_Sports______ Webfoots commit several Cardinal sins Ducks lose game, more Bv Ir.ic \ SummT t mcralcJ Sports t ditor In what is Im*i oming as miih h of .in ()rrj4nn football ti.Million as tin* < ivil v\ar (i.iiur with On* mm Stair. Stanford has a mini maiit* tin* Ihit.ks look hail tins tilin' in a shinning IH 1 7 ( anli nal win in Stanton! Stadium on Sal 11 n I a \ I hr t animal s< nrrii ail ttt of Ms points, nu ludintf a last sri (mil .;amr winning tirhi goal h\ (iintoi plfltrkirkri John t lop km> latr in thr fourth ipiartrr to srnd thr Dm ks hotnr w ith a ] ov rial I and I I I 'at it n It) I'aoIO lootball V\ <'i^hmi{lon Sf < »r« 4«m Sf Vfi/ttfM M l S( U I A \\ ashin^ioii ( .lliltH fVi;| < onl I K* fall VN t I V\ I I 10(1 ill) Ml O MMl I I II * ! si I 10 2 I (I I 20 I > li U (Ml MO 0 0 0 J Ml 000 I 2 0 Old .MO O 10 120 i nnfere ni e rn uni Stanford improved its iff nnl In I I in llif i onlerenf f mid 1 J. overall Hopkins who hail missi'il on three previous field goal at tempts heli ire Ills game iv in ning linut was given his i ham e foi redemption w hen the ( animal s (ini \ Bookei re iovered an (inside ku k at the Stanford in vanl line allowing the I animal to ill i\ e to the ()re gun 20 Hopkins had hi) on only one ol six field goal tries on the veai hut was true when it hurt most as he nailed the t vanlei w ith no time remaining \n underdoi* Stanton! team took t hari{e (.uul the t;ame) In flelll. lot• Meerten .ind Todd Kaanapu looking Irani the sitle st orim; lit points in the fourth quarter .tnd It'll Hill Mas urate lint's in tlisht'l it’l. li tills .ill Mllllllls 1 ikl* .1 11*1 III imv; ninlilmiiii- think li.u k tun \ i mi n lirii I In' I )tn ks |i ist I i lit to tlm ( .mlm.il mi .i Ur.nl \lusti i II) in tin- mum' s tin.il ■liiniiti Auain tlm I )m ks spent thri'i' • 111(1 .1 ll.lll l|lli»lels nf .S.lllll ilnv's jJ.iiui' seen»in«l\ in i mi lull. Iinlilmv; .i 17 it li'.nl tin s|iiti- lining ntitpl.iN ml In tin' I hllllll.il 1 ll.lt s U Ill'll till' nightmare began Oregon look a ltd halftime lead on a pair ol sec ond ipiarlet si oring strikes limn ipi.irtiT Ii.o k Hill Musgrave to wideout 1**1 I V ()l>ee I lie III si SI ore u as ,i 22 \.ml pass with ll "i re imnniiig I lie second was a l i v.ntier with 'ill left t.regg Mi l a!hint‘s :n \ anl field goal in the thud ipi.ntei rounded out (liegon si in mg -.. Whether you're back from summer vacation or just starting at the U of O. give EWEB a call so we can transfer your water and electric service to your name if it is not already included in your rent. We'll come and read your meter. That way you’ll only be billed for the services you use. So call EWEB today. It will give us a chance to transfer your service and say, •'Welcome!’’ 484-6016 hllMnUMKKHlI I KM. EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 600 East 4tn Avenue Office Hours 8am until 5pm M 'I'day through Friday .Stanford began its first m nr i11ill i\ e im Ihr t hegon Hi at lor .in On^on punt After .i three v.ird Si utt !!si helrn.in urn ( ardinul i|Uiirterh.ii k llrian hilliiMin hit II.inker Walter lint sun tor .i 3(1 yard gain and a Stanford InM down .it the ()i gon Si After .i short gain on a ji.iss |il.i\ .mil .in im iimjiletion Johnson hit running hack t i.ny I ,i\ lor in the flat l av lor hiked Oregon snfeU Derek Horton .it the I "i .mil sprinted into the end zone for the si ore I lop kins' extr.i point uns good to m.ike the si ore l i t Jrngon Oregon’s next possession went nowhere and the Dm ks were fori ed to punt Alan (Irani returned Oregon punter Man I’enso s punt 1-t v.irds followed MEIER & FRANK A DIVISION OF THE MAY DEPARTMENT STORES COMPANY welcomes the students of the University of Oregon back to Eugene for the 1989-90 academic year.