Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1989, Page 21, Image 21

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    Continued from P.w 20
lion numbers lor the < l.isses
thev w.ml
II .1 i.I.iss sei lion is lull, the
voit e will 11si other .i\.iil.ibli
sort ions W hen ,i slmlenl h.is
entered tile entile si liedule tin
i omputer will list tli.it slu
dent 's i l.isses The student i .in
i.ill hat k .is often .is lie or she
wishes to m.ike < h.mges in the
si liedule
Worth I verv I’cnm
Ai ( ording to I'niveisih ol
Washington Registrar Melanie
Hell, there have been no signifi
cant complaints about their
Student Telephonic Assisted
Registration, or STAR s\stem
whii h u as installed in 11IHH
"It is so much more elti
cient," Hell said. "Students
like it. t,u ult\ like it the .11 a
demii advisers like it and
our vice president ol student at
lairs savs it's the best mnntn
the univetsitv has ever spent
According to I 'St i Assoi iate
Registrar Fred Dear, the biggest
advantage ol tout h tone regis
tration is "maximum come
mem e to the student
"Plus, there is no paper
work.'' Hell said
\'m\ main Ihiiversitv stu
dents are wondering why the\
still are sweating out registra
tion in M.k (,'ourt \\ Iumi thin
toil Id be punching .1 few but
tons on tlie 1 r home phones
However not main l imcrsitv
nr slain board administrators
am v\ illing to mu i- llii'ir opin
ions on why the Inivcrsity is
one ot tin- last i alleges in the
state as well as the I’ac 10 to
update its inetfu lent registra
tion sy stem
William t annon ()regon
state svstem direc lor ot admin
istration and inhumation svs*
tents services said it was not
his plac e to stale an opinion be
c ausc "most ol those dec isions
were made before I ever got on
University Registrar Herb
t.hereik. suggested the state
board lacked funds to update
the l 'niversitv s registration
system in the past bill I really
would prefer not to get into bis
tore " he said All goal is to
move toruard from today
'(.iking .1 Quantum I r.ip
The next step the 1 'mvcrsits
t.lki's will 1)1- .1 quantum liwp
min tin1 110th i fiiluiA ( 'lnTfi k
s.iitl As ill Spring li rm. l'lil'i
tin1 I 'niv crsilv pun li.ist-d .i In
|a I inlrgr. ili'il si ml ••tit minim.i
linn system I rum Systems . 11 u I
(Computer l ei Imtilogs IS( I I
I'his inform.it 11)11 p.li kage m
(.Unit's .nlmissions prtM nlures
ri'< millin’ si hc.lultng i ala
Ingoing lulling .mil Imu.li tone
mgisfr.it ion
All these prm esses must he
integrated into one <11 i essihle
.Hid integrated il.itiili.ise tthitlt
the I 'nitersitt this net or li.ul
( lierei k s.iut
t 'urrenlh we h.i\ e hits .1 mi
pin es ot the system .ill liter I tie
pi.II e tt (til .1 little pin e in .nl
missions ret orits .ini! .it i omits
I.it .ihle hilt nolle ol these
ports work togethei lie s.ml
You hilt e to get this inform.I
turn .in essihle hetore you ran
st.nl .on .iiitoiu.it loll like
tom htone registr.ltion
During the next 12 to 18
months the registrar's office
tt ill he hi inging all these mill
t ideal i ompnnents into one il.i
t.lbrtse ( hern k s.uii the
toiii htone registration pun ess
tentativelt is scheduled for
general student use lit Spring
term, loot
Although the I 'nit ersitt s
tomb-tone registration system
should operate like most sum
lar systems some ol the spn it
ii leallires hate not boon deter
mineil t et I heiei k said
Manx Questions Remain
I nitersitt adminislrators
Mill hav e to iloi ide it thev will
assign personal identification
numhers (I’INsI in addition to
llir student •> soi i.11 soi in it\
lllimliel .is tile ,11 I ess I ode fol
e.n ll student's tile (llleret k
s.iiil PINs are used at most otli
er universities using tom li tone
legistration to ensure ultimate
privar \ tor the students
Its a real sensitive Issue
and one that vve have to i nnsul
ei verv i arelulK ( hens k
I'hc I niversitv also li.isn't
determined what iiildilioti.il
m-ia n os will lio proy nlfii ovi'i
the |ilit>ne during registration.
( ilierei k slid lee ititnrin.il u in
might be null! .lied b\ the i om
pnler voile sillllll.llot .111(1 sill
dents might itulii .tie where
thev vv.inl their grades sent
while they ire still registering
Die ultini.ile goal, us tar .is
I'm r (ini erned is to eliminate
paperwork ( beret k said
(ttlier inlormatiiill av ailable
at arena si heilidmg registra
I ion sin b as that i om e ruing
student health insurani e and
duei tmv information, would
probably lie printed in the tune
si hedlile book e.u h tel III
< dierei k S.lid
In addition with the new
registration system, deans and
department heads will have the
opportiiniU In pi.in course *i
lion otff»rini;s w iili demonslr.il
ed student demand l ! lie ret k
said However, lie did not
know il departments were plan
iiiiii; to utilize that opporltmilv
I'lle opportumtl will exist
In m.tintain that kind ol mlor
I11.ltItiIt ( lieiei k said ' I lie
million dullai ipiestion is will
anvone do a11\ tiling about it
I lierei k said neither students
or tai it It \ w ere i oiisiilled in the
scan h Ini a student inform.I
lion svslem That is not nrces
sariK a i ommiltee kind ol an
issue and besides, I
w on Id iT I know w ho to t cl to n il
to. he said
Mill I Ill'll'! k ..III) txilll sill
drills .iikI liK nils ss ill hrnrlit
hum llic upd.ih'il icv;isir.ilion
ss sti*m I ni u inter .uni spring
trims it rlimiii.ilrs Issu days ul
ii'vtislr.ilum w hull i nil Id hr
ilsril fur tll'U llillg limr " hr
s.iul I'liis it vs ill pms idr f.u
nils ss ith minr timi'lv i hiss
Mill ms ulliiiuti' goal is In
pros iilr hrlln siirvu r In sin
drills I 'linn h .iddrd It ss ill
hr iiiurr rtlii lent and inuvr
nirnt Ini thrill tn hair Ihr rr
sp» 11 is it ill it s Inr Ihr n'uisti.ilinn
pun rss "
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