342-2912 German AUTO SERVICE 2025 Franklin Blvd. • Eugene • Reliable Service For Your Foreign Auto Specializing in Volkswagon • Mercedes • BMW • Audi Datsun & Toyota welcome EXPERT WORKMANSHIP & SAVINGS “Serving you for over 21 years ” Microcomputer Classes Jsg[ Regularly-enrolled UO students are welcome to join the UO Continuation Center's Community Microcomputer Program! Enjoy all the benefits at a fraction of the cost! You'll receive .... f® Ten hours of hands-on instruction per class. Conveniently-scheduled afternoon classes. «•> Extensive classroom manual provided. ^ Data disk of example documents, j |. Ten pages free laserprinting. Open lab throughout the term. cs> End-of term expanded evening hours One credit special project option available Cost: $48. Macintosh Classes; 124 CSC Introduction to the Macintosh This class introduces the novice to the Macin tosh computer through the use of some of the most popular programs aviulable Topics in clude: basic word processing, graphics, spread sheets, desktop publishing, and the Macintosh system. Offered Thursdays, Oct. 12 - Nov. 2, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. Microsoft Word: Level I Fundamentals of Microsoft Word version 4.0 are taught, including: understanding the ruler, working with character and paragraph format ting, creating tables, using the glossary and style sheets, and creating custom menus. Of fered Tuesdays, Oct. 10 - Oct. 31, 1:30 - 4:00 p m Microsoft Excel: Level 1 Excel is the most comprehensive spreadsheet program available today, incorporating spread sheet, charting and database functions. Tuught from an introductory level, this class explores the Imisics of Excel and introduces you to some of its common applications. Offered Mondnys, Oct. 9 - Oct. 30, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. PageMaker: Level I Learn PageMaker by constructing newsletters, catalogs, ads, and brochures. Topics include: text and gruphics layering, combining text and graphics, usingcolor, manipulating graphic ob jects, specifying and placing body and display text, and working with multi-page documents. Offered Wednesdays, Oct. 11 - Nov. 1, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. IBM-PC Classes: 127 CSC Introduction to the IBM-PC This class introduces the novice to basic ter minology and concepts of the IBM-PC, in cluding: the MS-DOS operating system, hardware and software basics, wordpro cessing, spreadsheet concepts, and database functions Offered Thursdays, Oct. 12 • Nov. 2, 1:30 ■ 4:00 p.m. WordPerfect: Level I Tins course introduces the fundamentals of WordPerfect 5.0, including: creating, edit ing, saving, retrieving and printing docu merits, modifying formats, file management, using the search and replace feature, using the spelling and thesaurus programs, and tranferring files Offered Tuesdays, Oct. 10 - Oct. 31, 1:30 - 4:00 p m. Ixitus 1-2-3: Level I This course, taught with the most popular spreadsheet software, introduces students to fundamental spreadsheet concepts and how they apply to a vuriety of business and per sonal applications for the IBM-PC. Offered Monduys, Oct. 9 - Oct. 30, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. dBase III Plus: Level I This course introduces the user to basic data base development, including: creating and organizing databases, designing custom screens, generating reports, and printing la bels. Course is taught using the dBase III Plus assist menu. Offered Wednesdays, Oct. 11 - Nov. 1, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. To register for these classes or obtain future schedules, call the University of Oregon Continuation Center. 686-3537 Continuation Center registration office at 1553 Moss Street. _Sports_ Duck offensive statistics Passinq PC JUoH.ifs O K u s h i n q I C fVriy 2 S I ovillf S'* > I 4 *\« irnirnt *> hmlhris I Musqtav* S To!. Offence 1 P Mwsqi.m '♦’S Will) 2S t ON lllc V> 411 Purposr HI SM K«»r> IH I Olx*«* 0 I ov Mr I I irId (ioa Is I 19 Me C .ilium O f) Krtrivinq IK ttorry '» M.ttqam '* Otxr H Thomason S Trill 4 Mi i (li n 4 tovilte S Kcit/uq 2 V \ PI Pci. 3<1s. C PC* \\c. ll> l ong HH I f'<>2 707 17 7 23S 7 M 38 S o * >no 3S 3 0 33 0 o 17 2 o non o 0,0 oo 0 o > c. i nr, 170 29 3 I O O I I 2ft 0 1 0 l 28 18 I I S3 1 M) 28 3 1 4 28 Ml >»*(. 72 ‘M> S 31 O 300 9 3 3.0 0 3 2 ft ft 9 > 7 . ■ 34 I S 3 I 4 > H VP 28 707 18 I 0 I S3 O >i r 18 I I S3 4\ I 7 3 7 2 2 ft ‘M) 3 SI o II) 8 I <• 38 »>8 I t HI C I 2 3 I 72 22 KI I O 99 40 >1 I 30ft 27 1 2 IS 4V I ID I S3 O I ‘ M) 3 2 717 2 I (. 68 32 I 4 20 29 3 3 30 39 2 2 40 4 9 2 S O O *| I 97 I 2 S I ft 2 I 72 44 34 3 2 22 30 24 K PC. 3 3 4 S 3 o 2 7 I 7 I 3 I 3 1.0 0 7 o ft AVI 9 7 1 3 9 18 O 2 1 S 8 8 8 S H O 7 3 I SO I 2 O ID 0 0 2 1 2 0 O 0 1 l<« ) I SH 40 32 IB 2 I I I I I 7 18 STUDIO SPACE WORKSHOPS SUPPLIES MEMBERSHIPS ONLY $5 PER TERM FOR STUDENTS FACULTY & STAFF EMU CRAFT CENTER Financial Aid . . . The Roxy i Twin $211 Double $24.1 Queen $279 Through the months ol August and September, we re ottering you financial assistance 'Hie Roxy Package Deal Scholastically inclined, the Roxy otters three degrees ol su|>(>ort (sola, lounger, bed) to assure you comfort lor the long hours of study ahead The Roxy Package Deal Includes Futon, FREE factory Select l .cm- and Roxy Frame Otter valid in Kugene store only N o a t H W I » T hho'm ( o m r a m r HOMt R KNLsMINuMnK MoOtKN I.I11M, Kugene 1(00 Willamette St IM2-I762 ss \« • . i Don't miss a great catch... Pick up an ODE football program each Friday before home games.