nCP Continued from P.ik»> 22C students Scandtils nightclub. 2222 Centennial Blvd . has dancing to 1) I music seven nights a week t here is no cover < liarge and the crowd is made tip mostly of college students and people in their mid twentles (ax,omit Joe's, on top of the 1111 ton I Intel at (>(> I Sixth Ave has popular musu dam ing with a I) ) everv da\ of the week and there is no t over charge Fridays and Saturdnvs the i rowd is mostly college slu dents Club Arena, tifitl Pear! St ol fers its patrons a 1 “i si reen vid co svstem to daiue to I here is a Si "ill rover charge I-relays .mil Saturdavs ami Manager |er r\ Aldoroh said the lairo flash fusion" stvl** of musir that is pla\ed tfiere is uniipie m the Kugene area 1 avlor s ta\ern. at 1 ith Are line ami hint aid Street is pop ill.iled mosllr fir students and lias nood mush usualh Kin thin and lllues. to dame to everv night There is a small i over ( liurye at the door that is usualh hetu ecu St and S 1 Hopper's l'lth Avenue and Agate Street is a musir i hilt open Ihursdavs through ‘satin I fir Phulf 77ii* It(/It H.ill is line ill the /limes In t;i> it Inc mi/s/r .nut limit ini; is \ aur (Iclinilinn at i nnihiiuiliiin dt'lit/hl. NEW YORK TIMES Pape i s will he .in atlable Ini pick up MON I Kl .it the Hulk Box located ,»t I he I *th St porch nl the I mu No deliveries during holidavsnr exam v^vck In sign up n«» In (iimmI Morning Newsstand at 23*72 ^ Mill Hi mu lull pa mi lent for each term requested and kex deposit Professors: Call lor class M/e hulk deliNetie' GOOD MORNING NEWS SERVICE CAMPUS MSCOUNI 25c PKR COPY 500 Discount hall Term: Oct. 2-Dec. H $12.00 \\ inter: Jan. 15-Mar. 0 $10.00 Spring: Apr. 2-Juni* 1 $11.00 ke\ Deposit: (refundable) $.1.00 For home delivery or information having a garage sale? Advertise in the ODE 3 Classifieds. ^ till\s oflers .1 diverse range III imisu It IS liei|iienteil must l\ li\ students .iilii hits ,1 $J I ov er i liarge I’ll is IS meant III lie .1 selei Inin nl the various dam e spots available in the butene area and mil a i iimplete listing ot all tile |ilai es one i an go to enter tain FRESHMAN STUDENTS COME USE US (even when you re healthy) WE RE HERE TO SERVE YOU your Student Health Center ext.4441 Catch A Comet Between Classes!! 8 Flavors ★ Fresh Fruit Toppings * Yogurt hardpacks $2.50 New York Seltzer 0^0 ALLAnd HR05 COFFEE 45C (8o^) 55C (i2o/) f REE Half 8i Half PEPSI sm 12 o/ 40c mod 16 oz ‘>0c ly 24 oi 60c Comol 32 0/ ?0e fii Yogurt Shop * Valuable Halley's Comet coupons inside DucH Bucks Open Early-Open Late • Across from UO Bookstore • 345-5566 ©ppiIT® \ y1na4oli^ The Land East" Traditional Greek & Indian Food 992 Willamette • Eugene, OR 97401 343-9661