Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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"Thr truth muif mol juil hr the truth It mu it hr told
Homelessness a crime?
Eugene Police increase
campus patrols
t>y Brian Hoop
The Kujjene poll' r appror
ready to rid the I llh St
campus (omnimul area of
all undesirable homeless
and arrmtlng "homrlrs*
looking* proplr at thr same
time they allow decent look
ln*» « lt!/rn*i to violate thr
same irelation* governing
U.S. Backed Repression
Intensifies Against
Salvadoran Students
by Phillip B. Zerbo
Thr f'hlncv Kovrmmrrit
nuvMC re al student protest
rrs in Beijing w-.is not the
only rr at k down aj;.«!nst
surnrd power
Since last winter, the
t Iniverslty ol K1 Salvador has
functioned under a virtual
military rn< lrc Irmrnl Stu
I'hol.l lllll-.ll 4ll
I hr Studrnt lnsurm*nl. .1 "f olli'i livr ioiirn.il ol llir loti. ' hn.imr Ihr nrxxrsl nwmhrr ol thr
linixrn.il) •.Intlrnl nrwspaiwr family Se/tl. I
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Classes start September 25
Student publication
dedicated to diversity
B\ Bri.in BI<k h
Emerald Assot ijte Editor
\ new ( ampus newspaper
dt'du ,iicd to broadening diver
siU raising the level ol c ampus
del title .ind appealing to needs
ol less tr.ldition.il I’niversitv
students released its tils) issue
earliet tins month
I he Sept I issue of the Stu
dent /nsurgont hit ( ampus with
( rilii.11 arti( les mi the Kn
Police Department's treatment
ul the < 11\ \s homeless. I s
military ha< king in Kl Salvadot
local i urporate abuses, and i
hold comparison between tin
I'niversitv (Ireek system and
the Isu lslux Klan.
The paper's editorial policv
delines the public.ition as a
"collet live journal ot the lelt
providing a forum for individu
als anil organizations dedic aletl
to sot nil and et onomit just it e
environmental preservation
construe live politic al aeti\ ism
progressive and responsive
government, and a lasting in
lernational pence.'
According to Insurgent si.ill
member Hubert Kenneth, tin
stall Is a loose coalition ol stu
denis who are seeking to revive
interest and initiate positive
i hange bs addressing and < riti
calls examining issues that are
not addressed in more tradi
tional ness s pnhlii ations sin h
as tile Ki‘fiistrr-(luard, the Ore
gon D.iih I'.inci.thl or in tin
more conservative Orego/
I 'ummrntHtor.
Although the publication
takes an admittedly libeia
stance. Kenneth said that i1
would strive to present si iff
ing and contrasting shews 01
subjects it addresses
"We don't subscribe to om
politii al program, he said
Kenneth said that the pap'
ss ill turn to global and column
nits issues such as the environ
ment animal rights feminist
issues third world oppression
homelessness abortion and
student rights
Were addressing the nccdx
of 1 lie diseilliant hised we it
the voit e tit the voiceless e l
stall member I’hillip Zed1"
" There are issues ol interest te
the t'niversit) and the cmiunu
mt\ th.it are ignored h\ the /
fluid and the Register (man/
I le explained th.il mut h ot
the motivation to organize the
paper t ame from the hit k ol at
tention paid to important pro
gressive issues by the luncndil
"The Emerald is hasitalh a
high st hool newspaper with a
verv large budget," Kenneth
said "It's a superfluous paper
and a sail ext use lor a college
new spaper expet hill) on a
campus this size
The Insurgent will oiler a
greath (littering alternative to
the Emerald as it does not pub
list) personals, classifieds or
letters to the editor The pa pet
will, howevei . accept student
submissions of stories, artwork
and poetrv to he published at
the discretion ol the Insurgent
editorial hoard.
1m addition, tin' current H lit
member stall represents a trtii
coalition w ith each member
holding an equal position and
contributing collectively I"
c.ii h publication. Kenneth said
The stall, according to Ken
neth. will begin a regular pub
lication schedule of once everv
three weeks, or possibly once
every two weeks later in the
Currently, the Insurgent nei
(her receives nor desires ASI'()
funding and remains a com
pletely independent coalition
"We don't need their mon
ey," Kenneth said. "We want
to maintain our autonomy and
our integrity.”