TRANSFER STUDENTS COME USE US (even when you re healthy) WE RE HERE TO SERVE YOU YOUR Student Health Center ext.4441 \\ e Inn sell .ind trade used books and tapes \\ h.iir \< t rsMhlr Hooks & liitts of Mother Earth • I ' ! - i H.' ,■ ■ ■ i • I lr i! : Mull! Cl 1.1 i • Cards * Mandolins • Ina • \.ll II I .ll ( I si.I I Jru . I , • ( ,1 ni \i'( k I,it i • AI t.ii I lit • ( andlc-s • Coddnss I igurinits Mon Thor* * Sol in i> In in ri 1247 Villard SI I4r>-0<120 V, r„« | f.uik lilt IIImI from I ..1(1 On Campus Museums ( ontinuedfrom Page 11C ■in' featured in the gallery A i omment Imok is hu luded to continue tin' dialogue lietween tin' y ii'wcrs .mil the .irlist. thus allowing tlic iirlist to grtnv Ulute said Located in Lawrence Hall is (iallerv lit I \liihits at (iallen ) 11 last one \\ eek and oppor tiiiiitii*s an open only In stu dents Students ma\ ( house to exhibit tlicu works in (iallerv 14 1 liaie the option id either doing individual or group shov\ ings l ipemugs lol show mgs at (iallerv 14 1 are usually on Monday nights and are open lo the public lor more information, con t.ii t the individual museums and galleries cit i hec k the hn i ore' sei lion eai It I ridav Photo bv Anilrt* Kanirn t largv salmon guanls the Museum of Natural History. It is one of several museums anil galleries on campus. CDs and TAPES Buy - Sell - Trade music flevolutioc 1217 Alder Pmdp 14(' — I*' Introducing... \ COfV/IRUTERS WordProcessing Class Papers, Projects, Theses, Dissertations, Resumes Desktop Publishing Brochures, Flyers, Newsletters, Posters, iMgos Consulting Hardware and Software featuring expert MicroSofl-trained Support Tutoring Macintosh and IBM Other Services PostScript and LaserJet/IBM Laser Printing, File Transfers/Conversion 492 E.13th, Suite 202. Tel: 686-8708 ntpHainmpnl GIANT SLICED V of PIZZA wiui one topping to go or stay! Only $1 Dancing and Music very Wed., Kri. and Sal. Niuhl 343-0681 3th & Alder, on Campus', % We fix hair color. Color that s too brassy too dark loo hgbt on the ends No matter what the prob lem, we can fix it Quickly and easily With SoColor’ the honey creme hair color by Matrix For beautiful, lasting results Every time Let our hair coloring specialists get your hair back where you want it to be - natural looking Call today for a free consultation . 50 West 13th, Eugene 686-1435