Collegian housing project not yet completed Students waiting out final construe tion By Hon Walker t mcruld \ssix i.itt* f ditor l..lsl W inlet ll Sl'l'llied loo good In lie Irtli' \ ni'U housing rumples imili'f construction -it lHth \venue and Miirt Stri'i'l promised upscale living lor I 'niversitv students lieginning m llio Kill ol I'lll't U illi the ail will ol Kill, and rooms siill oi i iipii'd by i *irpi*n Ins instead ol students I lie ( ollt'gian as llii-. in'll strut lure is i ailed may indeed haye proven lo lie loo good to hi' true loi I niversily studenis "Often \y Ill'll you gel ton ai d the lail end ol these tilings, von gel nnanlH ipaleil ipnrks in t oiislrui lion said llmvanl See llu mi lie! ol the Seat!le-liased I IIHI ( aimpany (.round was broken in the Kill ol I'm hill y\e were ill! del no pressure lo grind it out on unv surl til schedule Sec lig said Now however after leasing liv ing s|mi i* in students fur (.ill term the not) ( ompany is struggling 111 meet its nlllig.i !lulls lust week the students were housed in the ( nntment.d Motel on I .1st Hroadwav while i unslrui lion i rews prepared first floor rooms for or cupancv 'Were pounding uwav Seelig said We have people working late in the evenings and ne have people working overtime Thev really deserve .1 lot ul 1 ommend.ition The huildmg. vv hen 1 omplet ed vv ill 1 out.1111 I t looms |- lei Itu liv and plumbing systems have been installed hut the strut.lure's set untl floor will re main tinoer upied at least through the tall vv bile construe lion there continues, said Itni rin, Towe WOO Company om ploy*' ( onsluu linn is i onstrw lion Tnsve said I lungs get (aught up Town and Seelig were rt'liH I .ml to iIim uss ri-.i stills lor tin' delas hill l.ihor turnovers and the need lot sirui lural inspet lion were two factors which slow ed < onslrill I loll I ' live s.iifl I irsl floor looms are s< bed tiled to he reads lor 01 i iipani \ Indus In the meantime, the I tun ( ompans covered motel and meal (lists while the s|u dents ss ailed (or a plane to < all home Ihes kept their he longings in their i ars or in stur age prov ided hs I he < ollegian l ie extra i osts of a week ol lodging and food for Z.' stu dents is going to make .1 dent I111I in the long run w ill not he a i o It sei pie lit I a I expense tor the 1 ompans l ow e said I ..1st week I niversitv vi>|» more I’ete Wlie.A. [* EQUAL 174 00 ' PAYMt NTS I I INFINITY SM 100 • For 10 ISO watt amps • Front mount crossover • Ultra high frequency iZ 399.95 v wkk. iiAi .iiAi. i iAi. iiAi.iiAi iJuAti / 4 E QUAL ; PAYMENTS 99.95 i PAYMENT PLAN 4 EQUAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS WITH NO INTEREST! INFINITY SM 120 • For 10 200 wall amps • Front mount crossover • Ultra high frequency 499.95 4 EQUAL 19d QQ PAY Ml NTS I ■ ■ w W INFINITY SM 80 • For 10 125 wall amps • Handsome cabinels • High output tweeter »» $oS* 299.95 t 4 EQUAL t PAY Ml NTS 74.99 13th & Kinc*t1 MF 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 41J1 Photo hv Mark ^ irn I'rlr M'hvurx. nnr of Ihr (iillm; s (I is pint nl stuilrnts. hnprs In mini• nut nl .1 mntrl .mil inln Ihr buililinii Inthiv. Saton /klm Eye Lash Tinting s10 Start the new semester in style. * FREE Haircuts with Perms & Colors (S15 Value) QalCery Safoti 313 Oakway Center Annex 683-1943