Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1989, Page 13, Image 13

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Ducks trample Hawkeyes
in Iowa, 44-6 final score
B\ Ashli'v ( onklin
Imernld Sports Reporter
Imagine tin1 shoe k You re
sitting in kiiimik Stadium in
Iowa (.it\ . low.I on Sept It't el
nitrating the 100th Annivrrsun
of Iowa footltall Suddenly tin
celebration turns sour as your
beloved 1 law keves lose i t ti to
()regon, an upstart I’at i I ic 10
(lonlerence team
While a .18-point Irount mi.',
was probably bevond anyone's
imagination, that's iiist what
the Ducks did to improve to II
on the season
7 U ItMtl
I hr I hit ks t nntinuftl In l nil
in thf set oml period. linking
nn another 17 (Hiinls In If at!
.M II al halftime
I li st il u as IuIIImi k I .«<I in
Bfrrv going nvfr from thf uiif
van) line Then. following a 17
van) punt In Iowa. Oregon
tlrtiVf -‘I vartls anti hit p.n .11rI
nn a Dnrck I .t >\ 11 If tli\f fnnn
thf otlf After anotlliT hnirfii
tloiis punt In thf Ihivvkfyfs
(Iregg Midullum hnntfil a 2f>
\aril (ifIt! goal lor tin- 1 point
()m* look .it thr st.it ist n s .ittiM
tlir game. though ssas enough
eviden. r In document Oregon's
Quartnrbai k Hill Musginve
looked sll.irp as he . onlintles In
pill Iasi season's injury behind
him. completing 20 ol
(brows for 20 I vards and lim e
touchdowns. two to light end
tsos la Teltt Terry ()bei
grabbed live passes for 120
sards and the staunch Dm k de
tense held Iowa 20 net vards
rushing on 2H carries
We fell this would be a s er\
close game and I'm totalis' sin
prised In the score." Oregon
I hr Dinks ki■ |»l I hr uffi'ii'.i1
rolling th.inks to outstanding
el»,l«*nsj\t* play m the second
halt Two touchdown passes
from Musgrave to Telft m tin'
third i|uaitci It'll little dotilit as
to the linal milt time
Mesities a mi'iui mg mil tie
tense. (hegon y it timi/.nil
I law ke\ e qnarte rliat k l oin
Pnholskky in the .111 Free sate
l\ Derek Morton pit ked oil two
(lasses and also recovered a
linnhle I’oholskkv was literally
booed oil the field, i ompletmg
only eight ot t'l passes loi n
yards \eetllt‘ss to say. Dntk
defensive coordinator Denny
Si Indei w as pleased
head coach Kh h Brooks said m
(lie Sept. 17 i'll it ion ol the Hi'ii
isIrr-Cminl I dun'! know |us!
what to make of i! Hill 1 (lu
know vve lirnf a hig advantage
in quit kness. .mil otluii lh.ui
our turnovers wo plaved .i vt*r\
good game Were a good loam
and ivt1 played very vrr\
\\ c
"Never m im wildest did I
think this would happen.’
St huiei s.ild m the Weg/sfel
(in.ml Speed .mil t|int kness
definileh won over size end
I'lie w in didn’t i ome w ithout
tost, though Bern end shirting
i enter Si ot Bo,Bright both went
down with knee injuries while
reserve offensive gu.iid Kit k
Hunt suffered -in .inkle injurv
Tlir Duck defense set the
tone earlv in the game shilling
the I lawkeye miming game and
forcing Iowa to punt after onl\
three downs ITom there the
game \\ as .ill ( tregon
Miisgrave took the Duiks >1
yards in only si\ pla\ s. i oil
uni ting on a 22-yard pass with
Tony llargain to gi\e Oregon .1
Merry < <ttiId l»' hack in time
lor !In* Oct l-t contest with
Washington Boatright is out
indefinitely possibly lot the
lest ol the season I lillll missed
the Stanford game Saturday
hut ( mild [day tins Saturday
against Arizona
ActiveWear loi Men & Women
N" l-jsl I Mh I t;-cm <>K
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infer m. Vhjrkeil Ballet
H.I--U ikvi'IMK'f Ikilki
s Su ^cek v 'Hirw)
W.ik< up Vi.'I'io
Beymnet Infcrm Ballet
\1*Hktn !.»//
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Wake up \crithk'
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SludcnlVvi Kisic uink'i'i.iihlinf I pi ope r pljecmenl jml
Poinlr I
I menu sludenls w solid pljscnnnl .md technique
Ja// Dan* r
Immduciion in movements rh>thnis
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