Continued from P.ige 14 vices of two runners. Brad Hudson and (lolin I lalton 1 hid son. the defending I’ai ifit in t hump, will miss the season due to at udemk tldlit ulties Meanwhile. Dalton is in Ins na live Australia, attempting to make Australia's k team tor the British Commonwealth ('.allies The Ducks will t ompetr m Women_ Continued from Page 14 fending Pacific-10 Conference champ will miss the vear due a foot injury caused h\ a siress fracture. "Certainly there is some pressure on Stephanie with l.iz out." Heinonep said "She clearly established hersell as our number one runner Sophomore l.isa harnopp was fifth overall in 1H:2U while true freshman Andrea \iuler son was also in the top 10, t locking 1M■ :t5 for eighth plat e. Also in the top five for Oregon were reilshirt freshman (1mm Cornog (12th overall) and true freshman Nicole Woodward (14th). who was sutlering from an illness Oregon will he in Newherg on Saturdav lor the Ceorge Fox Invitational and then will i om pete at the Mt Iver Park Invita tional in Portland oil Oct 14 where it will receive a still test from such schools as Nebraska and Washington State the \h Ivor I’.nk in I’ on (lit 14 its onh oilier meet before the I'.u 10 ('.onlereiu e meet Dink Notes: a /'!»•/«/ Neii1. unnnuiK ed its dmd meet milkings for the tr.n k se.ison Oregon. .ifter tin ishing seeoml I In* past three \iMrs overtook I i LA fur the lop spot Hie national dual meet title is llii' second Oregon (-odoli Hill Dellinger lias won while c oaehing tlif Dm ks His oilier dual meet title ( ame in 1<»7‘I Colorado QB dies of cancer 1 )I\W IK | A l’| ( '(MM ill's administrators. players .mil stu ilctils expressed sorrow Sunday over the loss ol Colorado quar terh.ii k Sal Aunese who died follow inn a six month battle with inoperable stomach can cer. "Sal Aunese was a spei nil young man who fought a brave battle ( a dorado i haru ellnr Jitil ( airbridge said alter bearing ot Aunese's death Saturday night. '‘We’re .ill very proud that he was one ol our stu dents Htiflaloes defensive co-cap tain Mil hue! limes said: lie meant a lot to us Cod, it hurts |llst to see him go like tills I just can t imagine him being gone " Aunese. li 1, the honorary (Colorado football i aplain whose struggle with ( ancer m spired his teammates to three straight victories this season .it I m 111 < ■< i tn I 'niversitv Hospital m Denver a week ago u ilh breathing problems He died shortly .liter it p.m Saturday lie ll.ld .1 pi*U( ('till lie.till w ithont suffering or piiin team plush ian VVavne (lersuft said rhe t.imih has asked me to evervone on liehall ol S.d tor their prayers support and the love people have show 11 A memorial service was scheduled tor Mondav at llie ( ampus (iiai h Hill Mi < artncv said he would speak alter the i eremo 11\ "I have nothing to say at this point,” he said Saturday night I think you i an under stand that Mi ( artnev told the team at practice Saturday that \unese had taken a turn lor the worse and might not make it through the weekend si hool spokes man 1 lave Plati said ode ODE or>r ODE , . . . Ifecause Mama doesn't cook for \oti am more Napoli rcsumnmt 6? Ixikery (let \quainted Offer (Dine m for \fomnix l\oli les iiml we'll bii\ the toffee' W'i' (>Sf, | I 'lh Si INS Inn i uls ih' Pasta Pi/y.a ( al/one Italian Pastries ■ COUPON HappyiTrails We pay cash for used Records. Tapes & CD's Buy 2 used records or tapes and qet one FREE* $1.00 OFF ANY CD! E«pnes H MON THUR 10 30 7 00 FRI SAI 10 30 10 00 • SUN 10 5 COUPON 1425 Oak Street 485-5351 -UO-Bookstore DRAFTING FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES .4 ARTOGRAPH N OPAQUE PROJECTORS MODEL AG 100 REG. 198 00 139.50 SUPER AG 100 REG. 279 00 198.75 DRAFTING TOOL HOLDER ULTIMA STORAGE FAN %°,s 21.95 TABLOTTE SIDE TRAY BLACK. REG 54 50 35.95 / / TABLE NOT INCLUDED! ART & SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPARTMENT “Z” \ DRAFTING TABLE • 30x42 • White base • Ad|ustable R{ i. 16! M 99.95 . SELECTED VINYL BOARD COVER 37'/2” w ,jr/° 3.89 42” w u.p,;° 4.59 CHARVOZ CENTA CHAIR ( DESK HEIGHT DRAFTING W/RING REG 229 95 REG. 269 90 149.00 169.00 SIERRA SC 4780 ( DRAFTING CHAIR Gray or Black QQ flC REG 153 00 4 SWING ARM LAMP G2512 SERIFS REG 16 50 PICKETT ULTIMA DRAWING TABLE • Adjustable he |t i • While base only • Model 130 30x42 36x48 Ml <; .'6S 00 Ml G .V. of) \ .185.00 199.00 PARALLEL STRAIGHTEDGES - -i J2_/ MAYLINE • STADTLER • C2F 25% Off Retail i