Gangs Continued from P«ige 4 has been .i problem. Guild s.ud "I'util von have a drive-b\ shooting. |>«•<>{>!•• just aren't m forested Some f >» m > p 11 ■ just don’t realize what .1 gang i an do to a ( ommumtv I ale is ini material in .1 gang situation Gangs can affect all segments ol the ((immunity and so the coalition is divided into tour subcommittees which .ire the thrust of the organization. Guild said The subcommittees try to deal w ith spec itic prob loins in their area ot interest The subcommittees are (livid ed into education, youth, busi ness and government commit tees in an effort to interest most people and organizations in the l.ano (anility area Ue ,irr Irving to draw from .ill segments of tin- i omnium Is ! hind ''.III! \\ i’ know were headed m the right direr Hon Thu i oalition has grow n i on siderablv from its original size l huru is .1 i onstant influx of null mi'inhurs At thu most ru lent meeting, one-third ol the group were new members The growth of the group aifils to the etlui ation of tile people ami the success ol the group An\ grass roots organization In i itizens s\ ill help lust get ting the word out helps (.i 1 liatn said "It'll get worse before it gets better Hut il vou sit bar k and do nothing it will mils gel worse ’ Horton said ASUO LEGAL SERVICES FREE LEGAL SERVICES — Legal Services handles a wide range of legal problems from Divorces to Landlord Tenant Disputes. —There is never a consultation or settlement fee. — Legal Services staff members are experienced, qualified professionals. — Legal services are FREE to U/0 students through ASUO funds. ALSO: The Office of Student Advocacy offers non-legal services including, but not limited to ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATION DISPUTES Contact Legal Services, EMU, Room 334 (Third floor above the Fish Bowl). Or call 686-4273 to set up an appointment. DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS! Registration's Lurid Labyrinth Due to bad penmanship and ugly term paper s, Leroy is a freshman for the third time. Help him find the Microcomputer Support Lab. It's his only chance. Get l.eroy on track. And while you're at it. put your best toot forward. Because if you think registration was tough, wait til you get a load of your courses. A computer makes short work ot long term papers, and makes you look smart in the process. Look no further. Get rock bottom prices on Apple Macintosh, IBM 1 ’S/2, Zenith Data Systems, (’laris, Ashton Tate and Microsoft products Look us up. We'll help you look great' Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Monday-hnoay y a.m. - d P ooo - ™ MAC COO£ m m ^WPl£d, A \ ICq -j-‘. a * tt>*v i vj., ' ,sJ *A] oik f 7i5c>es 4 l ' > ■ i f. s' 1 fjNAl 0«s| { =®an; exMPtR/'tfp tiTO pC K) ts '>-*■ l T I J Foe CA.8£ PA^KKirtS Ar^roff'^ KVs I Ot Ml OL It I I Pop ( aMS \ 3557 N_ ^ PAMfHuf.r7 g;mERjG,ENlC V Hoo’S; Foe_ <40 8AC K. To OO »- <"*. A ajd a z. Pf njc.i l. •) ? "‘lost fR£Shr*\fi(Kl Sum L_J M__L _ Confer i CtAfTE^. Having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified