Whether you're back from summer vacation or just starting at the U of O. give EWEB a call so we can transfer your water and electric service to your name if it is not already included in your rent. We’ll come and read your meter. That way you'll only be billed for the services you use. So call EWEB today. It will give us a chance to transfer your service and say, “Welcome!'' 484-6016 EWEB Eugene Water & Electric board 500 East 4th Avenue Office Hours Bam until 5 p m Monday through Friday dcst. THE BEST STUDY AIDE... ( — SPECIAL STUDENT SAVINGS* - ) AM/FM r s229 • Jp vnailS per cnannei • 20 station presets • Logic controlled • reamer touch Keys • Video inputs UBL Now A pow«*»ui compact noo*i*n*il m# JBl Hi1 u&** A » pUN fwootet *>m * H n>gh poiitmn wootor to »r»*u*« * wnnom HMQOn*.# Quantity itmtlod s149 ea. Rag. $440 pr. JBL 82T SPECIAL STUDENT BUY . harman/kardon _ ' AM/FM r i ri'TZT Receiver u“s & 4 ® O' • 25 watts pet channel • Discrete outputs • t8 Amps ot cutrent ability • loudness • Video inputs On* of the world s best sounding I speaker Polk utilises trilammale polymer drivers, a 1 silver coaled dome tweeter lot accurate bass response and superior high frequency clarity From $99 ea. SONY CD PLAYER CDP-270 • 4 < Q*** • Oua* 1W*»4 OfAtonv««HNS • 16 iracfc mu$4c CiMndir • *et**«»i fmxle* I Sony, Leading $ 4 70 * * Digital Technology | f ^ Infinity Infinity is considered By any as the industry standard Using the same designs and technology from the *55.000 RS V Infinity provides speakers lor all ranges Come audition the best From ?85 •a. I Hob. UNIVERSITY HI-FI 411 EAST BROADWAY iriiiBH 342-7058■■ MON-SAT 104 FREE DELIVERY AVAILABLE LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND Must present student I D. before purchase • ** Sorry, no further discount. Join me for dinner & dancing? Off Campus Photo b\ Sedii Poston Students and community members dance to Taylor's Blues lam. The tavern is a popular campus dance spot. Most campus dance clubs limited to older students By Taylor Watkins Enc ore Contributor Although there .ire many places to dance in Kugene. mi nors may still have a diffic ult time gaining access to most of them ()l these places, only one is open to people under 2 t The one dam e i luh open to minors is Club Hollywood, I in K 11th Ave The i luh is open Wednesdays from lt p in to 2 a m at whiih time the cover i barge is $ t E'ridavs and Saturdays the ( luh is open from ') |i m to 4 a m u ith a cover < barge of $ V A variety of music is placed at the i luh and the average age ot the ( lientele in the late teens \llhough Club Hollywood is the onl\ e\( lusiveh all-ages ( luh in town the W () AY I (all 2lil \V lughth St , opens its doors to people ol all ages tor most ol its shows. The \V O W Hall books a di verse array of acts from all dif ferent styles of music, and he < ause of this the ( rowd there is constantly changing. There is usually a reasonable cover i harge at the door for local acts ($J to $fS) and a larger ( harge for more well-known groups Although it is not a dam e < luh m the strictest sense, there are many opportunities to dance to good music For those dam e enthusiasts who .ire 1! 1 and older, there are main more options to choose from (iuido's. lilh Avenue and Aider Street, offers l)| danc ing Wednesdavs. Fridavs and Sattird.n s There is a large dam e floor as well .is all of the refresh merits that a full bar can offer There is no i over charge and the c rowd is mostlv made up of Turn to Dane e, Page 2 K WELCOME BACK! Interested in Christian Fellowship? Then Chec k out these dates: Sept. 22, Free BBQ 6:30pm 2520 Harris St. Sept. 28, Welcome Party 7:00pm EMU Cedar Rooms E & F Oct. 3, Bible Study 7:00pm 2520 Harris St. For More Info. Call: 345-3393 or 747-5090 Cascade/Central Mission Center