CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 105 PERSONALS MONICA S< fry l ••-(I’J' ' j»-' " «■ gr«pen m txit Happy B'Mhday anyvnay' l ovw S**n IIH4 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW PI PHI PLEDGES!! Gwendolyn A. Jenica A. Jennifer B. Kris B Stephanie B Jodi C. Johanna C. Katharine B Nina C. Christie 0. Kirstin L. Nicolle H. Kristen L. Katie M. Hilary M. Jessica P Brooke R Angela S. Katrina S. Trina T. Jami T. Shannon U Kimberly C. Jennifer F. Sabrina H. Kayla K. Becky M Kristen M. Heather P Kayla R. Elisa R Tanya S. Meaghan S. Teresa T. Christine T. Kelli W Michelle C Lo»« You» USE "iturienl* int«»n*M»Mj m forming -I f< VE l M '■:< 'Hi [ i >»t yu,>ui US iftVi so HE IT uo RUGBY CLUB fS.»* f»cr* Sppf 2*< on uPP®' f,».* ntJ M , i't «••• , T ... • \ Thutf. f*otTi T Ml *> V) I «p«rt«T:. rsU (ilayt'Mk K t»«tginn<»r«. *♦»!( • i*t»f PI NPAlS FOR Noiir Aiwm if w- Sem.1 VH *0» fletailft ES»> Unlrmilf.l Bo« 6261 0 Cal Aibofta C-1'..vl.i T?P PI ANNE 0 PARENTHOOD Pt ANNE D PARI NTHOOO • itu • • . uMbtdsed counseling i 11 ‘1411 PRIVATE HELP PROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Tailing BIRTHRIGHT 68/ B6*>! no LOST & FOUND - r OUN0 :ir T Of *dh i l f,- -t *•'<► .1 t.*,!>’ • ? f Ml I Wed around 3 JO pm Cali 686 551 1 ns TYPING SERVICES L AST R WORD PROCI SSING 19 , v• i•» f tilling IBM i n,»*l S' h • • <*| l■**>•-! N»-.i' inijn,-, Robin J44 0759 l ASE R WORD PROCE SSING 19 . *»■ it- «- { (Jifiny IBM C.rad vh< >1 approved Near ampw. Robin J44 0759 THE WORD SPECIALISTS j ‘ Graduate School Apptov j ' DrASertationsTTheaesiPapers • IBM Corni l -> C »ve"n-. ' Resume** f'rfiling CINDY CAROLYN 484 S454 J44 528 7 A 344 7231 TYPING UNLIMITED HM '* ;-4l'b*r (»f*J '• i App» .»• i Baft a-a land 485 08* BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 492 f 13th No 101 WORD PROCESSING A EDITING 8 yean, eapenence high quality Call Ken at 342 6347 TEXT CONVERSION CO' vhM pnnUKl lo*t to Md> IBM *ord processing and page layout files kttNil for theses papers 'esumes E0DGHDBE0 F BANKl IN PARK PL A/A *3 5120 FRANKl IN Bl VO EUGENE 747 4589 125 INSTRUCTION GROUP GUITAR Muf 199 Beginning Guitar l For the complete beginner Leaf' ! ! i hording picking strumming thee- j V and miiV 'wading 1 'edit* $75 : ter Ten %e- In-hS 3.30 4 50 MW i and 2 30 3 50 UH Hm 352 Library David Case 342 8826 KUNG FUfTAICHI WKSHP Oci 7 8 Sat Sun tOam 4pm 20 yrs teaching enperiance $40-t1ay specia* disc fo» both days A COuples Regular group-private lessons also available 1530 Willamette 344 1058 David Leung HEALTH & SELF DEFENSE 125 INSTRUCTION BEST ELECTIVES MUSIC * AMERICAN STUDIES ROCK MUSIC ********* HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC 1 Bin** * EM* * B*rry * Holly Sion** ' Basil** ' Who WEO 18 30 21 00 HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC II 60s meet the BOs * Dylan * Handn» S F Sound * Sou' ’ M’ l *fi Pun* ' No* Mui" TH IS 30 18 00 Taught by Dr Paul F nedisndor MUS 199 Register Muse Non sequential * Add this < LEARN TO give pr<»j*I>* ms *ith slides transparencies jnrsl < lass Po*venial • 1 Me d a CI4 lOCi Thu'S T pm Condon V hoot rm 1?1 L46H RAKU CERAMICS Achi**r ding elfei Is wnlh this In STARTS FRIDAY Sept ?9 Oct 20 2-5 pm S ii ' Member ship H«n)'Sl*» ' day a! the {MU Craft < t«" lt,*er level *mg I MU TIE DYEING WORKSHOPS Turn your ear drofie into t*e dyed fun1 Join .» .. ' * aft Center W o • - . Offered THIS WEEK ONLY! Wed 11 2 and 2 dO f) 30 TNI Y S' Of* a! fhe I MU 35 MM CAMERA USE Wed Sept. 27 2 5 pm • a .i? Vu- I MU * r.