_Entertainment_ Tokyo String Quartet to open chamber music concert series KUGKNK The rokyo String Quartet .in in ternationallv renowned ensemble, will open the 22nd season of the University School of Musk s Chamber Music Series at ti p m Sunday. Oil 1 in Beall (loin ert I bill ‘Hi 1 K 18th Ave The 1989-90 season includes six concerts, featuring three string quartets, a piano quartet, a piano trio and a wind and string octet All con certs are held at 8 pin in Beall (ami ert I la 11 Reserved seat lit kets range from $5 ad to S1 1 at), with student discount tu kets at St and $a l ii kets ma\ be pun based in advam e through the Holt Center Box Office. or at Beall Coni ert I lall on i onc.ert night The Tokyo String Quartet's program w ill in i lude "Quartet in C Major" by Schubert; ’"Quar tet No 1" In janacek. and Quartet m 1 Majoi by Ravel. At claimed from the ensemble’s beginnings in liiti'), the Tokyo String Quartet now t elehrates its 20th anniversary season hailed as one of the world's great quartets During the past two dei ados this remarkable ensemble of Kastern and Western musit bins has performed more than 2.000 concerts on five con tinents. Praised for their superb technical com mand and the commitment and intensity they bring to performances of a rii h 1 \ varied reper toire. the Tokyo Quartet's continuing musical achievements have captivated an entire genera tion. While their travels have taken them repeated ly to the world’s most prestigious concert halls, the Tokyo String Quartet has established a spet ial relationship with musit lovers in Kugene Ibis will, in fact, be their eighth appearance on the University Chamber Music Series, the first com ing in 1974-75 when the quartet was an up-and coming group in their filth season. in addition to their appearance in Kugene. the Tokyo String Quartet will celebrate its 20th season with performances in all of New York City’s major halls, including the Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall; three Kuropean tours; and a 45-city tour of North America For the RCA Victor Red Seal Label, tin. semhle will make additional recordings and re leases in their c ycle of the Schubert quartets, re cordings and releases of Beethoven s middle and late quartets, and collaborations with flutist lames Galwa\ and guitarist kazuhito Yamashita I (MiilrM I'lmlti I hr Tokyo Sirin# Quartet will often the musii si hind 's Chamber Musii Series Sunday at tl ft.rn. in Heall Concert Hall [’hi; Tokyo String Quartet continues as Art ists-in Residence .it Vale University in New II.i von. Conn . and at the University of (.ini innati College Conservatory of Musii I'he quartet h.is been featured on major television programs, in eluding the 1‘uhlii Broadeasting Service's "Croat Performances" and the CBS program Sunday Morning Other concerts in the I'ttt't ■)() University (chamber Musii Series iin ludo Nov 2 The Quartetto Beethoven ili Roma. Italy 's premiere piano ipnirtet. will perform Mo /art. Kauri1 and Si huitiann |an 11 The l-afavette quartet, quickly be coming one of America's leading ensembles. y\ill perform quartets by Haydn and Seeger Pianist Victor Steinhardt. a University musii professor, yvill perform Brahm s Quintet for Piano and Strings with the group Feb H The Berlin Octet. Fast Oermanv's most outstanding i handier ensemble, will per form octets for wind and strings by Si liubert and Franca ix For more information, call the University Si bool ot Musii I I \\h Si 1 m-i I vs JS>> (let [quai tiled Offer (Onie in for Moniitn• l\istne s and u e ll htt\ the ( offer' i. •' ! »> Pasta Pizza Cal/one Italian Pastries IMIimifed LTD Dus service optional student tee That means refunds are available Keep in mind, however, that your student ID now enables you to nde the bus any time, anywhere all term1 Also remember that by supporting unlimited bus service you're helping alleviate traffic, reduce air pollution, ease the campus parking problem, and provide transportation tor thousands ot students But it you still want a refund, come to the L MU Mam Desk between t 30pm and 7pm Sept 21 Oct 4. weekdays only Also available at LTD Customer Service Center Oct 5 14 Call 6875555 tor more information Laneltensit District Available to dll U ot O stuck?rits incfuchrig U nv stuc it Hits c »«6©i.TO =U O-B oo kst o r e HP CALCULATOR SPECIALS HEWLETT PACKARD 10B Algebraic Business Calculator • Business & Financial • Linear regression • 256 memory byles '49.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 19B Business Consultant II • HP solve • Graphics • Business & Finanr u 169.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 21S Math/Stat. Calculator • Built in stat library • Hypothesis testing • { ential n att I in lions 49.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 14B Business Calculator • Algebraic entry • Business functions • Alpha numeric 79.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 28S Scientific Calculator 32K memory Advance graphics • HP solve // n 235.00 HEWLETT PACKARD l17B Business Calculator • 6500 memory bytes • HP solve • Continuous memory 110.00 ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT