_Sports Oregon netters fall to Huskies; spike Cougars Ends 16-match Pacific-10 losing streak \ai By («im Sivfsind I mer.ild Sports Reporter ( )r«'K(in ' \ < illevti.d I le.iin i iipltired its first I’.ii dii III ( nliteient e U ill iif tile mmsiiii it 11 .1 \ ii lore over VV.ishiiiKlon I*ac-10 \ olU'\hull ( .ihlornu M^nlonl t s( I ( I A A ft/oft 4 ''I V\ .ishmgli »ft \\ ashni^ton st ()u^im < )rt*iton St \N I IM C.H 2 0 1 000 2 0 I .» >0n I 2 : m#> i 2 2 SOU I I t 2V> i t r.o i 0 4 IMN) t Si.ilc mi Saturil.w mulil .ii \1( Arllliil ( mill A mm il ul iiii'i was on Ii.uni lu whIi h tin Din ks ilri. ,ii iIh (anigars in ltin*i' slniiglil g.mil’s. 1 i 11 Ii. 14 and Hi N snapping a Ihii’f mail li losing slri’ak 1 In I >in ks had won tin'll Inst iimc liiimi's ol lli»' mm.soil lin I In-11 In's! si,ill inn before dropping thru first two i nufiTi'iK i* mot) In's ,ti \rizonn and \i i/.ona SI.itc I In' win ImmisIs the I tin ks re i nrti lo lit I overall ami I I in tin' I’.h in i* i id inn <• a 16 itiali li i onferent e losing streak stemming I«m k to Iasi year's 1 l match illv spall I he t nu rials ilmp lit 0 III overall and 1-1 in the Pat III The Duck nellers threw awav a two game In zero lead I ridm against the Washington Hus k ies In losing the Iasi three (Mines and the mail li 1 V'l 1 . n 4 1, 12 r, and H 1 And anain I begem Imirid il sell in the same posilmn Satin dav against the ( oit(>.irs with a two game lead This lime, the llniks would not repeal the ft .isco as thev narrowlv i lint lied the third game and the mail li II. I I \\ i played a mm li belter thud name (against the I nil gars) than we did I I ni.n against Washington Oregon i oai h I leri v t iregorv said That thud game against the Huskies W,|S a disastei lor the Dinks will) i >i 11 \ four kills against ! 1 errors resulting in .1 negate<* kill peri entag. Saturdays statistics against WSt' improved ,is I In* Dinks managed .1 kills lu cmlv eight errors for .1 .’ll kill pen cut I In- v 11 tnrv i (large was Iril h\ team 1 apt.mi St<■ p11 a 11H• Sin (il l who had Pi sets while se mm outside hitter Mu hide kiehshaih and siipliomoie out side hiltei Julie |effer\ pounded I and Hi lit those sots respei In els tor kills Sophomore middle him kei 1 law mi ( liamiin and senior outside hitter Melissa Terzian added II kills apiet e I he I )ui ks 111 (i 1 id themselves down h\ three or more points ill eat h ol the three jinnies against U St' I he I lui i s (ought hat k ill 1 *ai h game he hind a strong (intensive eftort keyed In good him king .mil es 1 client digging from the entire team I he linn! game ol the malt h against the (lougars had plellH lorn to Volleyball, Page IT UO-Bookstore Banned Book Week is September 23-30. This is a perfect opportunity to celebrate freedom of speech guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Come in and see our surprising display of books that have been banned in the U.S. GENERAL BOOKS Photo In Irll Burlrv\ I Itr Dm k \ollr\hall Irani \\ as Ihinn hifih u ith Stcphanir Snvtler's m'/s during Ihr lir^l Inn gamr* against Ihr lluskirs ' rida \. lint Ihr tram i rashrd in Ihr rnil Unlimited LTD nusserrice optional student fee That means refunds are available Keep m mind, however, that your student ID now enables you to r ile the bus any time, anywhere all term1 Also remember that by supporting uni te.ted bu service you re helping alleviate traffic reduce a r pollution ease the campus parking problem, iih : provide transportation for thousands of student■ But it you stni want a refund come to the EMI Mam Desk between t 30pm and 7pm. Sept 21 Oct 4. weekdays only Also available at LTE Customer Service Center Oct 5 14 Call 6875555 lor more information Express Your sell! LaneTtansit District Available to allUotO students including law sti. der' t !«8<)LTD * WUNKRUNS * GRl AT TOH PARTIC S AND BIRTHDAYS 5CVIDE0 GAMES ADMISSION M SO 5TH STRUT PU»UC MMKIT iUGINf • M3 I4$4 •Sh } 4(K off one : S Gyro* or Falafel | ZIUTTII I 1219 Alder 343 3062 j «•*!> 10 16 80 J