Y Please apply immediately with reference*, af the YMCA 2055 Patterson 4 GTF at the U of O Counseling Cen ler must be enrolled in graduale pro gram m counseling or psychology needs background in general counsel mg ans substance abuse treatment SEND RESUME. ;ove< tetter and tv* letters of recommendation to Edel Davenport University Counseling Center University of Oregon Eugene Oregon 97403 DEADLINE 5 00pm Wednesday Oct • ber 4 1969 „„ WORK STUDY P0Slfi5NS~ CRISIS COUNCELORS Needed for UO Crisis Center Need previous framing in crisis intervention Work Study preferred Apply af UO Counseling Center 20t Student Health ■. DATA ENTRY OPERATOR ASST i 2 time develop and implement um puter information system in a mud project environment Contact Sandi Davis 666 3565 for position description and application LIKE VARIETY? Humanities Center needs workstudy certified office asvs tants (2) Position includes re option assistance with Centers pub"< P"' grams general office Requires good people skills flexibility some typ mg some computer Ma. mtosh) pre ferred (will tram) 10 12 hr v'week $4 55/hr __ LIKE WORKING with people Wi » study positions available Gam van. able experience working as a recej. tiomst referral person in .« busy an pus office Apple at ions available the Office of Academic Advising and . .. LITE RATE’ BUSINESS SAVVY T w WORKSTUDY positions at Northwest Review Business Manager ’5 hrvweef Office Secretary hrs/w«ek 1 a ■ 666 395/ at 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS ASSIST WITH .♦ federally funded '»• and iron If ol F «»tr>Q typing Scheduling and production) W-.vfc yrtr»(f> research subject* «' ruitmg Kjminisle*tng .» question "a' Qu •• • 40 WPM «•«;•*• «• • interest in video production, or gam /AllOHrtl Skill* Ab'ldy I > relate I > people On® on one atcity to »rnin l,V' ;>nfuJerttt » ty M.»« l-'tos' * ■ 1 for graphics .i t>ig plus Contact Don Hood Oregon Resort' h institute 4H4 2t2) A AeOE ASUO WOMEN S CENTER Receptionists be ; t» ' ' ' come people to the center Women In Transition Project Safende Dispatcher •>«•< ••‘trt'y A ! S * >• Woman s Resource and Referral Appli itons .»nd job -des. mi! <•! Womans renter G- I fi • ' t MU Closing 5 pm J-29 An v«* Arl.on/EOt CLERICAL ASSISTANT Typing . «*•. sary c ompuler evperren;_•* helpful * mg. copying 10 20 hr*?we«k fienbla scheduling $4 50 $5 00* hr b*6 494t CONFERENCE COORDINATOR Needed tor crisis prevention i. order ence Need outgoing organ*-ed Mu dent with M.e ini -Mi s* !-s VV >rk study of -stipend Apply at UO Counseling Center 201 Student Health renter f Of NOW HIRING work study qualified dents as office assistants to !*;>*? file and geni- r iff" lube SS SO pai houi • I *ord pros essmg -skills Call Jam- at 666 S4 1 4 NOW HIRING aoik study qualified deni a*» computer hardwaie sottware special'si Desire computer mamten am.e skills m hardware and snirwa'' 55 SO per hour Call Jar ■ *• it 666 ‘>414 Offn e Assistant SC Asian Studies SSOOu'hr Asms! Off" e manager w«tr campus e?rands photocopying Mnuj data entry typing el> Must be W « Study Contat t Kathy Brewer 806 Pi C Bf 1811 OFFICE WORKER for Recreation A In tramural* Assist clients in person and by phone data entry make llyers run errands Morning afternoon evening and weekend shifts available Pay starts at S4 SS/hr Call laurel tot appt at 666 4113 RIM IS A hiring rail ’ omtors the position will provide < ommunication support for intramural sports alIivi ties Paid training Pay s< ale S4 2S-h< Contact RIM office Gertinger 103 RIM IS now hiring off*, als tor the ' lowing intramural sports a« tivities flag football volleyball and indoor so« ( e» Paid training Pay s ale S4 SO 56 00/hr Coma* i RIM e Gerimger 103 SHOOT A LAWYER Law School needs video operator Work study eligible or