CUSTOM MICRO Everex STEP Series High Performance Computers for High Performance Users Get the word out with an ODE classified Baton war to open ESO season The Faigene Symphonv Or chestra explodes into its 1<189 90 season with the popu lar Battle of the Batons benefit concert on Sept to. featuring guest conductor David Ogden Stiers of M*A*S*H* fame and Master of Ceremonies Wend\ Kay of M 'ON AM r>9 Conductors this year are re turning co i hampions Allornev Ceneral David Frohnmayer and Thurston lligli School Student Aaron Tabai id. along with run ning star Alberto Salazar. KMTK news personalilv Mau reen Shine. Kligene festival of Musiial Theater Director Kd Ragozzino. Springfield Mayor Bill Morrisette. I.TD Ceneral Manager I’hvllis l.oohex and IX'C Vice President Jacquelyn Belcher Introducing and "roasting" tin1 contestants will be Con gressman Peter DeEa/.io. Eu gene Mayor Jeff Miller, Slug Queen Kathy Gillespie, the Eu gene Planning Mill's Sid Voor hees. University of Oregon Pro lessors Dick Hill and Chevney Ryan. Euphoria Chocolate's Boh Bury and |oe Soderhurg of the Lumbermen’s Buying Ser vice judging this year's competi tors will be Cin uit Court Judge Ann Aiken. John Doyle of KVA1.-TY. arts benefactress |evve! Hull, Jeff l.ansdon from \\ estern Pioneer Title (Company and main others Abortion Continued from Page 3 .irt- handicapped, or have spe i ial needs I iltv-one percent are minorities 1 hose seeking to adopt are overwhelmingly l How’re you going to do it? from rpvismnst Anglin# for A s! Swamped by soriology! f tjifiulfrd in t.iifili'h ' PS/2 it! Close a deal on an IBM PS/2 More the semester closes in on vou. Before \ou tm on your choice of three IBM Broprinter models? Ikm't miss the Ik tat. ( ome in todas. Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 686-4402 ’ This Oder is limited lo qualified students tertyandaM ahOOrdwanBMPS 2 Model 8525001.8530E21 8550 031 8555 061 or 8570 fcbi cm & cetore October 3' 1989 Orders are subtect lo availably CM may withdraw the promotion at any time without written notice tjM P»«unelSrt*«- JandPS .'w»i«aM.wMtrw»mark» andf-mnrntei itr**«"ar. »' -iwiato-jiBunnww M»r»wCotpor«K>n PHOQlGv « a ragntered Irwtumwy oTPro»0t $»««•• .mp*'-. • pa’