Douglas delivers original cop thriller in 'Black Rain' FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE By Ken Nolan I rnerald ( ontrilmtor Director Kidli'V Scott, who has shown ,iiuIwin os his slock stylized filmwork in the futur isin ninth1 Kunnrr .md the stnmai h ( hurniliK Alim uses tils unique brand <>f i iintiiiatojt r.iphv « itti potent furor 11\ in Ins nr vs < up thriller Hl.i < k K.un ()n the surfai e. HI,ii k Kiiin is your h.isu huddv cop fish nut of wnlet. .ii tiini adventure film But unlike most uf the wishv w.isln iop thrillers m.i i op vs itli .in attitude ( nnkliii v bases .1 slippers Japanese m.i liiisn Sato, from the l>.i< k allevs nl the Hik Apple to the Land ot the Kisinn Sun _Movie Review Conklin, haunted by recent departmental accusations of pilfering money seized in a drug bust has one last chance to regain respect Hut Conklin has a hard time regaining face, lor m Osaka |apan. he and partner Charlie (Andy Carcia) 11ml themselves wrapped up in red tape, and are ordered to re mam oliservers only ()t course. Conklin is one of those cops who nevet read "The Polii email s Cuide to lie ing \i< e ' and uses even means at his disposal, legal or otherwise to snag Sato. Douglas, rebounding from his academy award-winning role in It ,ill .Street. gives a grit l\ and powerful portrayal in HI,ii k K.iin Nick ( onklin is an imperfei t fallible and irration al cop who realizes his own shortcomings but still believes his ends justify his means This is a tough honest piei e of work by Douglas and he somehow makes (lie audieiu e loathe, ad mire, and detest Conklin all at the same time \o one has < re ated such an in!: iguing and im mediately i omp> ’ling i op (liar a< ter since t ae Ilackman played Popeye Doyle in /Vie French Connection (lo-stars Andy (lari ia and Kate Gapslum 1 Mh play their small roles eft lively, but the real co-star is Japanese actor Ken Takakura A . the Osaka in spector assigned to assist and baby-sit Douglas and Garcia Takakura s meek and sublime style creates a tension between the ( harm tors. helping to pro pel the film at a stampeding pace I he audicm e teels .is it it is walking .1 high ire ovit .i pit ul si orpions fin wo hours And like everything else in Ins films. Si ott turns tin- inevitable i.op-film violent e into an art form.'s had guvs art1 pelt ed with bullets and thrown In explosions like i rude hallerinas dam iug to and opera of me chine gun bullets and shotgun blasts The intricate powerful si reenplav. potent acting h\ Douglas, and Ridle\ Scott s metii ulous attention to detail makes Mack Rain one of the most original end hard-hitting i op films of rei eut years 'World in Motion' faces growing up for Browne Bv B\ Kit k Hevman t meraid ( nntriluitor l.u ksnn Browne - World In Motion As the preeminent intrnspei live songwriter of tile l‘l?l)s. Browne has fared the diffii.ult task of glOW U'k tip ( is to i using on problems ot humani t\ deeper love and its illu sums) without alienating the millions ol fans for whom mending a broken heart meant _Record Review_ listening to |at kson Hrowne Sure I't' l s llrtoiv tlir Dt'luge heautilullv and a pot .11\ i>ti< alls warned ol eip irnnmental disas tors and in I‘I"1! he helped or ganize the No Nukes concerts hut spending whole alliums on politics was and is a risk\ ca reer move ll orid in Motion, like its predecessor /./l ev in tlw ,mi r is a focused impassioned record succeeds both as a work of ai l and as an .11 I ol 1 on si iem e ()n the last album lie promised "I’m not going to shut my eves Til I go don 11 and Work! in Motion bears this out the title song implores Us to look around .it the disadvan taged and get involved; another song asks Olivet North Does the word justir e mean anything to you?” The album's most stunning song "Mv Personal Revenge is a poem of < hristian forgive ness written h\ a Sandinista of fu nil to his former Somo/.a toi tillers And lest anyone accuse him of being 1 disloval lettisl the last two songs make it 1 leal that lie s not an " isl" but a free thinker i ailing tor justii e 1 (impassion, and human v 11 tiles Surprisingly it is Ini' love solids thal provide the record's weakest moments they’re good but workmanlike b\ Urou lie's standards All in