«* ftilh 4 m> \ 130 FOR SAIF *** perf.- 1 «owjthor. $60 Will <1el«v«v for $10 686 96/»i TWO PRINCI *.■!♦• !«. for 0*0 (>.*»• .it to* Mom K. i»luH * . W 13th 4H4 44H8 DC SK (thin end up' « North ( .r na oa>> $100 f SC'» stereo lap*- unit (mint' $116 Olivetti oftu r la* au u a to* $56. lap® record**! $25 Fred 484 2/6.3 FURNITURI AND »>• *•' ■! let’ at Thurs Fn Sat only’ D.ntys Trading Post 1366 Rivai Road 688 3742 FUTONS & FRAMES Furnishings ‘ Lighting * Posters * Clothing * Jewelry * Sleeper * Couches CITY LIVING 164 W. Broadway 343 3622 130 FOR SALE LARGE DORM fr»dg© ' • --.v» 4? - ft $1 35 00 80S 687 6000 i it S 9642 GOVERN Ml NT SEIZED vehicles from $100 Corvette* C hevy* Porche* and other <.onfi*r ated f - *«; jxyr t *v Selling this area E < buy*'* guide 1<312» H44 9009 ©*t SOW A",, open evening* GREAT DIAL' While Honda Elite 80 New liter, ©ic.ellent condition- Great mileage 2 week* of fun fo* every $' 00 (if gas Call Now' 668 0496 I IKE NEW 1982 Hotida 250 custom 600 original "'tips great for getting an-wnd I*.*' Ashing 6600 See at 1870 Mam - ill 7?6 5741 8 t• • 5 Mon thru fr MOPED PUCH thyme* wdh t» * (Jet 2400 miles double v© see* *ppr£ * net JZ?*' an 14.’’ 4607 NE W f'lH*. H. 0-1.1 f Ml- 60 .njM 0*1 500 miter* mint condition $750 DBG Can h, -r. m • 747 452 i *< * 686 3119 RED 250 Honda S'. order Elite E • H gage trunk 142 4145 *.< OOTfR YAMAHA - , THE V 1969 OODGE M-fut-i •«*•• Coif .f*i,j*ti 8*> *:• loveys 484 27511 7h CORVETTE original never baen *!«• had Automatic .»•* -©atm ■ - $7500 Weey jay eve ty* »4 1 ‘ Mfc 82 HONDA PASSPORT E* eflant condition very reliable $400 OBo i44 91?t. 82 550 kAWA LTD Well maintained 18.000 miles Close In tarn pus ashing $500 0110 Can 663 1628 Paul 83 SUZUKI scooter reliable urns great Steve \t> 4826 l Vl S WKE NOS Hi WHITE GTI Nur i» tmrr..< ulale - and out $ 1900*0 B O 144 1551 83 YAMAHA scooter CV 80 $295 687 t9l t 84 CONVERTIbl E RABBIT 5 SPD Wolfsburg EOT All Whit© 65 000 run Great driving i a» $800006 F t R ■ 86 HONDA ELITE 80 Low miles e* cedent condition Helmet $700 OBO Terry 686 4150 Days 342 6959 nights 150 BICYCLES AZUKI IMPERIAL U ghtweight tour trig 10 spd $19*i 485 14 76 FOR SAi f NtSHtKl 12 SPEED great bike $100*0 B O ( ad Mo 344 1757 150 BICYCLES N(C() A bdrh ■ ly h>*e 1 got <1 Shim 600 Grup **fy !•»•»» e*f'as Christoph*' 143 I420eve# SO BIKES ( *1 l f® ( ■ . %*’'. and ,r speeds •*•*/ ndeabie Staffing ji $20 Thuf% F* A Sat only Dmtyft Trading Po»l 1155 River Road 6A4 3742 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS ANNIVERSARY SALE and Back to School Specials Software Discounts to 80% OFF RETAIL 3 1/2" DSDD disks 90C 5 1/4” DSDD disks 40< pa|(.' $25/box of 2,500 Ribbons: $1.00 OFF m Panasonic Printers KXP1180 $193 KX P1181 $289 KX-P1124 $389 For all of your computer need* ; Sales Or fotH'fM 1 9H',f j