Sports Stanford Continued from l\im‘ 12 In .1 l.'i vard roughness penaltc against Oregon to give the (mi dinal possession on the Oregon .10 On tin1 ensuing drive Ore gun defensive end Andre Wil liams s,u hod lohnson. ton mg the (lard inn I signal caller to the sidelines with a shoulder in j 11 r\ Johnson's replacement rei entl\ benched freshman Steve Smith, t nine in to lead his team to his team's next score, .1 1-vard scoring run In Smith with 1 11 remaining few pl,i\ s Liter by in 1 I \ .inler In tight end |im I’m e for .moth er St.mtord first down An off side penally to the l)ui ks fid lowed In .1 three yard Smith run put the h.ill .it the ()regon JO with five mm onds remain ing, setting up the Cardinal game w inner Smith was pertei t as .1 sub going si\ lor six m pass 1.0m pletions Oregon Kii h Brooks ex pressed disappointment at Ins team's late-game 1 ollapse hut Hopkins had hit on only one of si\ field goal tries on the year, hut was true when it hurt most as he nailed a M yarder with no time remaining. ()n the extra point a pla\ mam ma\ consider the pivotal (ilas of the game Smith hit Ksc holman in the tiai k of the end /one lot the two pointer that lett the score 17-15 Oregon Stanford set up Hopkins' heroics In retrieving a perfectK executed onsiile kii k at the ()regon 4!) South completer) an 11! \ard pass to liaison tin a first down on the Oregon to followed a also gave Stanford ( rrdit tor the improbable i.omobai k '()b\ iousl\ uerr disap pointed. Brooks said "We liiid a 1 70 lead and I didn't it'd ur urrr playing very uell "Stanford got tlir momentum and they kept it hr said "They did a good job with it i thought they did .1 vrrv good job ” (lame statistics underscored Brooks comment about the Volleyball Continued from Page lt> ul dram.I as ihc Ducks si rapped (heir wav from a . 10 drtii it to ,i 14 14 tie Tlur Ducks tin'll took their first load of the game off a service ace by Ter/.ian IT. 14 After trading sideouts. the Dili ks took the game and matt It with a long volley that ended when a \\ SI player committed a ret option error '1II \mi can't serve, you t an t win." firsl-vuai the C.oiigai head I oat ll l aildv I red I II k said ol her team s performant e "We missed serves at kev points l ilt* Dui ks were the team that treated the errors I lit lav against the Huskies Aftergame two. disaster struck anil the I hit ks tell to pier es Our passing broke down tin game three) and we got pre (lit table with our setting said Gregory til his team’s pertor mane o Sl.ilistit .i 1 leaders Ini the Due ks against \\ ashington ui'ii' krehsbac li vv ith HI kills and 17 digs u hile Snyder had 32 sets Tin- I)uc ks next name is a! Inline Wednesday night against the I niv nrsit v ut Portland Ore gon won in four games ovei the Pilots in ttieu lust mail li ol the year C.regorv is optimistic al though there is > oiu eru Ini a couple ot the Pilot attackers U lien vv e attai k vve t an compete v\ 11h anyone. " (irego r\ said regarding his team s strategy We have to play like ue can (iregoix continued It vve do. vve will win against most P.n It) teams Tht! Huskies rallied but k In hind theii senior settei Melinda llei kenhauer as ihev took the final three games and the match from the Ducks "The third game is i ritu al in any matt h." former Oregon as sistant and now Washington head i oat h Debhie Uuse said We re-established our h.ill control giving us the option to go to the middle." Hum* added The Huskies won a near identical game last year against the Ducks coming from a two game tlefit it to win the matt h "We used our experieiu e from last year's game to pull this one out," Bust* continued. Cregory is now () t against his former assistant after drop ping hoth games to the Huskies last year. Recycle This Paper ipialiU of Ins tram's pla\ The Dinks were dominated In the Cardinal in noarU every fare! of the name Id si.ill v\ illi tin' (ardinal rolled up .1 season Imjli 4 14 yards total offense < ontpared with the Dm ks suhpai ' - I he f anlinal held the Dm ks to an annum Vt net wirds rushini’on Jti ( arries Vtusgrave was hi'lil Id .i mi' liiiM re (fur him) ' V'-.V' ^ — rniK lOBH't turn IHIM.'S ()\ SAII (>H {-(>402 iijM-n 7 «i.i > > .1 vwvk Mon 10-8 Sun 12 '* THIS SALE IS TOO BIG TO MISS { i w\-" iA'1 A GREAT TIME TO BUILD YOURC.D. LIBRARY p&c-r xwosm