CLASSIFIEDS 215 HELP WANTED YMCA AFTER School Pro gram nator A assistant positions due to pro gram expansion Applicants must have 2 6 pm available each week day Other requirements are ‘|?s! aide CPR food handlers and successful past e*per> erv. •' with age-, 6 t 10 m an edw< jt• • • ,«i setting i de saving .1 r *•* he able to handle added re5po'-Mt»id'»’s al various schools away Irom Y Please apply immediately with references ai the YMCA 206*) PaMe-son 4 GTF at the U ol O Counseling Cen ter must be enrolled m graduate pro gram m counseling or psychology needs background in general counsel ing a ns substance abuse treatment SEND RESUME ver ‘ lie t- ! tw letters of recommendation to Edel Davenport University Counseling Center University ot Oregon Eugene Oregon 97403 DEADLINE* OOpn WM'♦•••day tier 4 1989 NIGHT MANAGER POSITIONS Two GTF positions are open in EMU for Night Manager Applications and job descriptions are available m M101 EMU Application deadline is 4 00 |>m Wednesday October 4 1989 A A LEO NOW INTERVIEWING1 Fun hard working and reliable people to work full time or part time at one of Eugene s busiest corners Times avail able for (Jay or night shifts Please m ply from 2 5 pm Campus Dairy Queen 13th & Hilyard PEGASUS SMOKEHOUSE PIZZA 790 E 14th On campus day and evening shifts Full or part time Now hiring for all po sitions Flexible schedules good working environment GREAT PIZZA' Cooks cashiers bussers, bar tenders Apply in person only 9am 7pm Mon thru Thursday CFTUISESHIPS Now Hiring for Spring Christmas and next summer breaks Many positions Call 1 805 682 7555 Exl S 1048 DATA ENTRY OPERATORS Needed for temporary part tune and lull time positions and lull time post tions on both day and evening shifts These positions provide flexible hours excellent working conditions and a wage of $6 00/HR Qualified applicants aill possess a typing speed ot at least 65 WPM and will have had at least one year of officedencal experience f or immediate consideration please sent < over letter and resume to Human Resources Manage' Aster Publishing Corp PO BOX 10460 Eugene OR 9/440 EOF DOMINOS PlZ/A now hiring delivery dove's earn $6 per hour with wages tips and mileage reimbursement Great part tune job flexible hours week days or weekends Employee discounts and a great work environment Must be at least 18 years old and have a safe drtv mg record Apply after 4 pm at our campus store 1856 E 13th HIGHLY ORGANIZED responsible per son with good people skills wanted to assist Director of Student Advcx a Cy Responsibilities inc phone intake referrals word processing filing re cepfion et Acquaintance with Uni versdy resources helpful knowledge of word perfect essential $6/hr W rk Study preferred Pick up application at EMU Suite 4 Deadline Sep! 28 1989 An affirmative action/equal opportuni fy employer HOUSE KEEPER One if !w< days a week one to tw< hours each day Call Kelvin at 686 6511 tor more information LOOKING FOR ENERGETIC pud,.-, sional hard working individuals to jom Our telephone fundraising team Part * flexible hours $6 00 per hour plus bemisei Call 686 3016 •* interested < - -.lop by Johnson Hall room 207 to p< • ir ippi ation MICROCOMPUTER PURCHASE PLAN /■ accepting applu ations Must ha.