tor credit leave message tor Mike 344 0210 l AW SCHOOL seek-* computer lechm , ian Prior evpenence stalling IBM compatible computer requires! Must t>e work study Certified $6 8 00 per hour DOC C ail Marilyn Martin u )860) STUDENT OFF ICC assistant needed m the Off" « of Research and Sponsored Programs Up to 10 hours/wk general office duties IBM ornputef e«per f/' e helpful Work study edified only Ceil Linda or M* helle 606 St 31 WOODWORKER ? lifted? W visor jobs avanabie Apply at EMU CRAFT CENTER ; d " CMU b&b 4 161 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Busy off" *i needs wc-rkstudy student 10 12 hrs per week to assist with der. cal duties Positions pay IS 00 per hr and duties include filing \ Opymg I VP mg word processing mail disfribu t ,n research and other > ntriCAi duties .1-, needed Experience " WANG jn.d r Ma- Intosh hqipt-.ii but f"*f f*' quired It interested call Kelly .tt 3006 to schedule an interview Please reference position numtier 2165_ _ __ 77o WORK STUDY POSITIONS WORK STUDY NEEDED' , A | 'when An*. I wth a/umn. records *‘.**nl* ’ 'c * ■. rV.r W 1 PM WORK AND PLAY CHILDREN ARE FUN TO WORK WITH! f MU ( h, ! r.« • »>d Dev , - ter* vli have available position* ft >» Tt*.k» fitfi n .« il*‘l Wh»*fr u ; foti e.»m ftVi n«y while playing wth hit » • V i ,■ - n hedule CKf early h.tdbood programs at WORK STUDY NEEDED EAST ASIAN LANGUAGES Reliable independent wotk study stu dent n».*ad»*d t. .i general rffw »• work interesting * idumic dept Knowledge of W()ijP*»l«< l wool pit" essmg pro gram ■•*nl Duties include iwip tton office ■ overage filing (listnbu •. '* ' i «"(f typing M , it t*«* av-»■ able during afternoon F .vi leun $6 00 per hou» 4» least ft <0 hour* f all term t . Ml.*, t Mma 688 4006 WORK STUOY |tud#ritl needed for 1989-90 school year Dubes reception .st word pro. essmg and lotus spread sheet ye* »•'.»! nlfu.ii work ( ■■•nta* t Carta or Debbie Ovm 1 Offne Cot l«g* of A-'n A Sciences Room ! 14 f r.endly ►♦an r>86 1902 WORK STUDY STUDENT needed ' • v he i year Office >' Minit.m Resoun •■■■ 'PersonnelI Varied t»ffn •* a ’k •> me >mputer IBM P( Hjm , i intact UO J ib Serene 1511 Agate 686 125 \ HE F f R TO JOB NO 209 4 3 225 APTS -DUPLEXES APTS FOR RENT Close to artt and ? bedroom apartment* and duple** For more m formation all 741 ?2?5 CAMPUS FURNISHED i.i.-.j.A tw bedroom no pet* 486.823 CUTE ONt bedroom 2140 Mam* *> 1160 includes UTl 344 8224 J '.ala EXTREMELY LARGE 2 bedroom un furntshed apt S4t>6 Ah* Jutely NO PETS quiet students 2045 Willamette 10 block* from campus 881 J806 1 BR FURNISHED apt 1ft*> Ferry SJ40* deposd all 143 4109 1 1/2 BLOCKS from campus! Furnished studios onsite laundry fa 111fie* S.VQrmonth 143 4914 ?30 QUADS TYLER PARK QUADS 528 Tyler Street . jrge furnished quart* with private bath All utilities L tundryroom oft street parking Call Tom MU 1009 $206 15TH ST. QUADS Quad unit in quiet area near 1 am pus starting at $200 including all utilities manager 14? 3016 Bennett Management 915 Oek Suite 200 485 6991 FURNISHED QUADS $189 deposit < all 143 4109 235 HOUSES ATTENTION GOVERNMENT Humr, from $1 (U repair) Delinquent taaprop orty RepossesMOns Call ■ LOOKING FOR furnished hnwse »• rent Oct 89 thru Oct 90 for a F innish far , here an «'*.' 1 )W Mf N T .»- • >1 . Meat elrv iin at J'f'm«» ' 1 $ ' tV> rn ■ 14S 4 IS*' ROOM TO »ed * !mv’• • >■ 1 fry fat J.12S female preier'Od 144 ?9/9 ?45 REAL ESTATE HASSLE - FREE TOWNHOUSE bed! >. >m 1 t 2 t>afh hrepUlt M A.lSh »*r dryer hiK>AUp ,n QUiet Afo.l • ' *esl lugim Onty $30000 cwrndftbip »• 1 v«*h• ■'■ » ij LOW DOWN' < Hen 484 S328 STATE Ml Al TY INC * 8r "HELP U BUY" Aim yOuf parents willing lO help ytHi | out with student housing'* IX) you j need a '44llof to iep*P5flnl you CaM ; i mt* at you' COPwoicni «* ii> lu*dul* I an appointment Mark G Minnie M S U ol O 1974 Broker 404 9441 260 ROOMMATES WANTED i MRISTIAN MOUSING «' all table pricev Only 2 I)I>h M from . ampui1 The Philadelphia Mo one is Sllll ret ruil g lor ,*v 1 'JO A hrtslmn men?. o op Iru ludes fiK.Kl laundry l UN so*. •* livilten A personal < hallenge ‘ inly $280 month t all 144 ‘044 4.’