_Entertainment__ O'Bryon's book a tale of survival Bv Kelvin Woe l morale) ) n< ore I dilor It was ()( tuber, I'm, Ideanot Dart and her fiance Ogden kel logg. were both lost on Devil Mountain in Baja. Mexic o Amoric .in and Mexic an newspapers and television news were tilled with their sto r\ Nearing death from sturvu lion and exposure, the two wiling Americans were finallv rescued. I iidav . 11 \ ears lalei, Idea nor I Jart ()'Hr\ on has i omplet ed her book entitled ('liming llumc I nint lirvil Mountain The book i onlains excerpts from the journals of both O’Mrvon and her late father I ram is I Jart a former phvsii s professor at the I niversitv who looked lor the lost ( on pie "The book is not pist about being lost in the mountain ( )' lirvon explained It 's also about m\ relationship with my father ' through her while she was i hronir ling her life 1 I didn't ( hange my father's words and I didn't change rnv own words those are e\a< 11\ the words I wrote when I was m that situation " she said "The only thing I did was to delete repetitious phrases That's wh.it goes it the pow er. '' The hook’s power also i nines from (I'itrvon's struggle to pub lish her hook it has taken a JO year struggle lor that to hap pen "I had tour.hed something vers deep in nn sell and m the cnnnei lion w ith the natural world and I had ilist overetl that death is nothing to he afraid ol she said I struggled with it lor a while I knew 1 hat some tiling ini redihly important had happened to me hut there was reallv nobody around me who was able to help me But things have improved since she moved to lucson, \riz a lew years ago to gather her life together and now is reedv to pursue the future .is a w l iter, she said O'Hrvon said the high level III honests in the book is due to the fa< t that she never original ly wrote her journals tor publi i ation. hut for the pure reason ot i hronii ling her life "I've always written jour nals." O'Hrvon said I leel like I want to tour h people's hearts and vou r an t touch peo ple’s hearts without being bon est In addition O'Hrvon said she chose to use the journal ev i erpt.s in its original form with little or uo editing because she wanted hei readers to feel the uncensored emotions th.it went " \ I \ priorities .ire not to make a li\ mg ,md hoy thing', slio said. "\l\ priorities are to listen to mvself and live as deeply as I ( an It I just slow down and listen to myself I find that I know what is impor taut for me "I didn't start doing; that nil til a few gears agp>. she said "Anil what I found out was that I m i'll to maintain the kind of deep i onnei lion w itli nature that I disi nvered in the moon tain .mil I need to share w fiat I Conservative Investing Doesn't Have to Mean Conservative Performance. Calvert Ariel Growth Fund 19.14%* ! ! 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O’Hrvnn will In j signing r.npirs fit hot liimk .it j tin* I ugi'llr Hilton I li>trl I n | grill' I iritiT .it the \mlhVM sl J HtKjksrllrrg < i in von I Kin I * i( I >i v buy a new BRIDGESTONE BIKE as a back to school present from Paul’s FREE TIOGA U-LOCK reduced prices MB 6 $339.00 I MB 5 $369.00 MU-2 $669.00 on sale for the first time ever! MB-3 579.00 all Japanese, top frame, deorell ! also on sale * lock and cable set * f ork Mount Generator * Alloy Rear Carrier * assorted used bikes $5.00 S 5.00 S 7.50 cheap PAUL’S BICYCLE SHOP 2480 Alder, Eugene 342-6155 DRINKING AND DRIVING GAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP Microcomputer Classes Regularly-enrolled UC) students are welcome to join the UO Continuation Center's Community M i c ro co m p u t c r P ro g ra m! Enjoy all the benefits at a fraction of the cost! You'll receive . . . . Macintosh Classes; 121 CSC Introduction to the Macintosh This class introduces the novice U> the Macin tosh computer through the use of some of the most popular programs nviulable. Topics in clude basic word processing, graphics, spread sheets, desktop publishing, and the Macintosh system OfTered Thursdays, Oct. 12 - Nov. 2, 1:30 - 4:00 p m Microsoft Word: Ixtvcl I Fundamentals of Microsoft Word version 4.0 are taught, including: understanding the ruler, working with character and paragraph format ting, creating tables, using the glossary and style sheets, and creating custom menus Of fered Tuesdays, Oct. 10-Oct. 31, 1:30 -1 00 p m. Microsoft Excel: Level I Excel is the most comprehensive spreadsheet program available today, incorporating spread sheet, charting and database functions Taught from an introductory level, this class explores the basics of Excel and introduces you to some of its common applications. Offered Mondays, Oct 9 - Oct. 30, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. PageMaker: Level I Learn PageMukerby constructing newsletters, catalogs, ads, and brochures. Topics include: text and graphics layering, combining text and graphics, using color, manipulating graphicob jects, specifying and placing body and display text, and working with multi-page documents. OfTered Wednesdays, Oct. 11 - Nov. 1, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. To register for these classes or obtain future schedules, call the University of Oregon Continuation Center. 686-3537 Continuation Center registration office at 1553 Moss Street. Ten hours of hands-on instruction (x-r class L Conveniently-scheduled afternoon classes •> Extensive classroom manual provided. ■> Data disk of example dixuments 11 - Ten pages free laserprinting •> Open lab throughout the term. I ■' I'nd of term expanded evening hours •» One credit spei nil projeet option available Cost: $48 IBM-PC (’lasses: 127 CSC Introduction to the IBM-IH' Thi- i ■! intro,: i< • the novice to basic ter i ,;s n• (1 in if)! of the IBM I’< , in i . idinn th. MS DOS (>|>erating system, hardware and software basics, wordpro cessing, spre.alsheet cum epts, and database functions Offered Thur-'lays, Oct. 12 Nov 2, 1 :.)0 • •! 00 p m WordPerfect: Level I This course introduces the fundamentals ol WordPerfect 5.0, including: creating, edit ing, saving, retrieving and printing docu ments, modifying formats, file management, i mg the se.ua h and replace feature, using the spelling and tin .unis programs, and tranferrmg files Offered Tuesdays, < let 10 Oct 31, 1:30 - 4:00 p m. Lotus 1-2-3: Level I This course, taught with the most popular spreadsheet software, introduces students to fundamental spreadsheet concepts and how they apply to a variety of business and per sonnl applications for the IBM-PC. Offered Mondays, Oct. 9 Oct. 30, 1:30 - 4 00 p m. dBase III Plus: Level I This course introduces the user to basic data base development, including: creating and organizing databases, designing custom screens, generating reports, and printing la bels. Course is taught using the dBase III Plus ussist menu. Offered Wednesdays, Oct 11 • Nov. 1, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.