Confirmed from Page 40 sliglith happs to have Mus grave liai k is senior tailbac k DiTrk l.ovillc. Omgim's ailtiine leading rusher who gained 1.202 \arcls hist season and had m\ names in whic h lie rushed for at least 100 Yards When Musgrave went down the Ducks' passing game went wilh him "When he was gone it put a lot of pressure on me. hec ause the defense reulh narrowed down on our running game. " I.oville said This season. I^ivillc said Brooks has told him hr mi^ht not i arrv the hall as mm h .is hr did last Year hut lie'll he used more as a rei river Obviously Derek l.ovillr is a Kieat player, and he's gninK to net the hall in his hands Brooks said Another big play performer yy idr rei river and punt returner I errv (Hire, didn't net the ball mm h after Mus^rave hurt hut lie Inures prominently in the Dui ks plans this season VOLVO Owners Preventive Maintenance Spec ial Alpine Import / /Service\v The VOLVO Spei i.ilists FREE SAFETY INSPECTION $1050 OIL CHANGE ■1 ( vl m< ludo*. oil hw .>»*■«! .it ' th \ Main m Spfm^tii-Icj ( .ill 72f»-IHOH lor appointment \l i v\(>Kk < ,i \k an II11) Sow Si-llmn < Ju.lllls l Mil A ( l| \ ( IS 1 • -Mini \ tiller Gallery Salon /klm Eye Lash Tinting s10 ! .Ml) predominantIv known for lias krlli,ill Si hemliet hlor joked. ''but ur will lr\ to livr up to our basketball tr,im won t hr ,i problrin .it Nebraska Southern ( ,il and I’rtin State m hook where has ketball is a name von play while waiting tor the loothall season to begin Although Nebraska's Tom (ishoine has the lust winning percentage ol any active coat h in college loothall, the Corn buskers base not won a nation al t hampionship during Ins 11■ year reign That might i flange this year, thanks to another dv naiuite offense and a i reampuff nun i ontereni e s« liedule doesn't ini lode a single team from last year's final lop JO poll Southern (ail must replace lleisman Trophy runner-up Rodney 1’eete. who went to the Nil. alter quarterbacking the Trojans to two Rose Howls Hut couch Larry Smith has a robust running att.u k and one of the nation's best defenses, with safeties Mark (Carrier and ( ileve land Colter and a line that has played together for three years Losing seasons m cur at I’enn State about as often as Hailey s i omet so the Nittany Lions are expecting major improvement after last year's fi-ti mark The biggest confident e booster is the return of tailbar k Blair tofe feopif fleet* "" £ lt> £l)&£7p~ '/a*1 -Pl'Pf 3^- M*0& Jk~\ 4J kjatj* Mori* t $i ' ° II ,.,,. I Thomas who sal out Iasi sea sun .»ttcr undergoing major knee surg years at (leorgl.i Switzer. Sherrill and Dooley yvere eai h replai ed hy an assis taut (lary Gihbs at Oklaho ma. K ( Slot um at Texas A&M ami Kay (loll at Georgia The neyy head man at Miami is Dell ms Trie kson. an offense orient ed roach from Washington State i'olloyving in the footsteps of Switzer. Johnson and Go won't he easy At schools like Okla homa and Miami, which has lost an average of one game per season since I'lHiT, wins are taken lor granted "Kxpei tations are extremely high." Krickson said. "Losing is an unheard of word around here and anytime you folloyy a successful conch like limmv that's yy hat y ou expel t All-Aitieric an (quarterback Sieve Walsh skipped Ins senior season at Miami and followed Johnson to the (lowboys His sm c essor. junior Craig Frick son. reportedly has an even stronger arm "He has the talent to he .is good as anybodv I've been around." said Dennis (no rela lion) Kric kson That's ipiite a compliment i onsidering that last vear he coached the na tion’s leading passer, Timm Kosenbai h I .ike Walsh. Kosenbai h passed up his last vear of col lege eligihilit\ to play III the pros So did running hacks I nn Worley ot Ceorgia Sammie Smith of Florida State Hobbs Humphrey ot Alabama and Har r\ Sanders ot Oklahoma State Running re< ords may fall tins season, but ku king marks ap pear to be safe her ause ol a new rule banning the use ot tees for field goals and extra points Tees can still be used on ku k offs The rule is designed to deem phasize the importance ol phu ekn keis, who were booting the ball longer and more act u rately than ever "I think we re going to find that we re taking the ku kefs out of the game " said l.arr\ Shank, coach of West Liberty College in West Virginia A good field-goal ku ker was good for a couple ot wins a year THIS IS /V YOUR SEASON TO SKI. AND WE RE READY FOR YOU. ULLR SKI SHOP SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Up to 60% off all summer merchandise -NEW LOCATION ^7th & Chambers_ 683*1977