h-LJ BOOKS HERE $1 oo riov \ N LES SCHV. T HC AUTOHlOOP* I P— - fc (iraphn l»v Uduir Shrll«lu(||rr Budget books abound Mans University students will look for wavs to out back on spending this full fortunately, tile campus area offers mans mon ey-saving opportunities lor textbook buyers The l adversity bookstore, .it I ith Avenue and Kincaid Street and the Smith family Bookstores at 7(iH f I Ith Ave and '>2a Wil lamette St . purchase used books from students I hose books are then resold at reduced pric es This process helps to i tub rising st bool expenditures and provide students with extra t ash Students crowd the book buy back counter at the I niversity Bookstore and the F.MU location at the end of each term in hopes of pocketing some cash Unlike the University Bookstore, the Smith family Bookstores also buy used hardcover and paperbai k books othei than texts Uonsei|uentlv. these stores have an immense sells lion ot pleasure reading. This fall, for the first time, the Newman ( enter is sponsoring a student benefit book sale The centei located at 1H:>0 f.merald St will hold the sale Sept JO, 2 ! and 22 The program will allow slu dents to negotiate the buy back pru e Interested students must submit a list of their hooks and the pin es they want tor them With the servic es provided by the Newman Uenter. the 1 niver sity Bookstore and the Smith f amily Bookstores students have the opportunity to reduc e educ ational i osts by buy mg used hooks and adding to their budgets by selling used books =Wil cv First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) * * * * * Sunday Morning Worship 10:00am * * * * * Wednesday Night College Fellowship (call for time and place) * * * * * Rev. Doug Smyth phone: 345-8741 corner ol 23rd & Harris 5 blocks Irom campus 342-2912 German ' 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene • AUTO SERVICE Reliable Service For Your Foreign Auto Specializing in VW • Mercedes • BMW • Audi Datsun & Toyota welcome EXPERT WORKMANSHIP & SAVINGS “Serving you for over 25 years'’ Microcomputer Classes Jgjl Regularly-enrolled UO students are welcome to join the UO Continuation Center's Community Microcomputer Program! Enjoy all the benefits at a fraction of the cost! You'll receive.... SI Ten hours ot hands-on instruction per class. ^ Conveniently-scheduled afternoon classes * Extensive classroom manual provided. ** Data disk of example documents, j ||i •* Ten pages free laserprinting, j Open lab throughout the term. Knd of-term expanded evening hours. One credit special project option available. Cost: $-18. Macintosh Classes; 124 CSC Introduction to the Macintosh This class introduces the novice to the Macin tosh computer through the use of some of the most popular programs available. Topics in clude basic word processing, graphics, spread sheets, desktop publishing, and the Macintosh system. Offered Thursdays, Oct. 12 • Nov. 2, 1:30 4 00 p m. Microsoft Word: Ixtvel I Fundamentals of Microsoft Word version 4 0 are taught, including understanding the ruler, working with character and paragraph format ting, creating tables, using the glossary and style sheets, and creating custom menus Of fered Tuesdays, Oct. 10-Oct 31, l:30-4:00p m. Microsoft Excel: l>evel I Excel is the most comprehensive spreadsheet program available today, incorporating spread sheet, charting and dutubase functions. Taught from an introductory level, this class explores the basics of Kxcel and introduces you to some of its common applications. Offered Mondays, Oct. 9 - Oct. 30, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. PageMaker: Ixtvcl I learn PageMaker by constructing newsletters, catalogs, ads, and brochures. Topics include: text and graphics layering, combining text and graphics, using color, manipulating graphic ob jects, specifying and placing body and display text, and working with multi-page documents. Offered Wednesdays, Oct. 11 - Nov. 1, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. IBM-PC Classes: 127 CSC Introduction to the IBM-PC This class introduces the novice to basic ter minology and concepts of the IBM-PC, in cluding the MS-DOS operating system, hardware and software basics, wordpro cessing, spreadsheet concepts, and database functions. OfTerod Thursdays, Oct. 12 - Nov. 2, 1:30 - 4 00 p m WordPerfect: Level I This course introduces the fundamentals of WordPerfect 5.0, including: creating, edit ing, saving, retrieving and printing docu ments, modifying formats, file management, using the search and replace feature, using the spelling and thesaurus programs, and trunferrmg files. Offered Tuesdays, Oct. 10 Oct. 31, 1:30 4:00 p m. Ix)tus 1-2-3: Level I This course, taught with the most popular spreadsheet software, introduces students to fundamental spreadsheet concepts and how they apply to a variety of business and per sonal applications for the IBM-PC. Offered Mondays, Oct. 9 - Oct. 30, 130 - 4:00 p.m. dBase III Plus: Level I This course introduces the user to basic data base development, including: creating and organizing databases, designing custom screens, generating reports, and printing la bels. Course is taught using the dBase III Plus assist menu. Offered Wednesdays, Oct. 11 - Nov. 1, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. To register for these classes or obtain future schedules, call the University of Oregon Continuation Center. 686-3537 Continuation Center registration office at 1553 Moss Street. RESUMES (live your resume1 .1 professional look, by hav it typeset at letter Perfect Ciraphu s, 500 t MU. (tiih-A iH I cj.r; Mon-Fri. t. r