.' I • Jth A ,k lor Kelly or Sheldon ! Allot l tied room apt 4 l)L». O. from iinpuS l irepia* •• open beam ,ngtv dishwasher all utilities pan1 in cluilmg elec $25r Sieve al 484 SMS ONI Bl.O< from am pus 2 b«<1i -,m apt dear furnished l.’/‘niui $ 1 ?S jep.i'..t ASAP 1 »' Dawn 14 1/41' •' leave a meage .11 14 I 6668 T Ml i i >1 It GIAN h' »m 1 n«’* 1 on %lyle living om*r of 1818 A Airier All meals arul living expenses included Plush Call Broil 14/ 3/02 1 Roommate wan led I b. grams m f ranch A Spanish Ago* 3 A served Reasonable fees A fman rai ad avail OPtN 7 30 AM A 30 PM St PT JUNf for more information A registration til 14S 3018 MATURf STAHl f energelu student i•. are for 1 S A sometimes IS yr old hoys half days iflentilei m exchange for room/board plus si (fiend Refer ences transportation required US 928/ CHILDCARE (■AfAr/r/rr /r»A mIos/ 1 ?65 CHILD CARE NATIONALLY ACCREDITED EMU CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT CENTERS W« have %paca% available in our f MU pre echool program lor children 3 to S yrs old Call 666 4.164 lor «p plication mlormjtion tk An mined b> ilw*' NjimhuI *• liy play**' •. M«*»H i .-a i'M ‘ > 1 "it tlVf’T flH r. p .i- l .f* Marl*. HMl " th*>( attnrul Thu*s i •> L/H.H9fl Hi I MU im (.-*• " EQUESTRIAN TEAM MTG If ,,hj an* iMiri«i*>ti*i1 im joining m' t>«* j fining mt«m»«njifll© Of a«1v4n< ml l<*a»*> omr fo Md mmifmg *>i*pf 29 ) pm Walnut Hoop f MU a f»• >IM Off'. •* SpOMM)f«Hl I>V Club SpoHft SAILING CLUB Mn«*(ing Tufis'lay S«pl .*t* *> i " f MU C«Klar f ANYONI INTERESTED WELCOMf WELCOME BACK S.U.R.C. MEETING WEDNESDAY 5:30 exec 5:00pm 275 [TENTS SOCCER TRYOUTS Mon Wmj Fn I 30 5 W) SouthbBnh rtold U of O Club Sports . all Club Spoils * « i/11 o' 4H*> 1010 2»0 *R mmmonna ART CINEMAS 492 E. 13lh • 686-2458 DISCOUNT >HOWI So Mo U Tu W» Th S3 Sq| son tr** « x> a *> snxi LSI t it^RIGHT THIN! FWiALSDAYS T»wu Tfwa* 7 00 ft 10 MCK MONAMI ft 4 fftfntocute U4* In HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS PLUS N*r>t>M ft Baby lUmn In tuu*$v rmoumiM r *U#> Tim 1110 snm LCi • ^ DO THE RIGHT THING; Late Night Kkn Ft 9* $3 ' Su Th 12 SO F MUSr BNO SOON *km 1>H# 1» 25 "HI [SHE’S GOTTA HAVE Tt] H>AVY Ml TAL. BUL ft TIT)* XlNt^ DARKROOM TECHS NEEDED The Oregon Daily Emerald is accepting applications tor the position ol darkroom tech. Darkroom techs are responsi ble lor all darkroom processes: photo screening (enlarger and copy camera), line shots, tones, reversals, film develop ment and processing. Experience is necessary for this position. Applicants should have experience developing and printing 35mm film, or experience with copy camera and graphic arts photogra P * Applicants must be available to work from 1:30 (or 2:00 p.m.) until 5 p.m (MWF or UH). Applicants must be available to work from noon until 4:00 p.m. processing film Sunday af ternoons. Applicants must be available to work two nights a week (Sunday through Thursday). The position pays S3.85 per hour. Starling January I. 1989 it increases to S4.25. Mot only do you get paid to work, you get your very own stylish Oregon Daily Emerald t-sWrl. such a deal. Applications are a*a“*iJ* ;*irt£!wEMU' All applications must be in by 4:30 p.m. Friday. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson V)IN<3 PONS irs nsurn rit 9bl K< ruMW Wt« K«r, AB&fl CUT, WJNT ftHttDlNfa «ue suwces goodie kvil Ml, ftC/AUH ' HUM Ml fcU TM.IONG MtWI CALVIN J > ^4 tx CAW