LEARNING SERVICES ■ DOWN T OWN ' f>1 West 8th Avenue 68.1 3827 t800»536 1276 How M F 10 < Sat 10 S FREE DRAWING FOR PANASONIC KX P1 ISO PRINTER' WORD PROCt SMNG typewriter M ><1 t?f 180 Brother t offer ironic 1 1 <2 y» . .iv1 A'.t-i'Mj J MX) Can 681 1628 Paul 160 SOUND SYSTEMS 165 INSTRUMENTS CROSSROADS MUSIC Casa Tol Ten Buy S*i( T'ad« wo RESALE CLOTHING NEED CASH? (FAST) Men & Women CASH paid tor clothing No appointment needed SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W 11TH 683 6501 YOU 1 AN t» i i i • ab* ut t* ■,’c t)y w-hu! they ac.n <»dd to youf cha»4K‘t#r at B*ng Cherry Palace 62 W 13th 175 BOOKS EMERALD CITY COMICS Older.! c • ifhir. tx>> store tn Oregon • Nrt* onu i:% • b4K'K 15 sue 5 * discount subscriptions * games * posters 770 E 13th Upstairs in Smith Family Building M S 11 6 195 TRAVEL ROUND TRIP a,, to Penn Slain Oct 1? 16 message for Fran 686 3639 369 2579 eves 70Q RIDES & RIDERS - WANTED RIDE from Lebanon to Eu gene AM and bar a m PM Tuesday Thursday and Saturday Any or all days 258 2544 ?05 WEEKEND GETAWAYS BEND COUNTRY CABIN very nice 2 bedroom kitchen fully fur mshed 136 on* night 125 two or mo'e n.ghls 382 30V) 2io OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION EARN money reading books' 132 00Q year income potential ' • ■ , • ■ . • • EARN MONEY typing at home 1 tfj 00(3 yea- income potential Details ■. ottering eipanded Supervised practi cum and escape opportunities for stu dents interested in working with young children For more information, call Mauroe- al 686 4384 RPCV NEEDED For unpaid internship position as cam pus Peace Corps representative Sue '■ VI *' . ; • • , ‘ " ■ PAID POSITION'';**" , lent year Pi. i • contact Jake DuOell a! Career Plan SCHOLARSHIPS!! SCHOLARSHIPS etc SOCCER FOOT BALI REFS needed Bril Wet** 484 2406 ■ ■ leave message at KIDSPOR7 683 2373 VISA OR Musty urd l v*n d bankrupt or bad credit1 Wt guarantee you a ard or double your money back' Cal! l 80S 682 7565 E*t M 1063 WOMEN SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU! Volunteer drive's needed Permanent drivers one 2 hr shill par week Alter nate drivers are on call as needed No special license required These and ad ditional volunteer opportunities are available for credit Drop by Our office m the ASUO Women s Center Suite 3 EMU Of call 686 4239 fO' mom into 215 HELP WANTED CRUISESMIPS Now Hmny for Spring Christmas and ne«i summer b'eaks Many positions Call 1005682 7555 Eat S 1048 DATA ENTRY OPERATORS , Needed for temporary pan time and *ftJli time iHJMlions both day ard even mg shifts These positions provide fleaibl* hours e»cellent working con ddions and a wage ol $6 00/HR Quait tied applicants will possess a typing speed of at least 65 WPM and will have had at least one year of office-■clerical r*pcfiente For immediate considera tion please send cover letter and re sume to Human Resources Manage' Astef Publishing Corp PO BOX 10460 E uoene OR 97440 EOE 215 HELP WANTED AEROBICS INSTRUCTORS P.-• -.