Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 18, 1989, Section D, Page 17D, Image 122

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    Anxious Krebsbach ready to play
Team's 'quiet' leader speaks up
By (j.irv Henley
Emerald Assoi iate Editor
Senior outside hitter Michele
Krehsbach of the Oregon ml
leyball lentil enters her List sen
sun n itli high hopes ,uui e\pei
tntions. hoping lor nil \( \ \
tourn.inient appearam e .mil e\
petting .< trouble tree injur\
tree season
Krebsthich will have to forget
about the injurv-free part as
the southern California native
broke a bone in her left hand on
the second da\ ol practice
forcing her to the sidelines tor a
Kif'lishach ret entl\ tnlkeil
with the Oregon Daily I merald
ahout the past, present and tu
lure of her career and Oregon
Oregon l)ail\ Emerald
What’s the strongest part ol
vour game right now7
Michele krebshach: Probably
that I'm really looking forward
to playing I always look for
ward to playing, but I'm more
anxious this vear because I'm .1
senior 1'hore s points I have to
work at with everything, so I
wouldn’t sav I have one spei it
ii thing.
1 have a lot of things in im
mind, hitting wise w hat I'm
going to do differently wh.it
I'm going to use more, not al
ways swinging away and using
more shots stuff like that
()I)K: I)o fans get disappoint
ed when the players don't
sw mg away and spike the ball?
Mk: I think so A lot of peo
ple expect that I get frustrated
sometimes, anil I'll just sav
"come on, Ini the halI. pist hit
it Stop being a wimp'" That's
what you're thinking to them,
but that won't always get you
points You gotta use yy hat you
gott.i use
ODE: Have these last three
years gone by last'.
VIk: Now that I look back on
it yes I think it’s gotten lastei
every year I 1 annul believe I
have only four months fell I
think this year's going to go
real last
()I)K: U ho s been y our lug
gest influent e ill volleyball?
Mk: When I y\us in high
school, there was tins newspa
per reporter He didn't influ
ence me but he made me mail
I toll! him I y\as going to (ire
gun. and he gist rippetl on me
He said, "you're not going to
make it there, you're not going
to gratlu.de. you'll never make
ptfiv it nonin
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tour vi’«irs of volleyball 1'hat
made me more mad than an\
tiling and I |iist wanted to
prove to him that I would make
it I le really irritates me
()I)K: Have sou heard horn
him since?
Mk \o He writes lor the
\ 'alleyh.ill \lanlhl\ so lies i
pretts hi>* (leal guv. hut lie's
lust .1 |eik And I'm sure that he
knows I'm here I think the
team (at Oregon) influenced me
the most Kversbodv s been so
good Kvervone's been real
helptul and always wanting to
do things lor you
01)1.: Did sou change i lot
from sour sophomore to junioi
seasons, alter (former Oregon
plus er | I eri Kramer graduated ?
Mk: I would sas no 1 en and
I always got along \o. 1
shouldn't sas that sve didn't
u/uuvs get along I kind of felt
Mil h«?!«* Kiebsh.u h
more relieved I don
lh.il \ going In .sound
just lh.it I ulu.iys lid
not critic i/.ing me
ing something And
t know it
good It s
t she vs.IS
hut think
when she
I urn to Krebstuu h, Page I *M)
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