Festival_ C ontinued from Pago 8 entertainment Throughout thr weekend there will he over -It) performers on lliree different stages At the heart ol the Eugene Gelebration will he the Eighth .md Willamette Entertainment Area This is where the Ode hration oft it iallv begins when Mayor left Miller greets the crowds and thousands of lull loons are released 1 lie l diver sity of Oregon's own marching hand will perform, followed by the gospel choir Inspirational Sounds, the I’eter Thorpe Blues Band and this area's lines! blue's man, ( air!is Salgado ()n Salurda\. Eighth and Willamette will host The Polka Pipers. Riffle. Piddlin' Big Sue and the Skinner ( atv doggers, the 17th Avenue hand Yacht (dub and Jazz Band. Mud Ba\ Jugglers. Thousand Pieces. Klaus Koehm The Valiev Bovs and finalh a spec ial to-be an nouneed appearance 'The Oregon Jazz. Band. Shumba, and NKO will com plete the performani.es at Eighth Avenue and Willamette Street on Sundav Another stage will he set up at Unit Plaza with Elouttee and Affinity playing the first dav A wide selection of perform ers at the Holt Plaza Entertain ment Area on Saturdav in i lude Tea Jones. The i ligh landers Pipe Band. Mark Alan The Eugene Ballet. Kudi (ialindo. TranSister, Paul Prince. Geo. The Tones and Pa haute Sunday «»t I lull rla/.a. I fir bration-goers vx ill find tin* won dor of pantomime Russ f ish, .is well as musii from ()'(larolan's Consort. Rhythm K Bliss and Sandunga Friday and Saturday only there will be the Mu helob Fifth Ayenue |azz. I estival beginning with Bakin liata and their as sortmeill of contemporary Afri i an Heats Also on I riday will be (latitude and I’oli 1 Ihavez and His (loronados Tbe musir will wy ill b to jazz on Saturday y\ itfi Chris Suren son & Friends lulhmed by (lari Wniderk and I.e Jazz Hot Next up yyill be I lie Hob I humus Quartet. The |ohn Workman Quartet. The Dana lutes I nsetible and headliners Don l.alarskl and Marilyn kellet l.alarski yvbose latest album hit Hi on the national jazz i harts y\ 111 be joined by tbe mi ally talented Keller in a < omhina tion ol jazz and blues For more information on the Celebration or a sc.hedule of events, wati ll for posters and brut hures through lot al mer i bants The Registrr I'.u.ml also yyill have a < omplete listing during the week of the ( elebra lion Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 SAM’S TO GO Sandwiches WHERE A SANDWICH IS A COMPLETE MEAL Daily Lunch Special Now serving Soup & Salad Small drink and small sandwich daily soup specials &great salads $ COLD BEER & DRINKS 25 varieties of hot and cold sandwiches 804 E. 12th ON CAMPUS (corner of 12th & Alder) phone: 343-1141 35‘ OFF| sm sandwich x/i foot ,*p 10 11 HO 50* OFF med sandwich :sk foot 10 it S>l sl00 OFF family size sandwich 2 foot \\p 10 *1 NO oupons not valid with any "thff ofh-r It you want to moot all your banking needs ennill at Weserve I Mist Interstate Bank ol ()regon. We have a sjx*cial package designed to help students make it through those trying college years the Student I nne Account. It has all tin products and services you need; Checking .Account u it h no minimum student Lin® can better manage / your ex|xnses. Student Loans. It (giving for school is a con cern, we can help you with a student loan. Student loans allow _ ——" you to borrow money for college and not begin paying it back until after you graduate. So for all your banking needs from a checking ac count to a student loan graduate to First Interstate Bank. balance. Write up t<> I2 checks a month tor one low monthly fee And cash your personal checks at over 1,100 First interstate offices in 21 states and the 1 fistrict of Columbia. First Interstate Itancard. (let up to $200 cash every day at I>a\ A Night. Tellers’* throughout First Interstate territory and at 25,000 CIRRI S’ auto mated tellers across the I S. and Canada. \ ISA Kli^ibility. Fven it you have no credit his tore, you may still (jiialify for a student \ ISA . so you First Interstate Bank We go the extra mile for you: Having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified