Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 18, 1989, Section D, Page 18D, Image 123

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    Regional Italian Fooa ^
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While You Were Away
Wilson leaves softball post;
Brown picked up from ASU
IVrrsa W ilson
Short Is .itti-r leading I nr t ni
\ rrsits s softlmll team to tIn
( ollrge World Series .old being
o.oiled ( loach of the Year In the
\. 11 ion. 11 Softball ( (i.ii lies As so
i i,it ion I errs.i Wilson .in
IK in u< rd stir wits leasing Ore
j4on to act rpt .i similiir position
.it the I nivrrsits ot Minnesot.i
After four years .it Oregon
Wilson posted .i IJii l()-t m.irk
e.isilv topping the school's .ill
time \ iclorv list in 1‘iH‘i
W llsoll led t lie I tin ks to ,i .1 I It
sr.ison .oid .i fifth pl.u r finish
in thednllege World Series
Ari/on.i Stale assistant coai It
I ami Ifrnsvn s\as named to re
(OHM K nf Alder & llth Vw. J
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j & I) e I i j
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I Fountain Coke 12 oz. j
with mi) Ihli Purchase! {
1 \pi!v-v '> 'n S'l I
plait' Wilson lirown had horn
.in A.SI assist,ini tin two visits
but prior to that slit1 ii.nl a i on
sideratile softball bat kground
Broun was a standout short
stop and outbidder for the Sun
Devils baler, she cocaptained
tbr Redding Rebels to an Aina
teur Softball Association chain
pionship m 1‘ltbi and i oat bed
Stanford to a 2a a season ill
I'lie promise of a healtln Bill
Musgravc and nine other re
turning starters on offense lias
esc iled Dm k football fans Sea
soil lii ket sales for the five
home games have .drouth ex
t ceded last voar's number of
‘l. 'li1) and were threatening to
break the all time preseason
sales figures of I‘17.b
The rate of sales were mildh
surprising, considering that
an lirival Washington won t ap
pear at Aul/eii this year The
I niversitv does host the popu
l.ir annual t n il wai game uitli
(begun Stale this \ ear
Basketball players Richard
but as and Stephanie kasperski
were named to all-star Par Bit
10 (ainferem e teams that
toured I bulgurs over the sum
met I he men s team went 0 0
on the tour; the women s team,
letl In I hit k women's t oat h Kl
will I leim . went 1 2
The Kugene Kmeralds the
t ll\ s A level minor league
baseball team battled bat k
from a mid-season slump to
take over second place in the
Southern Division of the \orth
west btiague Tile Kills finished
set ond frehiud the Southern
(begun Athletii s. but first in
attendant e figures
Idle Kills set a lieu season at
tentlant e ret ortl and easily
passed the 100.000 mark for the
fifth \ ear in a rou . thin are tlie
iinh short season minor league
team u llh that honor
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