Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 18, 1989, Section C, Page 15C, Image 90

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    Summer Flashback
Summer enter!.litunrnt in the l unnie
(ame in .1 wide arras of lOiuerts and
performances limn tulk a! the (Munirs
l air In bluegrass and i lassie,il in the
< oik erts III The Parks Series to a mural
from \n aragua at lire I Ml' fallen
The suininei ( mu erls In l lie I’.uks
Series brought hluegr.tss to I’elersen
Burn, a taste of the southern l.otiisiana
bason to Amazon I'ark .is ssell as Kith
and 17th ■ enlurs i I.issii al to llendrii ks
Park I'li.' series is put mi .inmiallv b\
(lie I ■. 11 u« ■ n i P.uks Kei real ion .mil (Hi
tur.il scrvii e department
Providing three days of entertainment
for tin' 2Utli year tliu Oregon Country
lair welcomed Ci.OlH) spol iators to its
gates outside ol Veneta Irom )ulv 7
through July *t
\lso appearing at the fair were the n.i
tionalh famous thing hnramn/ou
Itrothers who performed a juggling ail
• mil Inni tlir m.in wlm
provided .1 i .iptiviilniK displ.n of i <i|>
turnip |>»*oplf inside his hulihli's
\t llir Lull' (jiiinlv 1 .111 grounds lliu
1..IIU' ( inillh I .ill entertained till' pillllil
will) displa\ S v;. mu's mil's .mil | >■ 11 ill 1.1 r
imisii artists
I'hi' f.ur ,ilsu luiii an iiiiusii.il twist
ulii'ii llir in.mu ut Springfield ilia I
lenged tin' Mavnr nt Springfield Mass
In break tin'll mi mil nl It Hti'l liii'aktasl
served ii11fortiiii.ili■ 1 \ Spru^tiehl Ifll
short m*r\ mi; onl\ 17. IJ t tiff pant .ike
In fiiktasl to I hr lair^ne i s
Ihf I mu Art t ..i I l«*r\ s summer tlis
pla\ was hitfhliuhted \\ 11h .t imir.il <If
l*n titiv; \u .ir.11*u.i m <.111111*r Imifs I hf
mural was tlfsiipiftl li\ ( IiiIimm artist
I’am ho l.eleliei ami was painted In Kit
f.flif residents m I'm: dunlin \u aiaipia
I-rifntlslup dm .in animal cvi'iil In raise
Innds Ini humanitarian aid
I hr mural that graird thr l.\H \rl h.illm this summrr
dnpit Is Xit araguan lilt- in morr prat ntul limns
Travel the World at Folkways
• lb iirl*
It’uvlry iuhi folk’ ort
from 40 (ountru
k 'All- lit
' ■( i J.I !
( Hth Avt
'TT : -■ -
When all you do are haircuts
you have to be good.
We’re great!
Haircuts $7
stiff f
Monday thru Friday 9:00-6 00 Saturday 9 00 S 00
29th & Willamette Ibehind Round Table)
343-1 182
' \d\$t feOptf
$/2f? / 15 fcoUrfr 7<w -ftf/p; 3^ /J^p5
fitt »a +*m# fj" tfrsf* } Htff^\/f.i 00
p*o/o >cy
*#ratH#o. *!> 19 Qr'
’J* a**el*T,*>.c*'
**322*»r*, ^°£$z