__Entertainment_ Display of 'Skullptures' shatters conceptions of childhood, reality By Julie Decker Emerald Contributor Portland artist Dennis O'Connor's "Skullptures." < urrently on displa\ .it the l-.Ml Gallery, -ire as haunting as the name implies This exhibit is not for the weak, nor for those who lack imagination. It is not tor those with a fragile view of reality O’Connor's sculpture's challenge the viewer to he shocked O'Connor's art background ini hides a year of study at the Oregon Art Institute in Portland His work has previously been shown in Portland at Pullian Nugent. Blue Gallery. Artquake and most recently at the Northwest Artist Workshop The "Skullptures'' currently on display are made up of work done in the past two years They are a fusion of rough hewn, severed and displaced found ohjei ts that are fashioned into towering totems One can only guess yvhether the fabrii ot the sculptures equals the fabric of the artist s mind II so. O'Connor's mind may he a dark place, fore boding, vet daring the rvayyvard traveler to he i nine trapped in its mysterious compartments caught in the mechanized rveb of its intensity If O'Connor’s images are descriptive of reali tv. then the world may he full of nameless shape less faces faces which are filled with horror and morbidity The machinery and technology ot today are not merely signs ol advancement, but rather symbols of control, representations of lives being thrown together, proi essed and produi ing a cloned society ol mindless dolls The exhibit includes several sculptures, eai h with a different touch, but still maintaining a continuous flow ot strong, subjective mental im ages Heads of dolls, wooden spoons, c rah i layy.s and bright geometru shapes all re-occur through out the exhibit. included as part ol the network ot machinery Throughout the exhibit the viewer is pulled in. becoming part ot the process, sloyy ly relormu I outlet Pholti Dennis O'Connor's "Skullpturvs" .irr totrm poles of a different reality. They are on dis play until ()< t t> in the t.SII hallery lilting realitv « PIH I' Bound figures hang from .1 rei klesslv lull anted mass made up of svmhols of vsar The Turn to Skullpture, Page 15 ’BACK TO THE BOOKS SPECIAL!’ 11 \ lube oil 4 JS » FILTER ' 4 .• »'!> hai' «t .in .1". Mill regime .« 4 *iwi*i alignment We ilo t ./ml p'r* thrutl Angle S Am Wheel Maiten are Align mem* for prolonged t»rlife batter mileage and improved handling || FRONT END I $25.77 THRUST ANGLE $32.77 4-WHEEL ij $39.77 If H M..M -t'1 P-lMt * *«<»• mil , • Ml-Sf l«M It .MS HI I _1 i tunVups ! | Trained Technicians Solve Over | I ?000 fng Problems Every Day1 | ■ • ■ • m • • M)uil Kfle speed • Set timing t «**.t battery ft a I hargrig system • ln*pe< I • «»> ftiwjtne lyMOniN parts “ I 1 Cylmdoi ’39,; | t DIAGNOSTIC TUNE-UP...$59.77 * i Ail the PtUS Mast«rmin.r omputer :*,i eng mi? analysis K gudhly . «>n f « !rot printout 1 1 Most olov eng ■ .vs 6 A H. »l Slightly mo"* f reverse Veng A merterenc *^^J| No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene—East 11th store only 345-1593 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 13th & Hilyard 706 E. 13th BLIZZARD 343-7512 HOMESTYLE” ULTIMATE Dairg Queen brazier