Integrity watchdog group to meet Wednesday night mi:! ri\( ;s Students tor (iovernment In I«■«rit\ will hold .1 li-tli’Wis mottling U .it . p.m in KMt’ Suite 1 Past members _Kt nIs_ ,mti members from tin' summer ere encouraged to attend ( all hf(t) t i')i. tor more information Solar tnergr Center meets tonight .it 7 at the Solar (lenter Offit.e. Iilia Agate St across from Hayward field Anyone interested in alternative energy sources is ent ouraged to at tend. For more information call lii ian at fiKlt-4 i r>t> RK( :ki I I I KS The following organizations will conduct interviews on i ampus from ()<:(. f>-1 l I )t I b Tillamook I dm at ion Service 1 fistri< I (school psvi h SKI) Self ( out.lined (ilassroom). Oct ‘I Id. Moss Adams. Fu gene (entry level staff account ant), minimum (. I’ A t -5 I h l 'I NCR ('or11 (tendon manager business forms and supplies) (hi III I I Peat e ( orps (group meetings I to to a p m ()< t 10 in the I Ml ' Maple Room 7:.10 to 0 p in Oi l It. I Ml (lumw i iod Room I Oil W Yellow Freight Sys It'm. lm (management trainee), group meeting Oil (I 7 lo H p m I All' ().ik Room Attendant e .il group meeting inquired to interview Oct II I ederal I)e posit Instil alien < orp (bank examiner) group meeting only 7 to H III p m (Alt1 Maple Room K Mart (orp. lassistant man DOUBLE TEE PRESENTS .iK'T trailin'). (Iruup meeting Oct 111. 7 to H to |> m I AH ’ ( eiitun Room Moss Adams Portland (staff .h I II Ii ill to It p in I Ml I en tun Room I) The New Knglaml I de Insur ant:e (In, (asso< late). Seafirst dorp (l)e\ Opera lions I'rainee) group mooting Oct 11. 4 to relit) p in , KMl (ledar Room Stale I ii m Insurant e (!o (iroup meeting Oct 11. 4 to > ill p m KMt' ((enturv Room A (Jet 1.1. Arthui. Anderson \ i lo (entry ley el .ii ( militant I Kaventhol & Horwath (stall ai i militant) Suhmil Inds for i aril pus in ten lens from today to Wednes day at 724 Hendricks Hall No bids are net essar\ for group meetings Deadline for submitting 1 I .ils In till' front desk l.MI' Suit** mu is noun tlif d.i\ before public .ition I I ,ds run tile das nl till' event unless the eient m i urs lielore noon I vents w ith ,1 don.ition or .id mission i barge u ill not he i on sidered datupus events and those si ht'duled nearest the publication date will he given prioritv I he I'nuiralil reserves the right to edit notices for and stv !e CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF MAGIC JOAN BAEZ OCT. 22 HULT CENTER SILVA HALL RESERVED SEATS SI 5 00 4 *16 50 Available al all Hult Center Outlets or call 687 5000 to charge by phone Tap Into The Cold Stretch your dollars by using coupons from the Oregon Daily Kmerald. •y tho iN ' AN' i w Arx1 i'f>,, : :• t. nitty .V 11 .0 t. .1 ’ :i\ <• t l '.#V J'MlI ; • !. KiXJin i>! •Vll! 1 .! ) 'ftf H THIS PACKAGE MAY |T| UO-Bookstore SPORTS GEAR Combination Lock 1500D 3.50 BEG 5 95 L O C K S Lock^ 22-D > REG 2 95 1-25. REG 7 95 Cable Lock 1519 6.50 Kryptonite Bike Lock 21.95 REG 30 95 RACKETS • SQUASH • TENNIS • RACQUETBALL 20% OFF SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT SPEEDO GOGGLES 20% OFF TENNIS _ U)i£acm BALLS 20% OFF I nth * Kincjid I If 1 V ' ■ BOOKSTORf 6B6 4331