(outlet Photo Drums O'Connor's (/is/i/jis (hr 'spiritual powrrs (hut imitrol things in our lurs' through his "Skullpturr" rurrrnlh showing in (hr h\ll (i,illrr\ Skullpture ( ontinued from P.ige I J Amerii \ blood red. closing in on a white nameless fat e In other 1 timers bright colors and bash shapes are again reminisi enl of a t hild's tov but seem only to be hiding the d.uk humor whit h is loi ked inside O't onnor starts each work with a small idea bill claims I. ... make them the sculptures selves. "It's odd ' he said 1 Some times I feel like there's some kind of outside influent e Odonnor s.ns he believes that tile ideas behold the words show the spiritual powers that control tilings in our lives that we nun not he aware ot oi that we mas not attribute to out owi) mistakes i bis exhibit i hallenges tin' viewer not to look avvav 1 oi those vv ho are vv llling to ai < ept this i hallenge, ()'(ionuoi s Skullptures" will not disap point von The sculptures are on displav through Oil *> Mediation Program When conflict gets out of hand and you need help, contact us. Suite 5, EMU 686-4240 FREE conflict management * Roommates * Student Faculty * Organizations CDs and TAPES Buy - Sell - Trade music fletiolutiori 1217 Alder Next to Sy's Pizza A cut above the rest... CARE'N FOR HAIR S6I i. 13th AVI IUOINI. OR 97401 (503)4*5-4423 OMEN 7 OATS Wolll tanning available by appointment Haircuts ONLY s1000 i w/coupon Reg $13.00 and up ♦ Condition > ♦ Shampoo & ♦ Haircut ^ ♦ Blowdry Good through Oct 31.1989