_Sports_ Duck teams blow weekend leads Bv Dun Peters UHOkF v 1 l'u blow .1 l.iriif lead m the ( losing moments, to lose a game you should have won See also Oregon I )m ks New entry in the Peters t u abridged Dictionary Please tell me it was |iis! a nightmare A bad dream The _Commentary_ Ducks really didn’t blow a 17-0 lead with under eight minutes to play, did they? In a space of 24 hours punchdrunk Oregon fans twice u.itched Dm k teams snati h de feat from the jaws of victory Before the football team did their swan dive, the volleyball team Friday had Washington down 0-2 in a best -of-five match, but let the Huskies come back and win In both cases, what hap pened? The volleyball mati h is eas ier to explain. Until the Ducks beat Washington State Satur day. Oregon had lost 10 straight Pac-10 games. Not lun to watch, but under standable A team down in mo rale will lose games like that But the football team's per fomiance is puzzling. Here was a Dili k team th.it was coming off two good w ins one of them a 41 t) stunner over Iowa \u tional ranking. Ileisinaii mm mins for Bill Musgriive Fans were restless Finally here was an Oregon team to put tile school on the map. they said They'll get a bow I bid no problem Some, m lighthearted moments ol fantasy even dreamed ol New Year’s Day in Pasadena, roses and parades No more Oregon was on a high com mg in to play a Stanford team th.it had an 0-2 record. 0-2 in conference Heck the ( animal even lost to Oregon State Bad ly. No wav the I lucks could lose busy game Go out. ho,it up ,i few opponents run over some ( orneihai ks ,uni go home Piece ot cake Nobody listened to Rn h Brooks lie warned e\er\hod\ that Stanford was a lough team 1 )ui k ( Cardinal games are al yy a\ s close he said I lout tin derestimate Stanford After listening to the game. I i ante to the hltint i oru Itision th.it Oregon didn't deserve to u in the game anvwav Stanford outran the Hutks out hustled the Dm ks and generally out plaved tin1 Dm ks As defensive coordinator Denny St fuller said. Oregon would have won ugh Instead, they lost ugh There were omens that Ore goo was going to have it tough I'he team had not lost a game in whii h Musgrave started and went tile w hole v\ as sine e Oct 24, 1987 Who beat 'em last1’ Take a guess Gist year. Stanford held a I 0 lead at Aut/.en Stadium until the last few minutes when Musgrave engineered a drive to will tile game 7- I I ,ive In the last set ond w in die by the last set ond loss Starting center St ot Boatright is probably out lor the season and fullhai k Latin Berry w ill lie out tor throe to four weeks People found out Saturday ius! how important these two are to lilt* l)ut ks running attai k Ia tremely important Listening to the last eight minutes ol the game was like listening to a horror fink Something Stephen king would come up with Revenge of the (airdinal Lor those who missed it. a linel ret ap I list i ame the 11 yard tout lidovvn pass from Bri an lohtison to Gary Taylor There went the shutout (lo gon 1 7 Stanford 7 Oregon could do nothing on their next possession Punt Ball on Oregon PI Nine plays later. Steve Smith went in from the I Two point < (inversion Junior League of Eugene The Thrift & Gift Shop High Quality Resale Clothing & Household Items • Latest Fashions for Men & Women • Accessories • Designer Clothing • Kitchen Supplies • Linens • Children's games, toys. & clothing SEE US FOR YOUR FALL CLOTHING & HOUSEHOLD NEEDS! 2839 Willamette St. /fT\ Across from Willamelle PlE| ode) good There went the point spread Oregon 17 Stanford 1 ."> (Inside kii k They re not supposed to work It worked ( ouple ol plays Hnan Hopkins hangs home a .17 \ atd field goal w III) no lime on the elm k There went the hall game lirooks and unmpum are surely hoping this was just .in isolated ini idcnt \o more re peats gins I not lull games are t>() minutes long l osing might even help the team ( aiming up this Saturday is a home game against Ari/.o n.i No over dramatization in tended hut the Arizona game will prohahh he the key to the season W in this one and the I fucks are right bar k in the Rose Howl hunt lose it and esper I Oregon to slip into their familiar mu tine of fiOO medior rits Let s hope they win A quar ter of a < entlirv is a long time to yy.iit toi a boys I hid Communicate personal classil Capezio’s been dancing since 1887. 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