r I I 0 ' 01 - 3 0 ■J 1 I r ■ COUPON SERVING DELICIOUS NEW YORK PIZZA 7 DAYS A WEEK By the slice—or by the whole pizza Choice ol reg crust or deep dish Sicilian Dome down or call up Sy s and order these great specials. 1 FREE SODA plus 10$ OFF ANY SLICE S1.00 OFF *2.00 OFF ANY SMALL PIZZA ANY LARGE OR PLUS MEDIUM PIZZA 2 FREE LARGE DRINKS r r\n UUU’J J JU by S New T OiF ZZci 1Z1 1 < HM'WUO 11:30 Midniqht Mon. Sat 3 30 Midnight Sun. o c Tl 0 z 1 I ■ I coupon good through 10/Ji/oy 1 FRlENDiy FOODS'eDEU 2757 Friendly St. 683-2079 YVKI.COMK STUDENTS AND FACULTY lull line natural foods gnu er\ • !.<>< a I nig,mu prntluc r lint \ ( did nuturaI foods dtdi with indoor and outdooi seating l.arge selei lion of vitamins, homeopathic s. flower essence's and other natural remedies • Unique gift ideas -(.Ul t’UiN- I ri n t^i ip Wlill l.l'NUI OK fatiti DINNKK I’URCMASK j FROZEN i FRUIT CONE | \l;i(l(* with !<)<>"„ 1 Jiiit • I'Ap III If) HU j -cori’ox-' TIIK LAI Kill INC; HHLLY SIJSHI BAR (‘very FRIDAY NICil I I' lipnMOpm Open 7AM-10FM Mon.-Sat., Sunday 9AM-10PM Style I'hc perfect poster for \our wall can be found at Capper's Frames \ Prints. Come in tV: look through our large assortment ol Posters and Prints. We offer: • Custom Framing • Mounting • Shrink Wrapping • Do-it-yourself Framing / FRAMES*PRINTS INC. 2()cr OFF all custom framing, posters, and do-it-yourself materials through October. 1280 OAK ST. 343-4II1) HOURS: 4) AM - 6 PM M-SAT. I Off Campus Albums soon to be extinct Bv Kelv in Ww l ni on- I ditor The world of th«* vinvl iil lnims looks as it ii may soon join tlic ranks of dinosaurs, eight trat k tapes and reel-tu reels .is an exlint t objet t Last year the rumor began that ret ording i ompanie.s would soon be doing away with I Ps and mm mg into the business of protiut mg nnlv < Ilfs and ( assettes \i i ording to Hob I ,ee. ow tier of I at e I be Musit tile total elimination of vinvl albums mav not be (.nmplele for the next few \ears "What 1 do foresee is a dra main reduction in tile number of lilies that are available ' l ee said I think in the near Inline von could expect to see a good number til the i urienl hits available But 1 ee would not i ham e predit ling the long run Thai's no wonder when record buyers discover that (IBS ret orris, which is owned by Sonv. has leased manulat luring albums m Japan Moreover, a large pen outage of their catalog of alburns avail able in the I lilted States are be inn deleted as of Sept of th is v ear. I .ee said This, however is not an ar mss the hoard elimination of the vinyl album format Lee said mam record buyers believe the elimination of vinyl albums are .1 i onspirai v be tween niusii manufacturers and retailers against them I low ever the far t remains that less than six percent of all mu su sales nationally comprise th.it of rei ord albums, he said I tespitc this, am retailer w ill he glad to c ater to the demands of the eustomei "I will he glad to sell niusii in am format that people ( boose to bin them in." he said Hut the people are not hm ing them |l.l’s| " As tor the nagging issue of prices, those for ( M )s have been dropping, though slowly Lee said he does not expect the (irii e of (IDs to evei be as low as those 1 urrentlv on cassettes or record albums, but he said the gup max he narrowed over time ' Albums ate on the wa\ out tliev re going, going, it not gone, I .ee said ^ t.1 SI C* ( ontinued from Page l‘K imported inusii ■ here's \ its little that we don't stix k ” said store owtier Mike \h Adams One thing that sets us apart trout other stores is our se lei lion ol imports and mu spot nil order polii \ Mi Adams said bei ause the store deals with many ililterent agent les spei ial orders are usualk filled within a week at the Record ( ,aiilen instead of the six to eight Weeks other stoles take to fill such orders It is open seven (lavs a w eek from 111 a 111 to 'I p in Mondavs to Saturdays, and noon to ti p in on Suiidas s I ,i a ated in I lie I ifth Street Market is llalladeer Musk u hii li is open from 10 a in to t« p in daily l liis store sin ks lieu age. tolk and popular, interna tional and i hildren's imisii in the form ol 1,1’s (d )s or i assetles In addition, it boasts a unique tape listen mg i enter that lets i ustom ers "try before you buy the tapes ( all iiidividu.il stores lor more information about what they do an do not sto< k Tills is not meant to be a i omplete listing ol all mush stores ill this area hut a starting guide to the i omit less record and (ill stores in the nearby \ n in it \ FREE!! V3 lb. Gourmet Burger “"l t JAMIE’S. Buy any Jamie’s "1/3 lb." Gourmet Burger and get another one of equal or lesser value FREE!! Not valid with any other coupon otter JAMIE’S ?445 Hilyard . 342-2206 1810 Chambers . 343-0485 Coupon Valid through 10/18/89 J