Off Campus fto i I’hulii l.v \1aik N lm •VV lim (iraup. ni^hl maiuifipr tor Hm r thr \lnsit . ilis/il.n s his shirr s I I) srln linn Stores offer vast music selection By Kelvin Wee Encore Editor The choice is vours Kugene offers the music lover a vast number of options when il comes to where she or lie < an go to purchase that l.l’ (1) 01 cassette Located i loses! to the l adversity is face The Music . HHt> K tilth Ave laie I lie Music stocks thousands of Id’s (il)s. cassettes, singles and more It is open from 10 a in to 0 1(1 p m on week days and on Saturdays until r> it) p in. On Sun days, it opens from noon to -t to p m A little further away is House of Records, daft K tilth Ave. This store spec in all tv pc-s ol mu.sii from |.i/./ to punk and alternative musii s from country to 1 >1 ut*s to classe al W hile most people think ot House ol Ke< orils as .1 resale music store, the idea is not true said ( liarlie Simpson, .ill employee 'Actually. that's not true he said We re about halt new and about half used House ol Records is opens Mondays to Satin days from 1 1 a in to n p in and on Sundays from noon to