Club sports play all year 'round By Carrie Cook Emerald Contributor Students, faculty and stall can enjov more than lit) sports year-round with the Universi tv's co-ed. recreational, and competitive Club Sports Pro gram. The program was designed for people who want a different athletic program from the al ready existing intramural and intercollegiate programs at the University Student interest and participation keeps the clubs operating Kach club is student-organized and the se lect ion of volunteer coaches is conducted by the students At the present time. 2d < lubs are active However, student interest could revive three iliac live clubs: korfball. handball and racquetball Twelve clubs offer year round competition The lirst ol these is the Badminton Club which is a member ol the I S Badminton Assoi iations The Equestrian Club com petes with other Northwest col legiate teams in events for Kng lish riders throughout the school veal Both men and women i an compete in the Olvmpii sport of judo The karate ( dub com petes through the school year .ind finishes with the Universi Iv Spring karate Invitational The Rugln Club, with both men's and women's teams, is a member of the Oregon Rugln, f ootball Union and takes a trip during spring break to tourna inents in Canada and Calilor nia Also competing year round is the* Sailing ('lull, which |>r.u liens at Dexter Reservoir during fall and winter and Kern Ridge Reservoir during spring and summer. The Crew Club is a ( ompetmg mrmticr of the I’ai il ii 1(1 Conference and Western Intercollegiate Rowing Assoi la tion and also holds its prai tii ns at Dexter Reservoir, near Ku gene Soi l er. table tennis. tae kwon do. ultimate frisbee and volleyball are the other sports represented bv clubs that com pete in collegiate competition throughout the Northwest dur ing the year There are 1(1 i tub sports of fering seasonal competition .it some point during the year The Aikido Club competes in the Northwest and California, the baseball (Hub < ompetes against Northwest collegiate teams The Men's and Women's Howling (dubs plav in the Ore gun Collegiate bowling Confer mice and other collegiate tour nements A (A'l ling ( lub i mil petes throughout spring and summer and is a member of the [' S I Ai ling Federation Men and women of all skill levels have the opportunity to train and i oinpete during part ot the \ear with the l ent mg ( lub And during spring term the rosse (dub a member ot the I’acifit Northwest I .at rosse Association, competes against i lulls from other schools and neighborhoods Idle rifle ski sw mulling and watei polo teams also compete and prai In e dm mg t ertain sea sons of the school year with other i oilegiate teams The newest i lub spurt is the K.inner dialleilge. whu It trains members m military skills .it the University's Department of Military Skills arid .it Kurt l ew is. Washington funding for the i lulls is de rived from student ini idental fees and student fundraising, therefore, memhersliip less do not exist The Chili Sports Program of fice is lo< ated dow nst.urs in the KMD. Kiimii >, near the Kei rea tional (ainter f or questions and information regarding the dull Sports Program, tall I.Mti 17.It Gado imtoiti'Miin vjUd $35° AM) FOR IIINNFR Kuay-Teow MAM Ol III R ( lion is CHINA dLUL Restaurant Upstairs. Next to l' ol () Hookstore 879 K. 13th • 343-2832 SECOND THOUGHTS Contemporary New & Used Clothing For Men & Women 77 W 11th • 683-6501 • Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm We also pay cash tor Men's and Women s clothing No Appointment Necessary RESUMES (live your resume .1 look, l>\ h.ninj* it typeset .it I el ter I’er te« t (.r.iphu s till) I MU. (>»() -1 5ft I t)-'» Mon-Fri. GRAND OPENING We’re excited to be at U of O! Help us celebrate our new store with some very special “Back to Books’’ prices. T-SHIRTS * Hanes Beefy-T * Oneita * Great Colors Reg. $750 Sale $400 SHORTS * Russell * Nylon running * Cotton Sheeting V2 Price SWEATS * Custom G of O * Tackle Twill * Screen Print 20% off We Feature the Best in Quality, Design & Colors. The Best Off Campus Prices! Campus connection — u of 0 kj 720 E. 13th (Next to Dairy Queen) N1VERS1TY III •P I R 1 I Ilk