* mu rocomputer savvy and good com mumcalion skills Apply Room 2m Computing Center Nannies Needed Boston N»-w f -•» N*a Jersey Washington DC Thr Nanny Connection 344 4156 Advertise Here for $18°°. Call 686-3712 For information Z15 HELP WANTED Mi RIM IS soccer Paid framing Pa, S6 00/hr Contact RIM " SHOOT A LAWYER Law School needs video operator Work study eligible or lor credit Leave message for Mike 344 0210 SPOUSE OF 'student' wanted to . for 2 1 2 yr old girl and 5 month old boy in my Ferry St home MUST HAVf own transportation Positive energe? i female Resident Assistant tor the VIdes room and board ■" a single dor with a prorjnminartly lat>'' • a tM• si m in population Am apprer >ali.m diver in necessary A bilingual Eng TMU OREGON Daily Emerald taking applications t .« -• •»!< ' a po sition The position requites 1 hour in morning and 1 hour m evening, S days per week with some weekend lean mg The position pays S3 SO-'hr Most be reliable Applications may be picked up a! the ODE business otbce Suite 300 EMU ’rum 8am Spm and must be returned by Monday Oct 3 1989 EEOC Women and minorities are encouraged to apply TRACK TOWN PIZZA Pi/za delivery driver earn SS 8 00 per hours part time flexible hours No experience necessary Must have own care and insurance Apply in person 1809 Franklin HLVD TRACK TOWN PIZZA Kitchen help S4 .*S per hour fast paced work part tune flexible hours Apply in person 1&09 Franklin BLVD WRITE R: erdkl s 6B6 5*»1t The i ntertan i tu tK se. Uun it'N r i • sl|\ I ksl\L \ II l< //\V Rent 1 Movie Get the 2nd One Free (expires 10/®89) (With a movie of equal or greater value) * 1888 Franklin Blvd. * (next to / 11 on VilUrd) \ 344-2691 ?15 HELP WANTED nanny n* £ ru n • ??0 WORK STUDY POSITIONS ASUO WOMEN'S CENTER Receptionist* ' • . > ’ ' * Women In Titntilton Co Coofd»n*to» Project Safende Women s Resource and Referral Program A»v*tant* fion/E Of. CLERICAL ASSISTANT Typing r>«*. $4 ST; V) 00»nr CONFERENCE CO ORDINATOR CRISIS COUNCELORS DATA ENTRY OPERATOR ASST LIKE WORKING ■ LITFRAU BUSINESS SAVVY ' Two WORK STUOY ;>»,*%♦!• ■ '-i ji NO'ir'A«nl Hr. .-a Business Manager 1 a--.-. Office Secreiary ■ *«**■• > John 6«r> 39V afternoon* Pf-.-.t NOW HIRING wrorh study qualified d«mt«i a-. >ff»•. »• nvsf.inls !o !yp« !.«*; t" 50 p«' hour Call Jamca at 6W6 ‘>4! 4 JOBS! ,i! media relations uMh e Submit appi< and resume by Mon . O' '• ’i 5 pm to 00 Ntrws Bureau ,2Hi Johnson Mall 686 1134 l AW SCHOOL seeks ijmpulBf techni an Poor wip«"n'( .r- '"Stalling IBM , mpatiO'e c ompute* required Must be work study t ertitied $6 8 00 per *uHjr DOE < Ma'-iyn Marti * 1860) LIKE VARIETY' Humanities Cental WOODWORKER ? EMU RAFT CENTER . • *•'' POSITIONS AVAILABLE ... • f. ,J ft . AANG ,, • ..,{,M} i Kelly ait ??o WORK STUDY POSITIONS WORK STUDY NEEDED' OFF 1C I WOHMR for Recreetton * In As*i»t client* in per*on and bv phone data entry make flyer* run errand* Morning afternoon evening and weekend *hift% available Pay start* at S4 SVhr Call Laurel tor appt at 61*4111 HIM IS WORK AND PLAY CHILDREN ARE FUN TO WORK WITH! ‘ MU *'■ .» !«t ' " Hi tin ’ i ail Mduffitirt ! h#diu><* < wOf h/play!imt» at >nt* of Out 6 * ■ NMlit WORK STUDY NEEDED EAST ASIAN LAN GUAGES Reliittii** w>-fK study sLi (J«nf lOI general "flu «? a uk ill Ittfirsf , • I'.loru !••[ ! K“ a'i*.! ,. ' WordPerfect W'i?d pnu nvung pr>> gum required Duti«". include) it" «|> lion office cuY#f4g« filing ijislfilni • 1 : t •" 1 jnd lypi'-g Mu'll t>«* 1. i able during afternoon f all term $*) of) per hour 4! least 8 10 hours f ■Ml titan Contact Rma 686 400*) WORK STUDY students needed Iof 14tW 90 school year Dulifts reception i*t *o»d prcx essmg and Lotus spread Sheet general office arork i >nta< I i»la of Dttbbtfl Dean s OMu e Cot |<*y« ot An*. A S< iom Room 114 f f.ffully Hall tiWS 3902 ??5 APTS -DUPLEXES - APTS FOR RENT Close to campus 1 and 2 bedroom apart nantn and duple* n For moro - formation < .ill 741 227*) CAMPUS FURNISHED large A U bedoom no pets 4B*> 2H23 (.U* t ONE bedroom 2140 Ham-. $1‘> ) <>. .ude*> UTL t44 6??4 J '.»la EXTREMELY lARGf 2 ted room furnished apt $49S Absolutely NO PfTS joiel students 2046 Willamette 10 block*. Irom campus 614.1 .160*) VERY NICE 1 bedroom apt unfurnish ed $14-. Absolutely NO PFTS .p-iet ■,f , l#nts 2U46 Willamette 10 t>l* *■ ks 1 BE DROOM y URNISHED 1 1/2 BLOCKS Irom campus! ?3Q QUADS _ TYLER PARK QUADS S28 Tyler Slreel pnvala t.jlh All utlM>63 LaunUryruorn oH Cali Tom 6ft.i 1809 $?0?