Ducks drop from AP poll To the surprise of absolutely nobody, the Oregon Dinks were nowhere lo lie found on the latest Assoi ialed Press l op 2a college football poll The I)m ks had been rated 22nd in the nation following their impressive f t n rout ot liig-10 foe Iowa on Septemhei tt>. but were b.mished from the poll after Saturday's last set ond 1H-1 7 loss to I’ai iln 10 ri val Stanford The win earned the ( 0-2 prior lo Saturday s win. one point in the [mils Oregon was rated :i 1st in the nation The Notre Dame fighting Irish remained atop the poll de spite; a less-than impressive win over Big-10 opponent Michigan State on Saturday Miami. Fla . was number two in the Nation followed by Ne braska. Auburn, Colorado, Michigan, Olemson, Arkansas West Virginia and Pittsburgh rounding out the Top 10 Southern California was the highest rated Pat: It) team this week at 1 1 111 atlei man hail tiling ()hio State The University of Arizona Wildcats, Oregon's next oppo nent. were rated 17th. Wash ingtou State Pith .ind Washing ton 2 1st to round out rated Pat It) teams Sports Wtolu l»v Mr* Him. The l)ui ks hammered (JH llrian Johnson (~>) all