«»■« • available with Eugene Parks and Re reabon Submit applK abons to Human Resources and Risk Services 777 Pearl Street Room 10' Eugene Ore gon. 97401 Call 687 6061 for informs ANCHORAGE FAMILY need1. a ny for 1 yr Mus! be fun mature and love f hod'en $176/Wk plus airfare 344 1893 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT The successful applicant will have good organizational and communica tlon shills She/He will be able to work well with program course instructors student University Administration, and program staff RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE Bookkeeping office reception, and processing forms 6 15 hours per week Work study ($5 00/hr) or stipend ($75 00/month) U of O students only Call 686 4305 for more information To apply Submit ASUO application form resume and cover letter to our office m EMU room M110 by 5 00 pm on October 3, 1969 AA/EOE_ ATTENTION HIRING' Govftri jobs your area $17 840 $69 485 Call 1^02 838-8885 Ext R12164_ « Hlil; CARf r,,. U, ng ,i; • > ■ mateiy 9 hrs per week JlSO/mo Non smoker must have car Bring resume and references to 463 Oregon Hail attn L J__ CHILD CARE needed for 2 year old boys Mon. Wed Fri 7 am 5 30pm __ COACH FOR high school downhill ski racing team Lift tickets plus salary _ COMPUTER SALES MS DOS experience required Bring or send resume to PC Express 1011 Val ley River Way 34? 1298 CO DIRECTOR OF MARKETING RECREATION AND INTRAMURALS Promote an active lifestyle and in . ease level >* participation lor R I M events Call 686 4113 tor information bon Deadline to apply is 9r?9 FEMALE talENT models wanted • FREELANCERS WANTED fo' what arguably the most important Emer, beat Higher Educabon/Admimslrab beat Contact Chris Bouneff GALA The Gay 4 Lesbian Alliance is seeking a Cp Director tor the 1989 90 suhoi-i year, ah applications are due by 5 pm Friday September 29 L>AlA is a1 Ai htmabve A. • i M t OE Suite 319 i Mi 686 3360 HELP! EMU CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT CENTERS Still has the following positions avail able m our 6 accredited early child hood programs Teacher aide child hood programs Teac her aide . ie»i( ai aide accounting assistant fabric art isl utility worker custodial Support » ‘.*i * • < HIGHLY ORGANIZED responsible pe» son wdh good people skills wanted to assist Director of Sludent Advoca cy Responsibilities UK phone intake referrals word processing filing re .option etc Acquaintance with Uni versdy resources helpful knowledge of word per* eel $6/hr Work study preferred Pick up application at EMU Suite 4 Deadline Sept 28 1989 An affirmative action equal opportum .. SEKEEI One or two days a week one to two hours each day Call Kelvin at 686 5511 for more information LOOKING FOR ENERGETIC profes sionai hard working individuals to join our telephone fundraising team Part time flexible hours $6 00 per hour plus bonuses Can 686 3016 if interested or stop by Johnson Hall room 207 to pick up an application BY GARRY TRUDEAU Doonesbury HJHAV5 THE HURRY, SALT GOTTA GET TV THE PR UJHOOPtl SALEGME£T< UAMACOME* IMHA1 KX* UJHATFOR* your AGENCY HANPUS OUR ACCOUNT' YOU 5H0ULVBE CHECKIN' OUT UJHA1 HJE RE UP TO THESE PAYS' (33^ HMM \MA ybz •YOU'RE | | RXGhfT. OF COURSE l AM BUT IF YOOPE COMING, 0ETTEU? swpontt' we'rb \ GONNA MISS THB OPENING CERE' MONIES' WAS THAT GREAT* WE'U BEBACK WITH SALES FI6UPBS IN A MO imn>