> Calvin and Hobbes HMt toy SON w snots’ I THOUGHT t WM> THtM an RIGHT WtRt wi «£/f RKjWT here COOP H*1 #VE GO*' ?3Q QUADS 15THST QUADS noting St tJOO iri.-liHling all ut.MifS Bennett Management 91 S 0»k Suite 200 48 S 6991 ?3S HOUSES At H NT ION . > V f MNMI NT M, • from $1 (U If p*l ' ‘ 0©limji,**ut t.|»pp ®fty Re r* »**« «■vorn CAR 1 »*0.‘ H HH8.S I •! GH 1 2 HV4 GOVrHNMfNT MiiMIS !■ •' S' f»*nt Oc? 89 »H/U Ocl 90 for .4 hnnuh i4* here on am *».. v-l'*" Cornpauvy ii!» 741 *>7 i' MI I’DVif V.K) VA S Mud jv-iKl .«><* from government i-t-m $1 t,i* Jofmquwnt towiotuf** C4f> 1 HO'tNy I'SSf) £tl H 14S4 for repo 240 ROOMS •ar .ill.,.a tv. lani.ll" 24b REAL ESTATE HASSLE•FREE TOWNHOUSE 2 txKlroom ^ i 2 bAlh fir«s>i,K »• *A*»h t?r dryer hookup in quiel jum o* *r«v.t ( • . K ( • i t OW DOWN1 K--M 4H4 *> Y28 STATE Ml At T > INI r-rtt. II' ’ • HELP U BUY" out *r»th student Aousmg Do y**u oped <1 >»*a1lor l moolh ( ill 144 rt 14 4 4?/ f 1 3th FOR a large bedroom l l ? bain l.^nhmi'ir non smoker Apply al I4?*> l ARGf _l bedroom apl 4 til-" h*» trorn ( ampus y uepiaco open beam *»• I iri..jr» ■ hshwasher all utilities paid in Hiding el«< t2‘>(VnV) * SHI deposit ( ..til >r Steve it 4M4 '■!*>*> THt ( OLLFGIAN brand new dorm sty Ip living corner of 18th A Alder All meals and living e*peruv«s included Rush Call Brett .14? M02 1 Roommate wanted t>edr • -use Fall Term Only Jt V ♦ V )t f ‘41 1 1 I? 8rU thru IS M .344 172t Christen ?65 CHILDCARE EUGENE INTERNATIONAL PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN, INC. Qlfars high quality lull immtMSion p'<> grams in f r«*ncl> ^ Spanish Ag#» 3 6 waived fA n aid -ivj.i OPt N / 30 AM S 30 PM SEPT JUNE Lor moi» information & rayi&IMt'On ii> 34S 3618 rt/tt want to &. i>n «u i taut so **1¥*«i W1WJJ1 w 5*vr vtiP Ml look , —_/ ■ Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. CHILD CflRt NATIONALLY ACCREDITED EMU CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT CENTERS We have ip-ite* available in our l MU pie m bool program tor children 3 !o S old i .ill tilth 4J<14 lor^ap pin alien information \t i r« illicit t>\ du' NuimhuI \« .ulc »m ' i >1 f 411> ( hikltw n *1 \ t’r« grains \ ?/o MEETINGS EQUESTRIAN TEAM MTG If yOi- .i*»» infpftn |i>inmg out ’ * ijmnuM,; mljiimthliiile Of «Kiv4f> »* ! ■ • ' •••'• . ' M> {■<' A,i' M« ■' f Ml' .* ' fn*n\ P*»nl Off' « Spoo»oo?U t)y Club Spoil % SAILING CLUB Mt‘i'1' i Tu»"il.*y ‘• f «* *> ;»"' IK' ANYONl INTERESTED WElCOMf ;io ARTS & EHTERiAINMlHT ?°E RIGHT THING t FJNAl 4 DAf S T>wu r 00 0 10 MCK MOAAMV ft 4 rr*nton ruwftir mou§Li S4#1 Thui 11 10 ftPlKi lie 9 JDO THE RIGHT THING. Late Might adro Fr Sa $3 So Th $2 SO [ mr,r mo soon > >r> i i HI SHE'S GOTTA HAVE IT 305 SERVICES HI SUM! TIME IS MERE AND YOUR HE THI RI *>'" DON'T OE SPAIR LET PDO HELP YOU • WE INTERVIEW * WE ANAl ill * WE FORMAT * WE PRINT Wo pfOv }•' , with ?*> ' ■:>pi»* ‘ I you* ;*u?. .i <>v&t ir* 11»'f .i printed ><> Eifl# qu4l>ty parchment All FOR ONE VI RY LOW SPECIAL STUDENT HATE PDO PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE 1 800 S45 0808 by Bill Watterson If MINC, VS wru * m\ 5\mB TOKt&WT |«W» ft -