OPTIMAL ' PERFORMANCE for Body, Mind, & Spirit VIDEOS Mtlucalional A Awareness I APES New Age Musk & Stress Management GIFTS • ( ARI)S • JEWELRY • BOOKS Tu-Sat: 10-6 342-8348 1374 Willamette ...iHTiiust' Mama dm'sn't mnk lor w>u am mure 9\fapoli restaurant & bakery 'Aj. J>r~ 6K6 I I,Mh. at Mil)aril St Morning Pastries Pasta Pi/za & Calzone Italian Desserts Mon.-1 lull's. 7:00 am - 10:00 pm Kri. 7:IKI am Midni}>hl Sat. OMNI am Midnight Entertainment abounds at Hult By Kelvin Wee Fn< ore Editor Philadelphia Orchestra West Side Story The Duke Kllington On hestra Diane N< huur Moscow Virtousi Orchestra l.es Pallets Trockadero De Monte Carlo The Knglish String Orchestra Phil ip Class The World Saxophone Quartet What do all the above have in common? The\ are |ust .t few of the many performances or performers who will grace the stages of the F.u gene I lull < enter for Performing Arts this c oming year The Holt ( enter shows for f.tll ini lude Diane Schuur a jazz vocalist, will perform (Til 21) in Silva Concert Hall On Nov *) to 10 The Best of Serious Fun \\ ill hit the Soreng Thea ter The inusii ai Me and My Cirl w ill lake to the Silva Concert Hall stage Oct ’> On Oct 7 Mos cow Virtuosi Orchestra with i (inductor and vio linist Valdimir Spivakov, will perform in Silva Concert Hall On ()i I I I. Philip Class will take on Soreng Theatre If that all sounds too mm h lor you lie fore warned There's more The Hull ('enter also works with several other organizations through out the year to host operas, symphony orchestras and ballets Ballets su< h as Romeo and |uliet. Cinderella and The Nutcracker will take to the stage of Silva Com ert Hall over the next few months Sponsoring many of the ballet performances at the Unit is the Kugene Ballet Company In addition, the company plans to close its season with the premiere of an original ballet based on a short storv by internationally famed author hen Kesey. Romeo and fuliet will run Oct 28 and 2tl and The Nutcracker will make its usual Christ 111.is run Dei 21 through the 24 Both ballets will he in the Silva Concert Hall Cinderella and the season i loser will he held next year Two other arts companies have traditionally hosted cultural performances at the Hull. The Ku gene Opera and Kugene Symphony Orchestra work vear round to bring local audiences quality performances by both local and imported talents. Kugene Opera will begin its season with Pa Turn to Hult, Page 25C iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimHiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii Fdce ihJJlujaic THE CAMPOS SOURCE FOR MUSIC 50C off any cassette' tape oi album over $5 00 or $ 1.00 off any compact disc (new or used) (coupon applies to reg priced items “Not good with any other offer) (offer expires 10 15 89) Compact DISCS • ALBUMS • CASSETTES 45’s • 12" DANCE SINGLES RECORD CARE ACCESSORIES • AND MORE. JhceikJH1 tuuc ON CAMPUS across the street from the U of O Bookstore 886 E. 13th 345-1010 iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHMiiiiimimiiiHiimmimiiimiiimitiiiiiiiimi Looking for work? RESUMES Get your resume done professionally at Letter Perfect Graphics. 686-4381 i'K { <*• Mi-<" • Urv •TYPESETTING-PASTEUP LAYOUT-DESIGN-CONSULTATION COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON Z C a D O o z o a D O o z o CL D o a z o CL D O u AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL STUDENTS: STUDENT DONORS: Welcome back! The help you gave the medical world through your plasma donations last year was desperately needed This year the need is even greater To get you back as soon as possible, we are offering you a $$ TEN DOLLAR BONUS SS on your first donation this Fall in addition to your regular donation fee If you return by Oct 10. bring this ad in with you on your first visit back and collect a bonus after donating Your plasma donations are vital to us We are very glad you are back Call for an appointment 683-3953 Hyland Plasma Center 40 East 10th Avenue Eugene. Oregon 97401 n O •o O z D 0 c "0 o z o o c •o o z o o c ■c o z COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON Paui> I- nti'rl.immt*nf 1410 Orchard Suite 207 Eugene, OR 97403 (off Franklin blvd.) HAIH