GRADUATE STUDENTS COME USE US (even when you re healthy) WE RE HERE TO SERVE YOU YOUR Student Health center ext.4441 Welcome Back Students We have 14 private outdoor sp;i rooms toi a relaxing soak in a clean, eslhelically pleasing environment. ( all 345-9048 lor reservations and information. ©nsen !HN4 Garden Avenue, Eugene U/ Kelvin Wet* ln< ore Fditor Museums 1 the an hitei lure I he Museum ol Art. loi ated directly across the quadrangle from I’rince l.ucien Campbell I bill is prnhahlv one of the most prominent buildings at the t hnversitN It also is one ol the only buildings without windows a feature that protects the works of art exhibited within the building This rather unique feature was what helped gel the museum onto the National Register of Ills tom I’lai es in june ol IffHti The Museum of Natural lliston is on the oilier hand, located in the area many stu dents refer to as Siberia out b\ the dormitory I lark mg lots Turn to Museums, Page t K n I’hoto b\ \ndrt* K«»ni#*ri The Museum of :\rl was i>ut on the National Register of Historic Places in HIHti because lit its unique architecture. Who is God? Why should / care? Conic to worship and find out! 9:30am education hour • 10:40am worship Central Presbyterian Church 1475 Kern St 345-8724 Ki ' loin ||iu« i. ( .mipiis Pastor No I uri Mathivon liowie Koniiiu.i ( cull i < .impost laison, ( cut r at ( hutch The Uttiwtote in fta.}} Eut&iUumteid Happy Haul Special! A 3355 E I ivc \m/ prm ulo ra\ ol southern vli also cn|os ,i « ide ' lilt; sc m: . Amazon Drive • 345-2463 an appropriate ambiance lor unique dining experience \ temporary ar . le dishes are prepared on our barbecue In this elegant setting, sou will Warietv of steaks and scahxxl Mon. Sal I noth II 2 p in. Dinner 4:.Ml-10 p.m. I oiKi^e 10 p.m. 2:.hi Suii(la\ lir itih h in 2 p.m I limit i 4 Ml Ml p hi COME TO THE I N SI*ORTS SC I NK XT 1)1 \ OWES 5-7! Silver Screen VIDEO * RENT 1 MOVIE get 1 MOVIE FREE (Wednesday & Thursday) (of equal or lesser value) Open 10-10 Daily 2474 Hilyard • 345-1153 2101 Bailey Hill- 345-5185 Three Way Lounger Designs to fit your style. 164 W. Broadway (Downtown Mall) 343-3622 □ Open seven days a week