13th ( ontinued from PaRt* 1 IB Aside Irom what's available dim tlx on 1 ith Avenue. there are mans other stores and ser VII es HI the I alli|>us area t hose 1111 hide eating plot es sill h ,is Teriyaki Alley, 1.100 Hilvard St Subway Sandwiches 1 tot llilvard St Itiihha's I’lai e 12 PI Alder St Si 's News York Pizza 1211 Alder SI The Kumlmii Pavilion 127 . Alder St Sub Shop 122A Alder St Napoli MU. I I lilt A\e Sam's to (io HIM I 12th Ave StuIT It 12 lit Alder St . and The (ilenwood 1.140 Alder St Also nearhv is lahbcrwoc.ky (turds and (lilts 1 tint llilvard St Ken's Drvc leaning 1117 llilvard St Music Revolution. 121 T> Alder St . |-Hars Hair 12 ) i Alder SI ami Oregon Photo l.ab. 12)1 Alder St Another servic e on l)th Ave line hut one von hopefully won’t have to use. is Sacred Heart Hospital. 12 V> lldvard St |usl in ( ase ot an emergent \ this would lie a got ill plac e to know llie loi alion There is a variety of shops and serve es available in the i ainpus area, and it s up to vou to use them to your advantage Kven if there isn't am particu lar serve e vou need to use vou might want to put on \oiir walking shoes one lie e (lav and i lee k them .ill out zL*— Roll River Roll The Willnmetti- River is .1 mnstnnt feature in the Eugene area. Running from Cden 1 rood through the University to North lingerie The Ferry Street Fridge overlooks the shoreline ,it Alton linker Park. Photo by Mark Ylen CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 105 PERSONALS ODE PRODO STAFF There will be a production stall m«il my at 4 00 pm on Tuesday September 76th Everyone is asked to attend or to contact Michel® <666 4J81| it unable to attend Please come up and turn in your schedules immediately alter reg miration Darkroom techs remember to leave time open between 1 S pm il you want to work any daytime hours PENPALS FOR North A-’ . .m ages '.oml *>G< lor details Pen Pals Unlimited Boi 62bl Stat.«-n D C.»i y.uy A»be Mil Canada T?P .'I M PLANNED PARENTHOOD I - P.y smears inter hm i b«« ► birth mtn.i S i ounwimg Days A evenings Call 105 PERSONALS PL ANNE D PARENTHOOD ’ <1u> after a period' Im hides unbiased counseling i ' 5 MM PRIVATE HELP F ROM ERIE NOS f re* Pregnancy Tc&tmg BIRTHRIGHT 687 66 M l ASER WORD PROCESSING 14 y««.!“, pip(: I approved N«*.i* .iu'pus Robin 344 07S9 PDQ WORD P*<> . -■ • , • ’Term papers ’Resumes 'A< ademtr erorfc Superior quality a son able '.ili". ’8LX) S4*> Ortrw ’714 736 171 7 ’.>4hfa/7Day t i'.hJ i<»li* Si '• - i A j ; ■. ’ Dissertat • >'«% Theses Pape*' ' IBM Coni(. ()■•,► Co”.ff‘Ji ■ ’ Resume** Editing y test that )15 TYPING SERVICES THE WORD SPECIALISTS CINDY 484 S4S4 CAROLYN 344 *>287 A 344 7231 i?0 TYPING SERVICES WOMI) PROCRS.SINQ 34 1 -0969 Sy«t«»«/Soft ware Conv*r«lon« APPLE CP M IHM MACINTOSH IJLSEVt PH IHT 1M<: 132 E. Broadway Suite 102 it mm a^ o i> r rtKso*ai TEXT CONVERSION . • ■ M text l Mi BMm i»-maw -xj .»»*j ptgt layout'Im MmI H# Vhi*ms papers '»»su'th»s HHEJGHflllEH » HANK l IN PARK Pt A/A #1 •> 1 i»0 F RANK l IN Rl VO t UGC Nf 747 4S«9 120 TYPING SERVICES TYPING UNLIMITED i-M " ; ,t* !< .- (ifilrt ‘ ' A. ; „e:| Barbara l an,! 48‘>CM‘# BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 492 f l3lhN< 101 LASER WORD PROCESSING 19 »»-.•'■ «■ ipent- < *■ Editing IBM G'a>1 si i'u- i appiovift] Near umpi.-. Robin 144 0759 125 INSTRUCTION GROUP GUITAR Mo£ 199 BpiJ mng Gu'ld' 1 » • |h« i.-rnpirte bogmnf l »*«»r r.