JPSCALE STUDEM PRIVATE f AIR - '-I SPA^ M£Ai E BALE r> ;' AINGI ^ reserve how Despite this sign s promise ot isn 7 finished. i inn inf; si ion I'hulll III \Ulk I Urn ixork on the l first heii.m in l‘)H7 .mil still Collegian ( ontinued from Page *> (.orfav Lany. a sophomore Imm Wyoming, arrived in Ku Kf-Mie Wednesday ,dso expect my In move In It would hav e been nil e to know {about the delay) before band." I any said "I'd like to yet 111. but there's not much we i an do alnnit it A week's ini nnvenieni e however itiav he worth the wait I he (‘olley ian t liaryes a r strrp pri( r (the I,ill t*»rm ialt* is S2..!")() lor the I arm's I room .il s»ngle o( i np.mi \ ) but u ill de liver housing accommodations 11 npar.iIl«*lt*cj in the area ( )< < upants of I he (.'ollegian will receive housekeeping and dail\ food service All moms u ill feature air conditioning and heating, a balcony. an in tercom speaker a sprinkler s \ s tern a private ht\ Iisix won't give vou is ,i ^ in m ijii.ilnv Perhaps lhot s win more men. women and eh11 dren turn lo us lot attractive tiaueare at an attractive price 2526 Willamette I ugene. ()K 683 14()S I‘>20 ()l> mpu Spi mdiokl. ()K 741 2SS7 HAIR BY SUPOtCUTS MS-DOS OS/2 Apple II CLARIS Introducing tlic new Apple' Macintosh* M with Su[XTl)rive.“ a built-in 1 i mega Ink- 11)111)“ 111 >pp\ dri\e that giv es \ < >u ~s |xti ent rrn>re storage, plus the ability to read MS-IX)s. (h 1, and Apple II tiles with the same |x>inl and-clii k simplicity that made Macintosh a best seller Improve your writing skills with Mac Write* II. the popular word pnxessmg software from ( laris' It s loaded with enhanced writing features like spell chec k and word finder, plus a variety of formatting options that help you make all vour documents look as great as they sound Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9am-5am 686-4402 • • ■ . t?' * i '• V*. U 'Ojrmu'i " ' " • t >