Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 18, 1989, Section D, Page 20D, Image 125

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6th &. Willamette
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I Volleyball (<*ntinued from Page 1f»D
Stephanie Snyder ,iml Slrpha
nip Drier) .ill m .1 serious
mobhkr pose vsith the 111If
Hit Squad
"I like it. s.uil krrbshaih
whu lakes on the look ol .1 inoli
leader III till’ (HIsIlT ' They did
.1 great |oli on it Iml I have
mixed feelings about what nth
it people like the other teams
might llnnk about il I don't
want to ho looked it .is ,i stud
or anything
Noitoik wants In lie a last
(il.n i■ loam von just don't
want to lie there." said
Kri'lishai li tin' ti l outside lot
ti l who was naitii'd tin' tram’s
Most Valuable I’lavrr last si*a
son vs bill- raining all North
vsrst Krgion honors for Ihr
thud straight scar
"Ur have fivr starting sr
mors and this is thr last time
vvr II hr playing togrtlirr. shr
said "It vvr tlon I do it now
it s not going to happrn Ur
don't havr next vrai to think
about, so vvr might as well give
It out all now I think vsr ran
do really vs i ll
Krebsbaih who topped I hr
trail) III kills JJ lllllrs last sea
son while |iu king up double
figures on _':t occasions will
lead tin' team on< e again. along
with outside hitter Ter/ian. a
healths Snvder at setter mid
die blot ker I trier and h uhn.
The I tin ks also have last
sear's freshman sensation
D.isvnn "( heerios " t harrom
battling lor a starting position
dharroin is a (> I middle bloi k
er Also set to ( ompete are
sophomores Mindee Adams, a
ti ll outside hitter, and setter
Molls Mi (hath ss ho started
in in Ir of last season .liter Sits
tier's knee injury
|uIie Jeffers. Oregon's most
improved player of a sear ago.
returns as does All Watkins
and three freshman middle
blin kers (belt hen Hughes,
Jennifer Mediums and Man ic
I’rii e should provide the Dm ks
w itli some depth on the front
I lead i oai h (ierrs (Iregors re
turns for lus fourth season at
Oregon and experts to see an
improved team in the fall, one
that will battle for an upper di
vision finish in the tough I’.u 10
( ainferem e
"We had a mix of veterans
and south (last season) sshitli
is usually ,i good situation Init
we let ked leadership." Gregory
"Our young players dcvel
oped and we started tour fresh
men .it various times and that's
encouraging We should be im
proved l>ecause v\e don't lose
much," (Iregorv said
"This (losing) has been a
new experient e for me and I
hope I never have to go through
it again." he said
Hut as Gregory will tell you.
it's tough to avoid losing in the
Pat It), u Ini h is getting to he a
tougher contereni e eat Is year
' Kvervone's improving."
hrehshach said "The players
are getting better in general
They're starting earlier, playing
on i lull teams It's just getting
to he a more popular sport
(Iregorv agrees that the Put
10 is the toughest conference in
the land "because of the ace
demit reputations of the insti
tutions and the outstanding
volleyball tradition Finishing
ninth last year is not what we
expet ted We grew Iron) that
experiem e anti should he hat k
I urn to Volleyball, Page 1{
KrebSbaCh ((,nlinut>d from Past
ahout il I think it will hr ,i
i hallrngr .mil cm ding tli.it's
\\ li.il I u .nit cm itemrrit II s
not ^nmg to hr (wiring It hits
the ( ninhin.tlion nl Ixitli 1 don't
want In vvnrk in I hit office hut
it s got it’s share of paperwork
v\ hu h is finr
()I)K: Will vou hr playing
vullrvh.ill iinvmori''
Mk: I! I pl.nni anymotr it
would only hr for a vrar or so I
wouldn't mind playing in hu
ropr 1 would do that d It t.amc
up 1 11 just wait and srr: other
wise. I'm not going to vvorr>
about it I kind of want to move
on vv ith nn life .ind net sonic
other tlun«s started, but I don't
want to quit and totally give it
I n lie a normal student is rm
dream I think it will be fun
I ve gotten into the habit ol be
inn so organized not having
volleyball there and hav ing all
that free time. I'm worried that
I II get laired (/aug/is) I ni go
mg to have to stav ai live some
how bin anxious for it just to
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see what it's like l.ikr now.
when we have a Monday off. it
is so nic r |ust to net up. take .1
shower, to get dressed nice. to
go to i lass all da\ and not wor
r\ about a thing it's such .t
relief I'm like everyone else
and it's nice I'm looking for
ward to that
()1)K: Do yon have any advii e
to offer to the players just start
ing out f
Mh: We have so mam peo
pie coining hai k this year that
they'll probably feel they're not
going to play mm h I would
really encourage them to work
hard because they'll gel (letter
sooner and in there faster keep
positive about the whole thing
and have fun You can make it
fun il you want to
Oi)K: How would you like
people at this university to re
member you'
Mk: 1 guess I'd like to he re
membered as somebody not lug
on public ity Probably even
tempered Hood, hut not coc ky
I don’t want to he looked .it as a
snob Ijy somebody younger
than me. but somebody that
yy as nice and wanted to be your
friend and was a good vol
ley hall player too I he all
around person, I guess
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