(.rding |i.i king "drumming th»»« and mus>- leading t 'edits |7*> . *(-•• Ta<> s»-: linns 1 10 4S0 MW ! and .’JO 3 SO UH Mr- 352 library David Case 142 125 INSTRUCTION CODINGS AW(30iNGS See section 275 MAC ORIENTATION NEW STUDENT WEEK SESSIONS Monday Sapt 18 10 00 12 00 Monday Sapl 18 1 00 3 00 Monday Sapl 18. 3 30 5 30 T uatday Sapl 19. 10 00 1 2 00 Tuesday Sapl 19 1 00 3 00 Tuesday Sapl 19 3 30 5 30 Room 175 Computing Canler Basic Macintosh Oparations toi beginners 125 INSTRUCTION NEW COURSE WORLD POPULAR MUSIC Reggae Africian Salsa Indian Soviet European Chinese Others MUS 402 Tue 3 30 6 20 Open to all students Fee added Dr Paul Fnedlander Kii\tle (his paper. 130 FOR SALE FURNITURE AND household items at budget prices Thurs Fri Sat only' Dmtyft Trading Post 1355 River Road 640 3742 19 COLOR TV S80 00 CASH 404 6434 __ ^CLIP AND SAVE < CHECK US OUT Eugene’s Resale Connection An Alternative Experience in Clothes Shopping Men’s and Women’s Quality Resale Clothing Presented by the 1 ane Countv Resale Association. A cooperative network of Independent shop owners. y f UJ > < (/) a z < a. o GENT1 I:MEN’S ENCORE till Willamette St. I ugenc, lal-efT*^ Mon-Sat Jp.-lpe Specialising m contemporary s'* trendy men's clothing m natural ♦ ir- Buy >onsign, trade No ap pointment necessary Now fratur ing women's clothing too VISA Mastercard BING CHERRY PAI ACE t>2 W. I hh Aic. Eugene, )44-4R4l Sion-Sat i J s A unique women's shop featur ing trendy contemporary fash tons Consign Sc pure ha.se VISA Mastercard OLD FRIENDS 1022 Willamette, Eugene 14>!4I4. Mon-Sal ll-n. Sun 12-4 Vintage and contemporary clothing for women and men. Collectible jewelry vintage ac cessones Buy, consign. Park mg 11th N Willamette VISA Mastercard. THE HALL CLOSET is > Coburg RJ. or \.,rtf -/ /cr,\ St Ht*lge Eugene U4-S0R2, Sion hn ISat /P-S. Featuring quality apparel tor the working woman in si:cs S Consignments Aj'pointments appreciated, walk ins welcome RAGS ro RICHES Established W?f' irx’/: . Ihh Air. Eugene, /•M-7PW, Mdii fri iO-c*, Sat id-s Men’s N NX omen’s trendv and designer clothing Buy &c ion sign daily '0 SO new items on the r.ii ks daily SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W’. llth Air. Eugene, nrM-fiAc’J, Sion Sst 10 t' Men’s St NX omen's contemporary natural fiber clothing Jewelry, accessories and shex-s ten* Buying and trading daily No api'omt ment necessary. VISA Mastercard Layaway FREE parking right nest door THE BRASS HANGER s>41 /’ear/ St. tugent, 4#<>t>t'}l Mon-Fri /0-S:Jl\ Sat 10-4: Id NX omen's designer clothing natu ral tilxrs naturally Coordination consultant available. Consign ments by appointment GRAND COLLECTION 1 >2 t. / ith A it. I ugrnr, MS.WUJ, Mon-Sat ll-f Women’s contemporary and yin tage clothing, shex-s, accessories Some new clothing & Jewelry ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES I land i rafted gifts made in Ore gon Buy, consign, trade by ap pomtment. Oft street parking lx hind shop \l I LKA LION'S 1*1 AY 1 I \l.AIN HOC I IQ LI 144 » JiV/i h utfcnc, 14 1 Mon-Sjt IiViV U1 New quality result* i Inching and accessories for men and women including full figure I urge selection of wedding and formal gowns Buy N- consign h\ .ipiHmumrnt I Kl:l parking all around. I OUCH OF CLASS Jt>50 Willamette St., bunene 14 1-iW5, Mon In 10-5:10, Sat 10-5 Buy, consign, trade ^ ontempo rar\ resale and new clothes for women and ihildrcn in natural til er** and blends \X e also carry maternity clothes, shoes, jewelry and accessories SHERRY’S DOL'IU L TAKE FASHIONS S4- I’earl Si. Eugene, 4N5~4t*OS \lon-Sjt 11-S: K1 Career fashions for women and men. Buy, consign, trade kCLIP and save?